import { jsToLuaValue, LuaBuiltinFunction, LuaTable, luaValueToJS, } from "$common/space_lua/runtime.ts"; export const jsApi = new LuaTable({ new: new LuaBuiltinFunction( (constructorFn: any, ...args) => { return new constructorFn(, ); }, ), importModule: new LuaBuiltinFunction((url) => { return import(url); }), /** * Binds a function to an object, so that the function can be called with the object as `this`. Some JS APIs require this. */ bind: new LuaBuiltinFunction((fn: any, obj: any, ...args: any[]) => { return fn.bind(obj, ...args); }), tolua: new LuaBuiltinFunction(jsToLuaValue), tojs: new LuaBuiltinFunction(luaValueToJS), log: new LuaBuiltinFunction((...args) => { console.log(...args); }), // assignGlobal: new LuaBuiltinFunction((name: string, value: any) => { // (globalThis as any)[name] = value; // }), });