import { HttpServer } from "../server/http_server.ts"; import clientAssetBundle from "../dist/client_asset_bundle.json" assert { type: "json", }; import plugAssetBundle from "../dist/plug_asset_bundle.json" assert { type: "json", }; import { AssetBundle, AssetJson } from "../lib/asset_bundle/bundle.ts"; import { determineDatabaseBackend } from "../server/db_backend.ts"; import { SpaceServerConfig } from "../server/instance.ts"; import { runPlug } from "../cli/plug_run.ts"; import { PrefixedKvPrimitives } from "$lib/data/prefixed_kv_primitives.ts"; import { sleep } from "$lib/async.ts"; export async function serveCommand( options: { hostname?: string; port?: number; user?: string; auth?: string; cert?: string; key?: string; reindex?: boolean; syncOnly?: boolean; clientEncryption?: boolean; }, folder?: string, ) { const hostname = options.hostname || Deno.env.get("SB_HOSTNAME") || ""; const port = options.port || (Deno.env.get("SB_PORT") && +Deno.env.get("SB_PORT")!) || 3000; const clientEncryption = options.clientEncryption || !!Deno.env.get("SB_CLIENT_ENCRYPTION"); if (clientEncryption) { console.log( "Running in client encryption mode, this will implicitly enable sync-only mode", ); } const syncOnly = options.syncOnly || !!Deno.env.get("SB_SYNC_ONLY"); const readOnly = !!Deno.env.get("SB_READ_ONLY"); if (syncOnly) { console.log("Running in sync-only mode (no backend processing)"); } if (!folder) { // Didn't get a folder as an argument, check if we got it as an environment variable folder = Deno.env.get("SB_FOLDER"); if (!folder) { console.error( "No folder specified. Please pass a folder as an argument or set SB_FOLDER environment variable.", ); Deno.exit(1); } } const baseKvPrimitives = await determineDatabaseBackend(folder); console.log( "Going to start SilverBullet binding to", `${hostname}:${port}`, ); if (hostname === "") { `SilverBullet will only be available locally, to allow outside connections, pass -L0.0.0.0 as a flag, and put a TLS terminator on top.`, ); } const userAuth = options.user ?? Deno.env.get("SB_USER"); let userCredentials: { user: string; pass: string } | undefined; if (userAuth) { const [user, pass] = userAuth.split(":"); userCredentials = { user, pass }; } const backendConfig = Deno.env.get("SB_SHELL_BACKEND") || "local"; const enableSpaceScript = Deno.env.get("SB_SPACE_SCRIPT") !== "off"; const configs = new Map(); configs.set("*", { hostname, namespace: "*", auth: userCredentials, authToken: Deno.env.get("SB_AUTH_TOKEN"), syncOnly, readOnly, shellBackend: backendConfig, clientEncryption, enableSpaceScript, pagesPath: folder, }); const plugAssets = new AssetBundle(plugAssetBundle as AssetJson); if (readOnly) { console.log("Indexing the space first. Hang on..."); await runPlug( folder, "index.reindexSpace", [], plugAssets, new PrefixedKvPrimitives(baseKvPrimitives, ["*"]), ); } const httpServer = new HttpServer({ hostname, port, clientAssetBundle: new AssetBundle(clientAssetBundle as AssetJson), plugAssetBundle: plugAssets, baseKvPrimitives, keyFile: options.key, certFile: options.cert, configs, }); httpServer.start(); // Wait in an infinite loop (to keep the HTTP server running, only cancelable via Ctrl+C or other signal) while (true) { await sleep(10000); } }