import type { IndexTreeEvent, QueryProviderEvent } from "$sb/app_event.ts"; import { index } from "$sb/silverbullet-syscall/mod.ts"; import { collectNodesOfType, ParseTree, renderToText } from "$sb/lib/tree.ts"; import { applyQuery, removeQueries } from "$sb/lib/query.ts"; export type Item = { name: string; nested?: string; tags?: string[]; // Not stored in DB page?: string; pos?: number; }; export async function indexItems({ name, tree }: IndexTreeEvent) { const items: { key: string; value: Item }[] = []; removeQueries(tree); // console.log("Indexing items", name); const coll = collectNodesOfType(tree, "ListItem"); coll.forEach((n) => { if (!n.children) { return; } if (collectNodesOfType(n, "Task").length > 0) { // This is a task item, skip it return; } const textNodes: ParseTree[] = []; let nested: string | undefined; for (const child of n.children!.slice(1)) { if (child.type === "OrderedList" || child.type === "BulletList") { nested = renderToText(child); break; } textNodes.push(child); } const itemText ="").trim(); const item: Item = { name: itemText, }; if (nested) { item.nested = nested; } collectNodesOfType(n, "Hashtag").forEach((h) => { if (!item.tags) { item.tags = []; } // Push tag to the list, removinn the initial # item.tags.push(h.children![0].text!.substring(1)); }); items.push({ key: `it:${n.from}`, value: item, }); }); // console.log("Found", items.length, "item(s)"); await index.batchSet(name, items); } export async function queryProvider({ query, }: QueryProviderEvent): Promise<any[]> { const allItems: Item[] = []; for (const { key, page, value } of await index.queryPrefix("it:")) { const [, pos] = key.split(":"); allItems.push({ ...value, page: page, pos: +pos, }); } return applyQuery(query, allItems); }