type LimitedMapRecord<V> = { value: V; la: number; expTimer?: number; }; export class LimitedMap<V> { private map: Map<string, LimitedMapRecord<V>>; constructor( private maxSize: number, initialJson: Record<string, LimitedMapRecord<V>> = {}, ) { this.map = new Map(Object.entries(initialJson)); } /** * @param key * @param value * @param ttl time to live (in ms) */ set(key: string, value: V, ttl?: number) { const entry: LimitedMapRecord<V> = { value, la: Date.now() }; if (ttl) { const existingEntry = this.map.get(key); if (existingEntry?.expTimer) { clearTimeout(existingEntry.expTimer); } entry.expTimer = setTimeout(() => { this.map.delete(key); }, ttl); } if (this.map.size >= this.maxSize) { // Remove the oldest key before adding a new one const oldestKey = this.getOldestKey(); this.map.delete(oldestKey!); } this.map.set(key, entry); } get(key: string): V | undefined { const entry = this.map.get(key); if (entry) { // Update the last accessed timestamp entry.la = Date.now(); return entry.value; } return undefined; } remove(key: string) { this.map.delete(key); } toJSON() { return Object.fromEntries(this.map.entries()); } private getOldestKey(): string | undefined { let oldestKey: string | undefined; let oldestTimestamp: number | undefined; for (const [key, entry] of this.map.entries()) { if (!oldestTimestamp || entry.la < oldestTimestamp) { oldestKey = key; oldestTimestamp = entry.la; } } return oldestKey; } }