import { Plug } from "@plugos/plugos/plug"; import { FileData, FileEncoding, SpacePrimitives, } from "@silverbulletmd/common/spaces/space_primitives"; import { AttachmentMeta, FileMeta, PageMeta, } from "@silverbulletmd/common/types"; import { PageNamespaceHook, NamespaceOperation } from "./page_namespace"; export class PlugSpacePrimitives implements SpacePrimitives { constructor( private wrapped: SpacePrimitives, private hook: PageNamespaceHook ) {} performOperation( type: NamespaceOperation, pageName: string, ...args: any[] ): Promise<any> | false { for (let { operation, pattern, plug, name } of this.hook.spaceFunctions) { if (operation === type && pageName.match(pattern)) { return plug.invoke(name, [pageName, ...args]); } } return false; } async fetchFileList(): Promise<FileMeta[]> { let allFiles: FileMeta[] = []; for (let { plug, name, operation } of this.hook.spaceFunctions) { if (operation === "listFiles") { try { for (let pm of await plug.invoke(name, [])) { allFiles.push(pm); } } catch (e) { console.error("Error listing files", e); } } } let result = await this.wrapped.fetchFileList(); for (let pm of result) { allFiles.push(pm); } return allFiles; } readFile( name: string, encoding: FileEncoding ): Promise<{ data: FileData; meta: FileMeta }> { let result = this.performOperation("readFile", name); if (result) { return result; } return this.wrapped.readFile(name, encoding); } getFileMeta(name: string): Promise<FileMeta> { let result = this.performOperation("getFileMeta", name); if (result) { return result; } return this.wrapped.getFileMeta(name); } writeFile( name: string, encoding: FileEncoding, data: FileData, selfUpdate?: boolean ): Promise<FileMeta> { let result = this.performOperation( "writeFile", name, encoding, data, selfUpdate ); if (result) { return result; } return this.wrapped.writeFile(name, encoding, data, selfUpdate); } deleteFile(name: string): Promise<void> { let result = this.performOperation("deleteFile", name); if (result) { return result; } return this.wrapped.deleteFile(name); } proxySyscall(plug: Plug<any>, name: string, args: any[]): Promise<any> { return this.wrapped.proxySyscall(plug, name, args); } invokeFunction( plug: Plug<any>, env: string, name: string, args: any[] ): Promise<any> { return this.wrapped.invokeFunction(plug, env, name, args); } }