type: plug
uri: github:m1lt0n/silverbullet-serendipity/serendipity.plug.json
repo: https://github.com/m1lt0n/silverbullet-serendipity
author: Pantelis Vratsalis

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# Serendipity plug for SilverBullet

Serendipity introduces randomness in your navigation to your pages and notes in [silverbullet](https://silverbullet.md/).

The plug includes 3 commands:

* Open a random page: navigates to a totally random page
* Open a random page that contains a tag (e.g. `#hobbies`): narrows down the random pages to only those that have a specific tag
* Open a random page based on a search term (e.g. `performance management`): narrows down the random pages to only those that match the search term.

In order to easily access the commands, all of their names are prefixed with `Serendipity:`.

## Installation

Open (`cmd+k` in Mac and `ctrl+k` in other systems) your `PLUGS` note in SilverBullet and add this plug to the list:

- github:m1lt0n/silverbullet-serendipity/serendipity.plug.json

Then run the `Plugs: Update` command and you're ready!
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