These are Lua functions defined in the `table` namespace: ## table.concat(table, sep?, i?, j?) Concatenates the elements of a table into a string using a separator. Example: ```lua local fruits = {"apple", "banana", "orange"} print(table.concat(fruits, ", ")) -- prints: apple, banana, orange print(table.concat(fruits, "", 1, 2)) -- prints: applebanana ``` ## table.insert(table, pos, value) ## table.insert(table, value) Inserts a value into a table at the specified position, shifting elements up. If position is not provided, appends the value at the end of the table. Example: ```lua local fruits = {"apple", "orange"} table.insert(fruits, "banana") -- appends at end print(table.concat(fruits, ", ")) -- prints: apple, orange, banana table.insert(fruits, 2, "grape") -- inserts at position 2 print(table.concat(fruits, ", ")) -- prints: apple, grape, orange, banana ``` ## table.remove(table, pos?) Removes an element from a table at the specified position, shifting elements down. If position is not provided, removes the last element. Example: ```lua local fruits = {"apple", "grape", "orange", "banana"} table.remove(fruits, 2) -- removes "grape" print(table.concat(fruits, ", ")) -- prints: apple, orange, banana table.remove(fruits) -- removes last element print(table.concat(fruits, ", ")) -- prints: apple, orange ``` ## table.sort(table, comp?) Sorts a table in-place using the optional comparison function. Without a comparison function, sorts in ascending order. Example: ```lua local numbers = {3, 1, 4, 1, 5, 9} table.sort(numbers) -- ascending order print(table.concat(numbers, ", ")) -- prints: 1, 1, 3, 4, 5, 9 -- Custom comparison (descending order) table.sort(numbers, function(a, b) return a > b end) print(table.concat(numbers, ", ")) -- prints: 9, 5, 4, 3, 1, 1 ``` ## table.keys(table) Returns an array containing all the keys in the table. Example: ```lua local person = {name = "John", age = 30, city = "New York"} local keys = table.keys(person) print(table.concat(keys, ", ")) -- prints: name, age, city ``` ## table.includes(table, value) Checks if a list-table contains a specific value. Example: ```lua local fruits = {"apple", "banana", "orange"} print(table.includes(fruits, "banana")) -- prints: true print(table.includes(fruits, "grape")) -- prints: false ```