import type { FileContent } from "$common/spaces/datastore_space_primitives.ts"; import { simpleHash } from "$lib/crypto.ts"; import { DataStore } from "$lib/data/datastore.ts"; import { IndexedDBKvPrimitives } from "$lib/data/indexeddb_kv_primitives.ts"; import { decodePageURI, looksLikePathWithExtension, } from "@silverbulletmd/silverbullet/lib/page_ref"; const CACHE_NAME = "{{CACHE_NAME}}_{{CONFIG_HASH}}"; const precacheFiles = Object.fromEntries([ "/", "/.client/client.js", "/.client/favicon.png", "/.client/iAWriterMonoS-Bold.woff2", "/.client/iAWriterMonoS-BoldItalic.woff2", "/.client/iAWriterMonoS-Italic.woff2", "/.client/iAWriterMonoS-Regular.woff2", "/.client/logo.png", "/.client/logo-dock.png", "/.client/main.css", "/.client/manifest.json", ].map((path) => [path, path + "?v=" + CACHE_NAME, path])); // Cache busting self.addEventListener("install", (event: any) => { console.log("[Service worker]", "Installing service worker..."); event.waitUntil( (async () => { const cache = await; console.log( "[Service worker]", "Now pre-caching client files", ); await cache.addAll(Object.values(precacheFiles)); console.log( "[Service worker]", Object.keys(precacheFiles).length, "client files cached", ); // @ts-ignore: No need to wait self.skipWaiting(); })(), ); }); self.addEventListener("activate", (event: any) => { console.log("[Service worker]", "Activating new service worker!"); event.waitUntil( (async () => { const cacheNames = await caches.keys(); await Promise.all( => { if (cacheName !== CACHE_NAME) { console.log("[Service worker]", "Removing old cache", cacheName); return caches.delete(cacheName); } }), ); // @ts-ignore: No need to wait return clients.claim(); })(), ); }); let ds: DataStore | undefined; const filesContentPrefix = ["file", "content"]; self.addEventListener("fetch", (event: any) => { const url = new URL(event.request.url); // Use the custom cache key if available, otherwise use the request URL const cacheKey = precacheFiles[url.pathname] || event.request.url; event.respondWith( (async () => { const request = event.request; const requestUrl = new URL(request.url); // Are we fetching a URL from the same origin as the app? If not, we don't handle it and pass it on if ( !== { return fetch(request); } // Any request with the X-Sync-Mode header originates from the sync engine: pass it on to the server if (request.headers.has("x-sync-mode")) { return fetch(request); } // Try the static (client) file cache first const cachedResponse = await caches.match(cacheKey); // Return the cached response if found if (cachedResponse) { return cachedResponse; } if (!ds) { // Not initialzed yet, or in thin client mode, let's just proxy return fetch(request); } const pathname = requestUrl.pathname; if ( pathname === "/.auth" || pathname === "/.logout" || pathname === "/index.json" || pathname.startsWith("!") ) { return fetch(request); } else if (looksLikePathWithExtension(pathname)) { // If this is a /*.* request, this can either be a plug worker load or an attachment load return handleLocalFileRequest(request, pathname); } else { // Must be a page URL, let's serve index.html which will handle it return (await caches.match(precacheFiles["/"])) || fetch(request); } })().catch((e) => { console.warn("[Service worker]", "Fetch failed:", e); return new Response("Offline", { status: 503, // Service Unavailable }); }), ); }); async function handleLocalFileRequest( request: Request, pathname: string, ): Promise { const path = decodePageURI(pathname.slice(1)); const data = await ds?.get([...filesContentPrefix, path]); if (data) { // console.log("Serving from space", path); return new Response(, { headers: { "Content-type": data.meta.contentType, "Content-Length": "" + data.meta.size, "X-Permission": data.meta.perm, "X-Created": "" + data.meta.created, "X-Last-Modified": "" + data.meta.lastModified, }, }, ); } else if (path.startsWith("!")) { console.log("Passing on federated URL", path); return fetch(request); } else { console.error( "Did not find file in locally synced space", path, ); return new Response("Not found", { status: 404, headers: { "Cache-Control": "no-cache", }, }); } } self.addEventListener("message", (event: any) => { if ( === "flushCache") { caches.delete(CACHE_NAME) .then(() => { console.log("[Service worker]", "Cache deleted"); // ds?.close(); event.source.postMessage({ type: "cacheFlushed" }); }); } if ( === "config") { const spaceFolderPath =; const dbPrefix = "" + simpleHash(spaceFolderPath); // Setup space const kv = new IndexedDBKvPrimitives(`${dbPrefix}_synced_space`); kv.init().then(() => { ds = new DataStore(kv); console.log("Datastore in service worker initialized..."); }); } });