import { jsonschema, YAML } from "$sb/syscalls.ts"; import type { LintDiagnostic, QueryExpression } from "../../plug-api/types.ts"; import { findNodeOfType, renderToText, traverseTreeAsync, } from "$sb/lib/tree.ts"; import type { LintEvent } from "../../plug-api/types.ts"; import { queryObjects } from "./api.ts"; import type { AttributeObject } from "./attributes.ts"; import { extractFrontmatter } from "$sb/lib/frontmatter.ts"; import { ConfigSchema } from "$type/config.ts"; export async function lintYAML({ tree }: LintEvent): Promise { const diagnostics: LintDiagnostic[] = []; const frontmatter = await extractFrontmatter(tree); const tags = ["page", ...frontmatter.tags || []]; await traverseTreeAsync(tree, async (node) => { if (node.type === "FrontMatterCode") { // Query all readOnly attributes for pages with this tag set const readOnlyAttributes = await queryObjects( "attribute", { filter: ["and", ["=", ["attr", "tagName"], [ "array", QueryExpression => ["string", tag]), ]], [ "=", ["attr", "readOnly"], ["boolean", true], ]], distinct: true, select: [{ name: "name" }], }, ); const lintResult = await lintYaml( renderToText(node), node.from!, =>, ); if (lintResult) { diagnostics.push(lintResult); } return true; } if (node.type === "FencedCode") { const codeInfo = findNodeOfType(node, "CodeInfo")!; if (!codeInfo) { return true; } const codeLang = codeInfo.children![0].text!; // All known YAML formats if ( ["include", "embed", "yaml", "space-config"].includes(codeLang) || codeLang.startsWith("#") ) { const codeText = findNodeOfType(node, "CodeText"); if (!codeText) { return true; } const yamlCode = renderToText(codeText); const lintResult = await lintYaml( yamlCode, codeText.from!, ); if (lintResult) { diagnostics.push(lintResult); } else if (codeLang === "space-config") { const configLint = await lintConfig(yamlCode, codeText.from!); if (configLint) { diagnostics.push(configLint); } } return true; } } return false; }); return diagnostics; } const errorRegex = /\((\d+):(\d+)\)/; async function lintYaml( yamlText: string, from: number, readOnlyKeys: string[] = [], ): Promise { try { const parsed = await YAML.parse(yamlText); for (const key of readOnlyKeys) { if (parsed[key]) { return { from, to: from + yamlText.length, severity: "error", message: `Cannot set read-only attribute "${key}"`, }; } } } catch (e) { const errorMatch = errorRegex.exec(e.message); if (errorMatch) { console.log("YAML error", e.message); const line = parseInt(errorMatch[1], 10) - 1; const yamlLines = yamlText.split("\n"); let pos = from; for (let i = 0; i < line; i++) { pos += yamlLines[i].length + 1; } const endPos = pos + yamlLines[line]?.length || pos; return { from: pos, to: endPos, severity: "error", message: e.message, }; } } } async function lintConfig( text: string, startPos: number, ): Promise { try { const parsedYaml = await YAML.parse(text); const result = await jsonschema.validateObject(ConfigSchema, parsedYaml); if (result) { return { from: startPos, to: startPos + text.length, severity: "error", message: result, }; } } catch (e: any) { console.error("Error parsing config", e.message); } }