import { SpaceSync, type SyncStatusItem } from "./sync.ts"; import { DiskSpacePrimitives } from "./disk_space_primitives.ts"; import { assertEquals } from "@std/assert"; Deno.test("Test store", async () => { const primaryPath = await Deno.makeTempDir(); const secondaryPath = await Deno.makeTempDir(); console.log("Primary", primaryPath); console.log("Secondary", secondaryPath); const primary = new DiskSpacePrimitives(primaryPath); const secondary = new DiskSpacePrimitives(secondaryPath); const snapshot = new Map<string, SyncStatusItem>(); const sync = new SpaceSync(primary, secondary, { conflictResolver: SpaceSync.primaryConflictResolver, }); // Write one page to primary await primary.writeFile("index", stringToBytes("Hello")); assertEquals((await secondary.fetchFileList()).length, 0); console.log("Initial sync ops", await doSync()); assertEquals((await secondary.fetchFileList()).length, 1); assertEquals( (await secondary.readFile("index")).data, stringToBytes("Hello"), ); // Should be a no-op assertEquals(await doSync(), 0); // Now let's make a change on the secondary await secondary.writeFile("index", stringToBytes("Hello!!")); await secondary.writeFile("test", stringToBytes("Test page")); // And sync it await doSync(); assertEquals((await primary.fetchFileList()).length, 2); assertEquals((await secondary.fetchFileList()).length, 2); assertEquals( (await primary.readFile("index")).data, stringToBytes("Hello!!"), ); // Let's make some random edits on both ends await primary.writeFile("index", stringToBytes("1")); await primary.writeFile("index2", stringToBytes("2")); await secondary.writeFile("index3", stringToBytes("3")); await secondary.writeFile("index4", stringToBytes("4")); await doSync(); assertEquals((await primary.fetchFileList()).length, 5); assertEquals((await secondary.fetchFileList()).length, 5); assertEquals(await doSync(), 0); console.log("Deleting pages"); // Delete some pages await primary.deleteFile("index"); await primary.deleteFile("index3"); await doSync(); assertEquals((await primary.fetchFileList()).length, 3); assertEquals((await secondary.fetchFileList()).length, 3); // No-op assertEquals(await doSync(), 0); await secondary.deleteFile("index4"); await primary.deleteFile("index2"); await doSync(); // Just "test" left assertEquals((await primary.fetchFileList()).length, 1); assertEquals((await secondary.fetchFileList()).length, 1); // No-op assertEquals(await doSync(), 0); await secondary.writeFile("index", stringToBytes("I'm back")); await doSync(); assertEquals( (await primary.readFile("index")).data, stringToBytes("I'm back"), ); // Cause a conflict console.log("Introducing a conflict now"); await primary.writeFile("index", stringToBytes("Hello 1")); await secondary.writeFile("index", stringToBytes("Hello 2")); await doSync(); // Sync conflicting copy back await doSync(); // Verify that primary won assertEquals( (await primary.readFile("index")).data, stringToBytes("Hello 1"), ); assertEquals( (await secondary.readFile("index")).data, stringToBytes("Hello 1"), ); // test + index + index.conflicting copy assertEquals((await primary.fetchFileList()).length, 3); assertEquals((await secondary.fetchFileList()).length, 3); // Introducing a fake conflict (same content, so not really conflicting) await primary.writeFile("index", stringToBytes("Hello 1")); await secondary.writeFile("index", stringToBytes("Hello 1")); await doSync(); await doSync(); // test + index + + previous index.conflicting copy but nothing more assertEquals((await primary.fetchFileList()).length, 3); console.log("Bringing a third device in the mix"); const ternaryPath = await Deno.makeTempDir(); console.log("Ternary", ternaryPath); const ternary = new DiskSpacePrimitives(ternaryPath); const sync2 = new SpaceSync( secondary, ternary, { conflictResolver: SpaceSync.primaryConflictResolver, }, ); const snapshot2 = new Map<string, SyncStatusItem>(); console.log( "N ops", await sync2.syncFiles(snapshot2), ); await sleep(2); assertEquals(await sync2.syncFiles(snapshot2), 0); // I had to look up what follows ternary ( const quaternaryPath = await Deno.makeTempDir(); const quaternary = new DiskSpacePrimitives(quaternaryPath); const sync3 = new SpaceSync( secondary, quaternary, { isSyncCandidate: (path) => !path.startsWith("index"), conflictResolver: SpaceSync.primaryConflictResolver, }, ); const selectingOps = await sync3.syncFiles(new Map()); assertEquals(selectingOps, 1); await Deno.remove(primaryPath, { recursive: true }); await Deno.remove(secondaryPath, { recursive: true }); await Deno.remove(ternaryPath, { recursive: true }); await Deno.remove(quaternaryPath, { recursive: true }); async function doSync() { await sleep(); const r = await sync.syncFiles(snapshot); await sleep(); return r; } }); function sleep(ms = 10): Promise<void> { return new Promise((resolve) => { setTimeout(resolve, ms); }); } function stringToBytes(s: string): Uint8Array { return new TextEncoder().encode(s); }