The Editor API provides functions for interacting with the editor interface. ### editor.getCurrentPage() Returns the name of the page currently open in the editor. Example: ${editor.getCurrentPage()} ### editor.getCurrentPageMeta() Returns the meta data of the page currently open in the editor. Example: ${editor.getCurrentPageMeta()} ### editor.getText() Returns the full text of the currently open page. Example: ```lua local text = editor.getText() print("Document length: " .. #text) ``` ### editor.setText(text, isolateHistory) Updates the editor text while preserving cursor location. Example: ```lua local text = editor.getText() editor.setText(text:upper(), false) -- Convert to uppercase ``` ### editor.insertAtPos(text, pos) Insert text at the specified position. Example: ```lua editor.insertAtPos("Hello!", 0) -- Insert at beginning ``` ### editor.replaceRange(from, to, text) Replace text in the specified range. Example: ```lua editor.replaceRange(0, 5, "New text") ``` ### editor.insertAtCursor(text, scrollIntoView?) Insert text at the current cursor position. Example: ```lua editor.insertAtCursor("Inserted at cursor") ``` ### editor.getCursor() Returns the cursor position as character offset. Example: ```lua local pos = editor.getCursor() print("Cursor at position: " .. pos) ``` ### editor.getSelection() Returns the current selection range. Example: ```lua local sel = editor.getSelection() print("Selection from " .. sel.from .. " to " .. ``` ### editor.setSelection(from, to) Sets the current selection range. Example: ```lua editor.setSelection(0, 10) -- Select first 10 characters ``` ### editor.moveCursor(pos, center) Move the cursor to a specific position. Example: ```lua editor.moveCursor(0, true) -- Move to start and center ``` ### editor.moveCursorToLine(line, column, center) Move the cursor to a specific line and column. Example: ```lua editor.moveCursorToLine(1, 1, true) -- Move to start of first line ``` ### editor.openPageNavigator(mode) Opens the page navigator. Example: ```lua editor.openPageNavigator("page") ``` ### editor.openCommandPalette() Opens the command palette. Example: ```lua editor.openCommandPalette() ``` ### editor.showPanel(id, mode, html, script) Shows a panel in the editor. Example: ```lua editor.showPanel("rhs", 1, "


") ``` ### editor.hidePanel(id) Hides a panel in the editor. Example: ```lua editor.hidePanel("rhs") ``` ### editor.flashNotification(message, type) Shows a flash notification. Example: ```lua editor.flashNotification("Operation completed", "info") ``` ### editor.downloadFile(filename, dataUrl) Triggers a file download in the browser. Example: ```lua editor.downloadFile("test.txt", "data:text/plain;base64,SGVsbG8=") ``` ### editor.uploadFile(accept, capture) Opens a file upload dialog. Example: ```lua local file = editor.uploadFile(".txt", nil) print("Uploaded: " .. ``` ### editor.copyToClipboard(data) Copies data to the clipboard. Example: ```lua editor.copyToClipboard("Copied text") ``` ### editor.toggleFold() Toggles code folding at the current position. Example: ```lua editor.toggleFold() ``` ### editor.foldAll() Folds all foldable regions. Example: ```lua editor.foldAll() ``` ### editor.unfoldAll() Unfolds all folded regions. Example: ```lua editor.unfoldAll() ``` ### editor.openSearchPanel() Opens the editor's search panel. Example: ```lua editor.openSearchPanel()