These are Lua functions defined in the global namespace: # Standard Lua ## print(...) Prints to your log (browser or server log). Example: ```lua print("Hello, world!") ``` ## assert(expr, message?) Asserts `expr` to be true otherwise raises an [[#error(message)]] Example: ```lua assert(1 == 2, "1 is not equal to 2") ``` ## ipairs Returns an iterator for array-like tables that iterates over numeric indices in order. Example: ```lua local fruits = {"apple", "banana", "orange"} for i, fruit in ipairs(fruits) do print(i, fruit) end -- Output: -- 1 apple -- 2 banana -- 3 orange ``` ## pairs Returns an iterator for tables that traverses all keys and values. Example: ```lua local person = {name = "John", age = 30, city = "New York"} for key, value in pairs(person) do print(key, value) end -- Output (order not guaranteed): -- name John -- age 30 -- city New York ``` ## each Returns an iterator for array-like tables that iterates over values only (without indices). Example: ```lua local fruits = {"apple", "banana", "orange"} for fruit in each(fruits) do print(fruit) end -- Output: -- apple -- banana -- orange ``` ## unpack Unpacks a table into individual values. Example: ```lua local numbers = {10, 20, 30} print(unpack(numbers)) -- prints: 10 20 30 local function sum(a, b, c) return a + b + c end print(sum(unpack(numbers))) -- prints: 60 ``` ## type Returns the type of a value as a string. Example: ```lua print(type("hello")) -- string print(type(42)) -- number print(type({})) -- table print(type(print)) -- function print(type(nil)) -- nil print(type(true)) -- boolean ``` ## tostring Converts a value to a string representation. Example: ```lua print(tostring(42)) -- "42" print(tostring(true)) -- "true" print(tostring({1, 2, 3})) -- "{1, 2, 3}" ``` ## tonumber Converts a string to a number, returns nil if conversion fails. Example: ```lua print(tonumber("42")) -- 42 print(tonumber("3.14")) -- 3.14 print(tonumber("abc")) -- nil ``` ## error(message) Throw an error. Example: ```lua error("FAIL") ``` ## pcall Protected call - executes a function in protected mode, catching errors. Example: ```lua local status, result = pcall(function() return 10/0 -- will cause an error end) print(status) -- false print(result) -- "attempt to divide by zero" status, result = pcall(function() return 10/2 -- will succeed end) print(status) -- true print(result) -- 5 ``` ## xpcall Like pcall, but allows you to specify an error handler function. Example: ```lua local function errorHandler(err) return "Error occurred: " .. tostring(err) end local status, result = xpcall(function() error("something went wrong") end, errorHandler) print(status) -- false print(result) -- "Error occurred: something went wrong" ``` ## setmetatable Sets the metatable for a table. Example: ```lua local t1 = {value = 10} local t2 = {value = 20} local mt = { __add = function(a, b) return a.value + b.value end } setmetatable(t1, mt) setmetatable(t2, mt) -- Now we can add the tables together using the + operator print(t1 + t2) -- prints: 30 ``` ## getmetatable Gets the metatable of a table. Example: ```lua local t = {} local mt = {} setmetatable(t, mt) print(getmetatable(t) == mt) -- true ``` ## rawset Sets a table index without invoking metamethods. Example: ```lua local t = {} local mt = { __newindex = function(t, k, v) print("Blocked setting:", k, v) end } setmetatable(t, mt) = "bar" -- prints: "Blocked setting: foo bar" rawset(t, "foo", "bar") -- bypasses the metamethod print( -- prints: "bar" ```