Work on the `mattermost-plugin` — integration of SB into Mattermost as a product/plugin as a proof of concept. To do: - [ ] Bundle backend with node.js as part of plugin - Various options investigated, including [nexe]( and [pkg]( but neither of these will work great due to dynamically loading and resolving of modules in the node.js sandbox implementation. - Most straight-forward option is to simply bundle the `node` binary per platform + a trimmed down `node_modules` modeled how `npx` does this. Once per platform. - [ ] Fix CSS styling issues - [ ] Store pages in DB instead of text files (general SB feature, not MM specific) - [ ] Switch over SB plugin to use MM database (MySQL, Postgres) as backing store rather than SQLite - [ ] Freeze plug configuration (don’t allow anybody or at most admins) to update plugs for security reasons. We may simply remove the `PLUGS` page. - What about `SETTINGS`? - Easy option: disable, don’t use - Fancier option: make them user specific with a layer on top of the FS - What about `SECRETS`? To deliberate on: - Consider page locking mechanisms, or re-implement real-time collaboration (would require introducing web sockets again and OT) — big project. - Consider page revision options - Scope of spaces, tied to: - Personal (default SB PKMS use case, no permission, collaboration issues) - Channel (old Boards model) - Team - Server