The Space Lua API provides functions for working with Lua expressions and templates. ## spacelua.parseExpression(luaExpression) Parses a lua expression and returns the parsed expression as an AST. Example: ```lua local parsedExpression = spacelua.parseExpression("1 + 1") ``` ## spacelua.evalExpression(parsedExpr, envAugmentation?) Evaluates a parsed Lua expression and returns the result. Optionally accepts an environment table to augment the global environment. Example: ${spacelua.evalExpression(spacelua.parseExpression("x + y"), {x = 1, y = 2})} ## spacelua.interpolate(template, envAugmentation?) Interpolates a string with lua expressions and returns the result. Expressions are wrapped in ${...} syntax. Optionally accepts an environment table to augment the global environment. Example: ${spacelua.interpolate("Hello ${name}!", {name="Pete"})}