import { jsToLuaValue, LuaBuiltinFunction, luaCall, LuaMultiRes, LuaTable, luaToString, } from "$common/space_lua/runtime.ts"; function createLuaMatcher(pattern: string, global = false) { const jsPattern = pattern .replace(/%(.)/g, (_, char) => { switch (char) { case ".": return "[.]"; case "%": return "%"; case "d": return "\\d"; case "D": return "\\D"; case "s": return "\\s"; case "S": return "\\S"; case "w": return "\\w"; case "a": return "[A-Za-z]"; case "l": return "[a-z]"; case "u": return "[A-Z]"; case "p": return "[\\p{P}]"; default: return char; } }); const regex = new RegExp(jsPattern, global ? "g" : undefined); return (s: string) => { return regex.exec(s); }; } export const stringApi = new LuaTable({ byte: new LuaBuiltinFunction((_sf, s: string, i?: number, j?: number) => { i = i ?? 1; j = j ?? i; const result = []; for (let k = i; k <= j; k++) { result.push(s.charCodeAt(k - 1)); } return new LuaMultiRes(result); }), char: new LuaBuiltinFunction((_sf, ...args: number[]) => { return String.fromCharCode(...args); }), find: new LuaBuiltinFunction( (_sf, s: string, pattern: string, init?: number) => { init = init ?? 1; const result = s.slice(init - 1).match(pattern); if (!result) { return new LuaMultiRes([]); } return new LuaMultiRes([ result.index! + init, result.index! + init + result[0].length, ]); }, ), gmatch: new LuaBuiltinFunction((_sf, s: string, pattern: string) => { const matcher = createLuaMatcher(pattern, true); return () => { const result = matcher(s); if (!result) { return; } const captures = result.slice(1); return new LuaMultiRes(captures.length > 0 ? captures : [result[0]]); }; }), gsub: new LuaBuiltinFunction( async ( sf, s: string, pattern: string, repl: any, // string or LuaFunction n?: number, ) => { n = n ?? Infinity; // Convert Lua patterns to JavaScript regex // This handles: // - %.: Match literal dot // - %%: Match literal % // - %d: Match digit // - %s: Match whitespace // - %w: Match word character const jsPattern = pattern .replace(/%(.)/g, (_, char) => { switch (char) { case ".": return "[.]"; // Match literal dot using character class case "%": return "%"; // Match literal % case "d": return "\\d"; // Match digit case "s": return "\\s"; // Match whitespace case "w": return "\\w"; // Match word character default: return char; // Match literal character } }); const regex = new RegExp(jsPattern, "g"); let result = s; let count = 0; // Collect all matches first to handle replacements properly const positions: Array<[number, number, string, string[]]> = []; let match: RegExpExecArray | null; let lastIndex = 0; while ((match = regex.exec(result)) !== null && count < n) { if (match.index >= lastIndex) { positions.push([ match.index, match[0].length, match[0], match.slice(1), ]); count++; lastIndex = match.index + 1; } regex.lastIndex = match.index + 1; } // Process replacements in reverse order to maintain string indices for (let i = positions.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { const [index, length, fullMatch, captures] = positions[i]; let replacement: any; if ( { const args = captures.length > 0 ? captures : [fullMatch]; replacement = await luaCall(repl, args, sf.astCtx!, sf); replacement = (replacement === null || replacement === undefined) ? fullMatch : replacement; } else { replacement = repl; } result = result.slice(0, index) + replacement + result.slice(index + length); } return new LuaMultiRes([result, count]); }, ), len: new LuaBuiltinFunction((_sf, s: string) => { return s.length; }), lower: new LuaBuiltinFunction((_sf, s: string) => { return luaToString(s.toLowerCase()); }), upper: new LuaBuiltinFunction((_sf, s: string) => { return luaToString(s.toUpperCase()); }), match: new LuaBuiltinFunction( (_sf, s: string, pattern: string, init?: number) => { init = init ?? 1; const result = createLuaMatcher(pattern)(s.slice(init - 1)); if (!result) { return new LuaMultiRes([]); } const captures = result.slice(1); return new LuaMultiRes(captures.length > 0 ? captures : [result[0]]); }, ), rep: new LuaBuiltinFunction((_sf, s: string, n: number, sep?: string) => { sep = sep ?? ""; return s.repeat(n) + sep; }), reverse: new LuaBuiltinFunction((_sf, s: string) => { return s.split("").reverse().join(""); }), sub: new LuaBuiltinFunction((_sf, s: string, i: number, j?: number) => { j = j ?? s.length; return s.slice(i - 1, j); }), split: new LuaBuiltinFunction((_sf, s: string, sep: string) => { return s.split(sep); }), // Non-standard startswith: new LuaBuiltinFunction((_sf, s: string, prefix: string) => { return s.startsWith(prefix); }), endswith: new LuaBuiltinFunction((_sf, s: string, suffix: string) => { return s.endsWith(suffix); }), trim: new LuaBuiltinFunction((_sf, s: string) => { return s.trim(); }), trim_start: new LuaBuiltinFunction((_sf, s: string) => { return s.trimStart(); }), trim_end: new LuaBuiltinFunction((_sf, s: string) => { return s.trimEnd(); }), match_regex: new LuaBuiltinFunction((_sf, s: string, pattern: string) => { const regex = new RegExp(pattern); const result = s.match(regex); return jsToLuaValue(result); }), match_regex_all: new LuaBuiltinFunction((_sf, s: string, pattern: string) => { const regex = new RegExp(pattern, "g"); return () => { const match = regex.exec(s); if (!match) { return; } return jsToLuaValue(match); }; }), });