import { EditorView, syntaxTree, ViewPlugin, ViewUpdate } from "../deps.ts"; import { Client } from "../client.ts"; // We use turndown to convert HTML to Markdown import TurndownService from ""; // With tables and task notation as well import { tables, taskListItems, } from ""; import { safeRun } from "../../common/util.ts"; import { lezerToParseTree } from "../../common/markdown_parser/parse_tree.ts"; import { addParentPointers, findParentMatching, nodeAtPos, } from "../../plug-api/lib/tree.ts"; import { folderName, resolve } from "../../common/path.ts"; import { maximumAttachmentSize } from "../constants.ts"; const turndownService = new TurndownService({ hr: "---", codeBlockStyle: "fenced", headingStyle: "atx", emDelimiter: "*", bulletListMarker: "*", // Duh! strongDelimiter: "**", linkStyle: "inlined", }); turndownService.use(taskListItems); turndownService.use(tables); function striptHtmlComments(s: string): string { return s.replace(//g, ""); } const urlRegexp = /^https?:\/\/[-a-zA-Z0-9@:%._\+~#=]{1,256}([-a-zA-Z0-9()@:%_\+.~#?&//=]*)/; // Known iOS Safari paste issue (unrelated to this implementation): export const pasteLinkExtension = ViewPlugin.fromClass( class { update(update: ViewUpdate): void { update.transactions.forEach((tr) => { if (tr.isUserEvent("input.paste")) { const pastedText: string[] = []; let from = 0; let to = 0; tr.changes.iterChanges((fromA, _toA, _fromB, toB, inserted) => { pastedText.push(inserted.sliceString(0)); from = fromA; to = toB; }); const pastedString = pastedText.join(""); if (pastedString.match(urlRegexp)) { const selection = update.startState.selection.main; if (!selection.empty) { setTimeout(() => { update.view.dispatch({ changes: [ { from: from, to: to, insert: `[${ update.startState.sliceDoc( selection.from,, ) }](${pastedString})`, }, ], }); }); } } } }); } }, ); export function attachmentExtension(editor: Client) { let shiftDown = false; return EditorView.domEventHandlers({ dragover: (event) => { event.preventDefault(); }, keydown: (event) => { if (event.key === "Shift") { shiftDown = true; } return false; }, keyup: (event) => { if (event.key === "Shift") { shiftDown = false; } return false; }, drop: (event: DragEvent) => { // TODO: This doesn't take into account the target cursor position, // it just drops the attachment wherever the cursor was last. if (event.dataTransfer) { const payload = [...event.dataTransfer.files]; if (!payload.length) { return; } safeRun(async () => { await processFileTransfer(payload); }); } }, paste: (event: ClipboardEvent) => { const payload = [...event.clipboardData!.items]; const richText = event.clipboardData?.getData("text/html"); // Only do rich text paste if shift is NOT down if (richText && !shiftDown) { // Are we in a fencede code block? const editorText = editor.editorView.state.sliceDoc(); const tree = lezerToParseTree( editorText, syntaxTree(editor.editorView.state).topNode, ); addParentPointers(tree); const currentNode = nodeAtPos( tree, editor.editorView.state.selection.main.from, ); if (currentNode) { const fencedParentNode = findParentMatching( currentNode, (t) => ["FrontMatter", "FencedCode"].includes(t.type!), ); if ( fencedParentNode || ["FrontMatter", "FencedCode"].includes(currentNode.type!) ) { console.log("Inside of fenced code block, not pasting rich text"); return false; } } const markdown = striptHtmlComments(turndownService.turndown(richText)) .trim(); const view = editor.editorView; const selection = view.state.selection.main; view.dispatch({ changes: [ { from: selection.from, to:, insert: markdown, }, ], selection: { anchor: selection.from + markdown.length, }, scrollIntoView: true, }); return true; } if (!payload.length || payload.length === 0) { return false; } safeRun(async () => { await processItemTransfer(payload); }); }, }); async function processFileTransfer(payload: File[]) { const data = await payload[0].arrayBuffer(); // data.byteLength > maximumAttachmentSize; await saveFile(data!, payload[0].name, payload[0].type); } async function processItemTransfer(payload: DataTransferItem[]) { const file = payload.find((item) => item.kind === "file"); if (!file) { return false; } const fileType = file.type; const ext = fileType.split("/")[1]; const fileName = new Date() .toISOString() .split(".")[0] .replace("T", "_") .replaceAll(":", "-"); const data = await file!.getAsFile()?.arrayBuffer(); await saveFile(data!, `${fileName}.${ext}`, fileType); } async function saveFile( data: ArrayBuffer, suggestedName: string, mimeType: string, ) { if (data!.byteLength > maximumAttachmentSize) { editor.flashNotification( `Attachment is too large, maximum is ${ maximumAttachmentSize / 1024 / 1024 }MB`, "error", ); return; } const finalFileName = await editor.prompt( "File name for pasted attachment", suggestedName, ); if (!finalFileName) { return; } await resolve(folderName(editor.currentPage!), finalFileName), new Uint8Array(data), ); let attachmentMarkdown = `[${finalFileName}](${encodeURI(finalFileName)})`; if (mimeType.startsWith("image/")) { attachmentMarkdown = `![](${encodeURI(finalFileName)})`; } editor.editorView.dispatch({ changes: [ { insert: attachmentMarkdown, from: editor.editorView.state.selection.main.from, }, ], }); } }