import { collectNodesOfType, ParseTree } from "@silverbulletmd/common/tree"; import Handlebars from "handlebars"; import YAML from "yaml"; import { readPage } from "@silverbulletmd/plugos-silverbullet-syscall/space"; import { niceDate } from "../core/dates"; import { ParsedQuery } from "./parser"; export type QueryProviderEvent = { query: ParsedQuery; pageName: string; }; export function valueNodeToVal(valNode: ParseTree): any { switch (valNode.type) { case "Number": return +valNode.children![0].text!; case "Bool": return valNode.children![0].text! === "true"; case "Null": return null; case "Name": return valNode.children![0].text!; case "Regex": let val = valNode.children![0].text!; return val.substring(1, val.length - 1); case "String": let stringVal = valNode.children![0].text!; return stringVal.substring(1, stringVal.length - 1); case "List": return collectNodesOfType(valNode, "Value").map((t) => valueNodeToVal(t.children![0]) ); } } export function applyQuery<T>(parsedQuery: ParsedQuery, records: T[]): T[] { let resultRecords: any[] = []; if (parsedQuery.filter.length === 0) { resultRecords = records.slice(); } else { recordLoop: for (let record of records) { const recordAny: any = record; for (let { op, prop, value } of parsedQuery.filter) { switch (op) { case "=": const recordPropVal = recordAny[prop]; if (Array.isArray(recordPropVal) && !Array.isArray(value)) { // Record property is an array, and value is a scalar: find the value in the array if (!recordPropVal.includes(value)) { continue recordLoop; } } else if (Array.isArray(recordPropVal) && Array.isArray(value)) { // Record property is an array, and value is an array: find the value in the array if (!recordPropVal.some((v) => value.includes(v))) { continue recordLoop; } } else if (!(recordPropVal == value)) { // Both are scalars: exact value continue recordLoop; } break; case "!=": if (!(recordAny[prop] != value)) { continue recordLoop; } break; case "<": if (!(recordAny[prop] < value)) { continue recordLoop; } break; case "<=": if (!(recordAny[prop] <= value)) { continue recordLoop; } break; case ">": if (!(recordAny[prop] > value)) { continue recordLoop; } break; case ">=": if (!(recordAny[prop] >= value)) { continue recordLoop; } break; case "=~": // TODO: Cache regexps somehow if (!new RegExp(value).exec(recordAny[prop])) { continue recordLoop; } break; case "!=~": if (new RegExp(value).exec(recordAny[prop])) { continue recordLoop; } break; case "in": if (!value.includes(recordAny[prop])) { continue recordLoop; } break; } } resultRecords.push(recordAny); } } // Now the sorting if (parsedQuery.orderBy) { resultRecords = resultRecords.sort((a: any, b: any) => { const orderBy = parsedQuery.orderBy!; const orderDesc = parsedQuery.orderDesc!; if (a[orderBy] === b[orderBy]) { return 0; } if (a[orderBy] < b[orderBy]) { return orderDesc ? 1 : -1; } else { return orderDesc ? -1 : 1; } }); } if (parsedQuery.limit) { resultRecords = resultRecords.slice(0, parsedQuery.limit); } if ( { resultRecords = => { let newRec: any = {}; for (let k of!) { newRec[k] = rec[k]; } return newRec; }); } return resultRecords; } export async function renderQuery( parsedQuery: ParsedQuery, data: any[] ): Promise<string> { if (parsedQuery.render) { Handlebars.registerHelper("json", (v) => JSON.stringify(v)); Handlebars.registerHelper("niceDate", (ts) => niceDate(new Date(ts))); Handlebars.registerHelper("prefixLines", (v: string, prefix) => v .split("\n") .map((l) => prefix + l) .join("\n") ); Handlebars.registerHelper("substring", (s, from, to, elipsis = "") => s.length > to - from ? s.substring(from, to) + elipsis : s ); Handlebars.registerHelper("yaml", (v, prefix) => { if (typeof prefix === "string") { let yaml = YAML.stringify(v) .split("\n") .join("\n" + prefix) .trim(); if (Array.isArray(v)) { return "\n" + prefix + yaml; } else { return yaml; } } else { return YAML.stringify(v).trim(); } }); let { text: templateText } = await readPage(parsedQuery.render); templateText = `{{#each .}}\n${templateText}\n{{/each}}`; let template = Handlebars.compile(templateText, { noEscape: true }); return template(data); } return "ERROR"; }