import { Decoration, DecorationSet, EditorView, Range, syntaxTree, ViewPlugin, ViewUpdate, WidgetType, } from "../deps.ts"; class InlineImageWidget extends WidgetType { constructor(readonly url: string, readonly title: string) { super(); } eq(other: InlineImageWidget) { return other.url === this.url && other.title === this.title; } toDOM() { const img = document.createElement("img"); if (this.url.startsWith("http")) { img.src = this.url; } else { img.src = `fs/${this.url}`; } img.alt = this.title; img.title = this.title; = "block"; img.className = "sb-inline-img"; return img; } } const inlineImages = (view: EditorView) => { const widgets: Range[] = []; const imageRegex = /!\[(?[^\]]*)\]\((?<url>.+)\)/; for (const { from, to } of view.visibleRanges) { syntaxTree(view.state).iterate({ from, to, enter: (node) => { if ( !== "Image") { return; } const imageRexexResult = imageRegex.exec( view.state.sliceDoc(node.from,, ); if (imageRexexResult === null || !imageRexexResult.groups) { return; } const url = imageRexexResult.groups.url; const title = imageRexexResult.groups.title; const deco = Decoration.widget({ widget: new InlineImageWidget(url, title), }); widgets.push(deco.range(; }, }); } return Decoration.set(widgets, true); }; export const inlineImagesPlugin = () => ViewPlugin.fromClass( class { decorations: DecorationSet; constructor(view: EditorView) { this.decorations = inlineImages(view); } update(update: ViewUpdate) { if (update.docChanged) { this.decorations = inlineImages(update.view); } } }, { decorations: (v) => v.decorations, }, );