import { beforeEach, describe, it } from "$std/testing/bdd.ts"; import { buildQueryFunctions } from "$common/query_functions.ts"; import type { System } from "$lib/plugos/system.ts"; import { assertEquals, assertRejects, assertThrows, } from "$std/testing/asserts.ts"; let functions: ReturnType; beforeEach(() => { functions = buildQueryFunctions( new Set([""]), {} as System, ); }); describe("pageExists", () => { const invalidValues = [/hello/, 1, null, undefined, true, {}]; for (const value of invalidValues) { it(`should throw if name is ${value}`, () => { assertThrows( () => functions.pageExists(value), Error, "pageExists(): name is not a string", ); }); } it("should return true if name starts with ! or {{", () => { assertEquals(functions.pageExists("!invalid name"), true); assertEquals(functions.pageExists("{{invalid name"), true); }); it("should return true if page exists", () => { assertEquals(functions.pageExists("page1"), true); }); it("should return false if page doesn't exist", () => { assertEquals(functions.pageExists("page2"), false); }); }); describe("rewriteRefsAndFederationLinks", () => { it("should rewrite all task references to include a page ref", () => { const template1 = "* [ ] My task\n* [ ] [[other@2]] Ignore me\n* [ ] Rewrite me too [[other page]]\n"; assertEquals( functions.rewriteTaskRefs(template1, "page1"), "* [ ] [[page1@2]] My task\n* [ ] [[other@2]] Ignore me\n* [ ] [[page1@44]] Rewrite me too [[other page]]\n", ); }); }); describe("template", () => { const invalidValues = [/hello/, 1, null, undefined, true, {}]; for (const value of invalidValues) { it(`should throw if template is ${value}`, async () => { await assertRejects( () => functions.template(value), Error, "template(): template is not a string", ); }); } });