import { Editor } from "../editor.tsx"; import { Transaction } from "../../../dep_web.ts"; import { SysCallMapping } from "../../plugos/system.ts"; import { FilterOption } from "../../common/types.ts"; type SyntaxNode = { name: string; text: string; from: number; to: number; }; function ensureAnchor(expr: any, start: boolean) { var _a; let { source } = expr; let addStart = start && source[0] != "^", addEnd = source[source.length - 1] != "$"; if (!addStart && !addEnd) return expr; return new RegExp( `${addStart ? "^" : ""}(?:${source})${addEnd ? "$" : ""}`, (_a = expr.flags) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : expr.ignoreCase ? "i" : "", ); } export function editorSyscalls(editor: Editor): SysCallMapping { const syscalls: SysCallMapping = { "editor.getCurrentPage": (): string => { return editor.currentPage!; }, "editor.getText": () => { return editor.editorView?.state.sliceDoc(); }, "editor.getCursor": (): number => { return editor.editorView!.state.selection.main.from; }, "editor.getSelection": (): { from: number; to: number } => { return editor.editorView!.state.selection.main; }, "": async () => { return; }, "editor.navigate": async ( ctx, name: string, pos: number | string, replaceState = false, ) => { await editor.navigate(name, pos, replaceState); }, "editor.reloadPage": async (ctx) => { await editor.reloadPage(); }, "editor.openUrl": async (ctx, url: string) => { let win =, "_blank"); if (win) { win.focus(); } }, "editor.flashNotification": ( ctx, message: string, type: "error" | "info" = "info", ) => { editor.flashNotification(message, type); }, "editor.filterBox": ( ctx, label: string, options: FilterOption[], helpText: string = "", placeHolder: string = "", ): Promise => { return editor.filterBox(label, options, helpText, placeHolder); }, "editor.showPanel": ( ctx, id: string, mode: number, html: string, script: string, ) => { editor.viewDispatch({ type: "show-panel", id: id as any, config: { html, script, mode }, }); }, "editor.hidePanel": (ctx, id: string) => { editor.viewDispatch({ type: "hide-panel", id: id as any, }); }, // Deprecated in favor of using "hidePanel" and "showPanel" "editor.showRhs": (ctx, html: string, script: string, flex: number) => { syscalls["editor.showPanel"](ctx, "rhs", flex, html, script); }, "editor.hideRhs": (ctx) => { syscalls["editor.hidePanel"](ctx, "rhs"); }, "editor.showLhs": (ctx, html: string, script: string, flex: number) => { syscalls["editor.showPanel"](ctx, "lhs", flex, html, script); }, "editor.hideLhs": (ctx) => { syscalls["editor.hidePanel"](ctx, "lhs"); }, "editor.showBhs": (ctx, html: string, script: string, flex: number) => { syscalls["editor.showPanel"](ctx, "bhs", flex, html, script); }, "editor.hideBhs": (ctx) => { syscalls["editor.hidePanel"](ctx, "bhs"); }, "editor.insertAtPos": (ctx, text: string, pos: number) => { editor.editorView!.dispatch({ changes: { insert: text, from: pos, }, }); }, "editor.replaceRange": (ctx, from: number, to: number, text: string) => { editor.editorView!.dispatch({ changes: { insert: text, from: from, to: to, }, }); }, "editor.moveCursor": (ctx, pos: number) => { editor.editorView!.dispatch({ selection: { anchor: pos, }, }); }, "editor.setSelection": (ctx, from: number, to: number) => { let editorView = editor.editorView!; editorView.dispatch({ selection: { anchor: from, head: to, }, }); }, "editor.insertAtCursor": (ctx, text: string) => { let editorView = editor.editorView!; let from = editorView.state.selection.main.from; editorView.dispatch({ changes: { insert: text, from: from, }, selection: { anchor: from + text.length, }, }); }, "editor.matchBefore": ( ctx, regexp: string, ): { from: number; to: number; text: string } | null => { const editorState = editor.editorView!.state; let selection = editorState.selection.main; let from = selection.from; if (selection.empty) { let line = editorState.doc.lineAt(from); let start = Math.max(line.from, from - 250); let str = line.text.slice(start - line.from, from - line.from); let found = RegExp(regexp), false)); // console.log("Line", line, start, str, new RegExp(regexp), found); return found < 0 ? null : { from: start + found, to: from, text: str.slice(found) }; } return null; }, "editor.dispatch": (ctx, change: Transaction) => { editor.editorView!.dispatch(change); }, "editor.prompt": ( ctx, message: string, defaultValue = "", ): string | null => { return prompt(message, defaultValue); }, "editor.enableReadOnlyMode": (ctx, enabled: boolean) => { editor.viewDispatch({ type: "set-editor-ro", enabled, }); }, }; return syscalls; }