import { jsToLuaValue, LuaBuiltinFunction, LuaTable, luaValueToJS, } from "$common/space_lua/runtime.ts"; export const jsApi = new LuaTable({ /** * Creates a new instance of a JavaScript class. * @param constructorFn - The constructor function. * @param args - The arguments to pass to the constructor. * @returns The new instance. */ new: new LuaBuiltinFunction( (_sf, constructorFn: any, ...args) => { return new constructorFn(, ); }, ), /** * Imports a JavaScript module. * @param url - The URL of the module to import. * @returns The imported module. */ import: new LuaBuiltinFunction(async (_sf, url) => { let m = await import(url); // Unwrap default if it exists if (Object.keys(m).length === 1 && m.default) { m = m.default; } return m; }), eachIterable: new LuaBuiltinFunction((_sf, val) => { const iterator = val[Symbol.asyncIterator](); return async () => { const result = await; if (result.done) { return; } return result.value; }; }), /** * Converts a JavaScript value to a Lua value. * @param val - The JavaScript value to convert. * @returns The Lua value. */ tolua: new LuaBuiltinFunction((_sf, val) => jsToLuaValue(val)), /** * Converts a Lua value to a JavaScript value. * @param val - The Lua value to convert. * @returns The JavaScript value. */ tojs: new LuaBuiltinFunction((_sf, val) => luaValueToJS(val)), /** * Logs a message to the console. * @param args - The arguments to log. */ log: new LuaBuiltinFunction((_sf, ...args) => { console.log(...args); }), /** * Converts a Lua value to a JSON string. * @param val - The Lua value to convert. * @returns The JSON string. */ stringify: new LuaBuiltinFunction((_sf, val) => JSON.stringify(val)), });