// HIDE MARKS import { Decoration, DecorationSet, EditorView, ViewPlugin, ViewUpdate, } from "../deps.ts"; import { checkRangeOverlap, invisibleDecoration, isCursorInRange, iterateTreeInVisibleRanges, } from "./util.ts"; /** * These types contain markers as child elements that can be hidden. */ const typesWithMarks = [ "Emphasis", "StrongEmphasis", "InlineCode", "Highlight", "Strikethrough", "CommandLink", ]; /** * The elements which are used as marks. */ const markTypes = [ "EmphasisMark", "CodeMark", "HighlightMark", "StrikethroughMark", "CommandLinkMark", ]; /** * Plugin to hide marks when the they are not in the editor selection. */ class HideMarkPlugin { decorations: DecorationSet; constructor(view: EditorView) { this.decorations = this.compute(view); } update(update: ViewUpdate) { if (update.docChanged || update.viewportChanged || update.selectionSet) { this.decorations = this.compute(update.view); } } compute(view: EditorView): DecorationSet { const widgets: any[] = []; let parentRange: [number, number]; iterateTreeInVisibleRanges(view, { enter: ({ type, from, to, node }) => { if (typesWithMarks.includes(type.name)) { // There can be a possibility that the current node is a // child eg. a bold node in a emphasis node, so check // for that or else save the node range if ( parentRange && checkRangeOverlap([from, to], parentRange) ) { return; } else parentRange = [from, to]; if (isCursorInRange(view.state, [from, to])) return; const innerTree = node.toTree(); innerTree.iterate({ enter({ type, from: markFrom, to: markTo }) { // Check for mark types and push the replace // decoration if (!markTypes.includes(type.name)) return; widgets.push( invisibleDecoration.range( from + markFrom, from + markTo, ), ); }, }); } }, }); return Decoration.set(widgets, true); } } /** * Ixora hide marks plugin. * * This plugin allows to: * - Hide marks when they are not in the editor selection. */ export const hideMarks = () => [ ViewPlugin.fromClass(HideMarkPlugin, { decorations: (v) => v.decorations, }), ]; // HEADINGS class HideHeaderMarkPlugin { decorations: DecorationSet; constructor(view: EditorView) { this.decorations = this.hideHeaderMark(view); } update(update: ViewUpdate) { if (update.docChanged || update.viewportChanged || update.selectionSet) { this.decorations = this.hideHeaderMark(update.view); } } /** * Function to decide if to insert a decoration to hide the header mark * @param view - Editor view * @returns The `Decoration`s that hide the header marks */ private hideHeaderMark(view: EditorView) { const widgets: any[] = []; const ranges = view.state.selection.ranges; iterateTreeInVisibleRanges(view, { enter: ({ type, from, to }) => { // Get the active line const line = view.lineBlockAt(from); // If any cursor overlaps with the heading line, skip const cursorOverlaps = ranges.some(({ from, to }) => checkRangeOverlap([from, to], [line.from, line.to]) ); if (cursorOverlaps && type.name === "HeaderMark") { widgets.push( Decoration.line({ class: "sb-header-inside" }).range(from), ); return; } else if (cursorOverlaps) { return; } if ( type.name === "HeaderMark" && // Setext heading's horizontal lines are not hidden. /[#]/.test(view.state.sliceDoc(from, to)) ) { const dec = Decoration.replace({}); widgets.push(dec.range(from, to + 1)); } }, }); return Decoration.set(widgets, true); } } /** * Plugin to hide the header mark. * * The header mark will not be hidden when: * - The cursor is on the active line * - The mark is on a line which is in the current selection */ export const hideHeaderMarkPlugin = ViewPlugin.fromClass(HideHeaderMarkPlugin, { decorations: (v) => v.decorations, });