 * Checks if a name looks like a full path (with a file extension), is not a conflicted file and not a search page.
export function looksLikePathWithExtension(name: string): boolean {
  return /\.[a-zA-Z0-9]+$/.test(name) && !/\.conflicted\./.test(name) &&
    !name.startsWith("🔍 ");

export function validatePageName(name: string) {
  // Page can not be empty and not end with a file extension (e.g. "bla.md")
  if (name === "") {
    throw new Error("Page name can not be empty");
  if (name.startsWith(".")) {
    throw new Error("Page name cannot start with a '.'");
  if (looksLikePathWithExtension(name)) {
    throw new Error("Page name can not end with a file extension");

export type PageRef = {
  page: string;
  pos?: number;
  anchor?: string;
  header?: string;
  meta?: boolean;

const posRegex = /@(\d+)$/;
// Should be kept in sync with the regex in index.plug.yaml
const anchorRegex = /\$([a-zA-Z\.\-\/]+[\w\.\-\/]*)$/;
const headerRegex = /#([^#]*)$/;

export function parsePageRef(name: string): PageRef {
  // Normalize the page name
  if (name.startsWith("[[") && name.endsWith("]]")) {
    name = name.slice(2, -2);
  const pageRef: PageRef = { page: name };
  if (pageRef.page.startsWith("^")) {
    // A carrot prefix means we're looking for a meta page, but that doesn't matter for most use cases
    pageRef.page = pageRef.page.slice(1);
    pageRef.meta = true;
  const posMatch = pageRef.page.match(posRegex);
  if (posMatch) {
    pageRef.pos = parseInt(posMatch[1]);
    pageRef.page = pageRef.page.replace(posRegex, "");
  const anchorMatch = pageRef.page.match(anchorRegex);
  if (anchorMatch) {
    pageRef.anchor = anchorMatch[1];
    pageRef.page = pageRef.page.replace(anchorRegex, "");
  const headerMatch = pageRef.page.match(headerRegex);
  if (headerMatch) {
    pageRef.header = headerMatch[1];
    pageRef.page = pageRef.page.replace(headerRegex, "");
  return pageRef;

export function encodePageRef(pageRef: PageRef): string {
  let name = pageRef.page;
  if (pageRef.pos) {
    name += `@${pageRef.pos}`;
  if (pageRef.anchor) {
    name += `$${pageRef.anchor}`;
  if (pageRef.header) {
    name += `#${pageRef.header}`;
  return name;