import { editor, space } from "$sb/syscalls.ts"; import { validatePageName } from "../../plug-api/lib/page_ref.ts"; import { getBackLinks } from "./page_links.ts"; export async function renamePageCommand(cmdDef: any) { const oldName = await editor.getCurrentPage(); console.log("Old name is", oldName); const newName = || await editor.prompt(`Rename ${oldName} to:`, oldName); if (!newName) { return; } try { validatePageName(newName); } catch (e: any) { return editor.flashNotification(e.message, "error"); } console.log("New name", newName); if (newName.trim() === oldName.trim()) { // Nothing to do here console.log("Name unchanged, exiting"); return; } await; try { console.log( "Checking if target page already exists, this should result in a 'Not found' error", ); try { // This throws an error if the page does not exist, which we expect to be the case await space.getPageMeta(newName); // So when we get to this point, we error out throw new Error( `Page ${newName} already exists, cannot rename to existing page.`, ); } catch (e: any) { if (e.message === "Not found") { // Expected not found error, so we can continue } else { throw e; } } const updatedReferences = await renamePage(oldName, newName, true); await editor.flashNotification( `Renamed page, and updated ${updatedReferences} references`, ); } catch (e: any) { await editor.flashNotification(e.message, "error"); } } async function renamePage( oldName: string, newName: string, navigateThere = false, ): Promise { const text = await space.readPage(oldName); console.log("Writing new page to space"); const newPageMeta = await space.writePage(newName, text); if (navigateThere) { console.log("Navigating to new page"); await editor.navigate({ page: newName, pos: 0 }, true); } const pagesToUpdate = await getBackLinks(oldName); console.log("All pages containing backlinks", pagesToUpdate); // Handling the edge case of a changing page name just in casing on a case insensitive FS const oldPageMeta = await space.getPageMeta(oldName); if (oldPageMeta.lastModified !== newPageMeta.lastModified) { // If they're the same, let's assume it's the same file (case insensitive FS) and not delete, otherwise... console.log("Deleting page from space"); await space.deletePage(oldName); } // This is the bit where we update all the links const pageToUpdateSet = new Set(); for (const pageToUpdate of pagesToUpdate) { pageToUpdateSet.add(; } let updatedReferences = 0; for (const pageToUpdate of pageToUpdateSet) { if (pageToUpdate === oldName) { continue; } console.log("Now going to update links in", pageToUpdate); const text = await space.readPage(pageToUpdate); // console.log("Received text", text); if (!text) { // Page likely does not exist, but at least we can skip it continue; } // Replace all links found in place following the patterns [[Page]] and [[Page@pos]] as well as [[Page$anchor]] const newText = text.replaceAll(`[[${oldName}]]`, () => { // Plain link format updatedReferences++; return `[[${newName}]]`; }).replaceAll(`[[${oldName}|`, () => { // Aliased link format updatedReferences++; return `[[${newName}|`; }).replaceAll(`[[${oldName}@`, () => { // Link with position format updatedReferences++; return `[[${newName}@`; }).replaceAll(`[[${oldName}$`, () => { // Link with anchor format updatedReferences++; return `[[${newName}$`; }).replaceAll(`[[${oldName}#`, () => { // Link with header format updatedReferences++; return `[[${newName}#`; }); if (text !== newText) { console.log("Changes made, saving..."); await space.writePage(pageToUpdate, newText); } } return updatedReferences; } export async function renamePrefixCommand() { const oldPrefix = await editor.prompt("Prefix to rename:", ""); if (!oldPrefix) { return; } const newPrefix = await editor.prompt("New prefix:", oldPrefix); if (!newPrefix) { return; } const allPages = await space.listPages(); const allAffectedPages = => => page.startsWith(oldPrefix) ); if ( !(await editor.confirm( `This will affect ${allAffectedPages.length} pages. Are you sure?`, )) ) { return; } const allNewNames = => // This may seem naive, but it's actually fine, because we're only renaming the first occurrence (which will be the prefix) name.replace(oldPrefix, newPrefix) ); try { console.log("Pre-flight check to see if all new names are available"); await Promise.all( (name) => { try { await space.getPageMeta(name); // If we got here, the page exists, so we error out throw Error( `Target ${name} already exists, cannot perform batch rename when one of the target pages already exists.`, ); } catch (e: any) { if (e.message === "Not found") { // Expected not found error, so we can continue } else { throw e; } } })); console.log("All new names are available, proceeding with rename"); for (let i = 0; i < allAffectedPages.length; i++) { const oldName = allAffectedPages[i]; const newName = allNewNames[i]; console.log("Now renaming", oldName, "to", newName); await renamePage(oldName, newName); } await editor.flashNotification("Batch rename complete", "info"); } catch (e: any) { return editor.flashNotification(e.message, "error"); } } export async function extractToPageCommand() { const newName = await editor.prompt(`New page title:`, "new page"); if (!newName) { return; } console.log("New name", newName); try { // This throws an error if the page does not exist, which we expect to be the case await space.getPageMeta(newName); // So when we get to this point, we error out throw new Error( `Page ${newName} already exists, cannot rename to existing page.`, ); } catch (e: any) { if (e.message === "Not found") { // Expected not found error, so we can continue } else { await editor.flashNotification(e.message, "error"); throw e; } } let text = await editor.getText(); const selection = await editor.getSelection(); text = text.slice(selection.from,; await editor.replaceRange(selection.from,, `[[${newName}]]`); console.log("Writing new page to space"); await space.writePage(newName, text); console.log("Navigating to new page"); await editor.navigate({ page: newName }); }