import { CompletionContext, CompletionResult, useEffect } from "../deps.ts"; import type { ComponentChildren, FunctionalComponent } from "../deps.ts"; import { Notification } from "../types.ts"; import { FeatherProps } from ""; import { MiniEditor } from "./mini_editor.tsx"; export type ActionButton = { icon: FunctionalComponent<FeatherProps>; description: string; class?: string; callback: () => void; href?: string; }; export function TopBar({ pageName, unsavedChanges, syncFailures, isLoading, notifications, onRename, actionButtons, darkMode, vimMode, progressPerc, completer, lhs, onClick, rhs, }: { pageName?: string; unsavedChanges: boolean; syncFailures: number; isLoading: boolean; notifications: Notification[]; darkMode: boolean; vimMode: boolean; progressPerc?: number; onRename: (newName?: string) => Promise<void>; onClick: () => void; completer: (context: CompletionContext) => Promise<CompletionResult | null>; actionButtons: ActionButton[]; lhs?: ComponentChildren; rhs?: ComponentChildren; }) { // Another one of my less proud moments: // Somehow I cannot seem to proerply limit the width of the page name, so I'm doing // it this way. If you have a better way to do this, please let me know! useEffect(() => { function resizeHandler() { const editorWidth = parseInt( getComputedStyle(document.getElementById("sb-root")!).getPropertyValue( "--editor-width", ), ); const currentPageElement = document.getElementById("sb-current-page"); if (currentPageElement) { // Temporarily make it very narrow to give the parent space = "10px"; const innerDiv = currentPageElement.parentElement!.parentElement!; // Then calculate a new width const substract = 60 + actionButtons.length * 31; = `${ Math.min(editorWidth - substract, innerDiv.clientWidth - substract) }px`; } } globalThis.addEventListener("resize", resizeHandler); // Stop listening on unmount return () => { globalThis.removeEventListener("resize", resizeHandler); }; }, []); return ( <div id="sb-top" className={syncFailures > 1 ? "sb-sync-error" : undefined} onClick={onClick} > {lhs} <div className="main"> <div className="inner"> <div className="wrapper"> <span id="sb-current-page" className={isLoading ? "sb-loading" : unsavedChanges ? "sb-unsaved" : "sb-saved"} > <MiniEditor text={pageName ?? ""} vimMode={vimMode} darkMode={darkMode} onBlur={(newName) => { if (newName !== pageName) { return onRename(newName); } else { return onRename(); } }} completer={completer} onEnter={(newName) => { onRename(newName); }} /> </span> {notifications.length > 0 && ( <div className="sb-notifications"> { => ( <div key={} className={`sb-notification-${notification.type}`} > {notification.message} </div> ))} </div> )} <div className="sb-actions"> {progressPerc !== undefined && ( <div className="progress-wrapper" title={`${progressPerc}%`}> <div className="progress-bar" style={`background: radial-gradient(closest-side, white 79%, transparent 80% 100%), conic-gradient(#282828 ${progressPerc}%, #adadad 0);`} > {progressPerc}% </div> </div> )} { => { const button = ( <button onClick={(e) => { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); actionButton.callback(); }} title={actionButton.description} className={actionButton.class} > <actionButton.icon size={18} /> </button> ); return actionButton.href !== undefined ? <a href={actionButton.href}>{button}</a> : button; })} </div> </div> </div> </div> {rhs} </div> ); }