import { type ILuaFunction, jsToLuaValue, LuaBuiltinFunction, luaCall, LuaEnv, luaGet, LuaMultiRes, LuaRuntimeError, LuaTable, luaToString, luaTypeOf, type LuaValue, luaValueToJS, } from "$common/space_lua/runtime.ts"; import { stringApi } from "$common/space_lua/stdlib/string.ts"; import { tableApi } from "$common/space_lua/stdlib/table.ts"; import { osApi } from "$common/space_lua/stdlib/os.ts"; import { jsApi } from "$common/space_lua/stdlib/js.ts"; import { interpolateLuaString, spaceLuaApi, } from "$common/space_lua/stdlib/space_lua.ts"; import { findAllQueryVariables, type LuaCollectionQuery, type LuaQueryCollection, } from "$common/space_lua/query_collection.ts"; import { templateApi } from "$common/space_lua/stdlib/template.ts"; import { json } from "@codemirror/legacy-modes/X-ZUBjb2RlbWlycm9yL2xhbmd1YWdl/mode/javascript.d.ts"; const printFunction = new LuaBuiltinFunction(async (_sf, ...args) => { console.log("[Lua]", ...(await Promise.all(; }); const assertFunction = new LuaBuiltinFunction( async (sf, value: any, message?: string) => { if (!await value) { throw new LuaRuntimeError(`Assertion failed: ${message}`, sf); } }, ); const ipairsFunction = new LuaBuiltinFunction((sf, ar: LuaTable) => { let i = 1; return async () => { if (i > ar.length) { return; } const result = new LuaMultiRes([i, await luaGet(ar, i, sf)]); i++; return result; }; }); const pairsFunction = new LuaBuiltinFunction((sf, t: LuaTable) => { const keys = t.keys(); let i = 0; return async () => { if (i >= keys.length) { return; } const key = keys[i]; i++; return new LuaMultiRes([key, await luaGet(t, key, sf)]); }; }); export const eachFunction = new LuaBuiltinFunction((sf, ar: LuaTable) => { let i = 1; return async () => { if (i > ar.length) { return; } const result = await luaGet(ar, i, sf); i++; return result; }; }); const unpackFunction = new LuaBuiltinFunction(async (sf, t: LuaTable) => { const values: LuaValue[] = []; for (let i = 1; i <= t.length; i++) { values.push(await luaGet(t, i, sf)); } return new LuaMultiRes(values); }); const typeFunction = new LuaBuiltinFunction((_sf, value: LuaValue): string => { return luaTypeOf(value); }); const tostringFunction = new LuaBuiltinFunction((_sf, value: any) => { return luaToString(value); }); const tonumberFunction = new LuaBuiltinFunction((_sf, value: LuaValue) => { return Number(value); }); const errorFunction = new LuaBuiltinFunction((sf, message: string) => { throw new LuaRuntimeError(message, sf); }); const pcallFunction = new LuaBuiltinFunction( async (sf, fn: ILuaFunction, ...args) => { try { return new LuaMultiRes([true, await luaCall(fn, args, sf.astCtx!, sf)]); } catch (e: any) { if (e instanceof LuaRuntimeError) { return new LuaMultiRes([false, e.message]); } return new LuaMultiRes([false, e.message]); } }, ); const xpcallFunction = new LuaBuiltinFunction( async (sf, fn: ILuaFunction, errorHandler: ILuaFunction, ...args) => { try { return new LuaMultiRes([true, await, ...args)]); } catch (e: any) { const errorMsg = e instanceof LuaRuntimeError ? e.message : e.message; return new LuaMultiRes([ false, await luaCall(errorHandler, [errorMsg], sf.astCtx!, sf), ]); } }, ); const setmetatableFunction = new LuaBuiltinFunction( (_sf, table: LuaTable, metatable: LuaTable) => { table.metatable = metatable; return table; }, ); const rawsetFunction = new LuaBuiltinFunction( (_sf, table: LuaTable, key: LuaValue, value: LuaValue) => { return table.rawSet(key, value); }, ); const getmetatableFunction = new LuaBuiltinFunction((_sf, table: LuaTable) => { return table.metatable; }); // Non-standard const tagFunction = new LuaBuiltinFunction( (sf, tagName: LuaValue): LuaQueryCollection => { const global = sf.threadLocal.get("_GLOBAL"); if (!global) { throw new LuaRuntimeError("Global not found", sf); } return { query: async (query: LuaCollectionQuery, env: LuaEnv): Promise => { const localVars = findAllQueryVariables(query).filter((v) => !global.has(v) && v !== "_" ); const scopedVariables: Record = {}; for (const v of localVars) { try { const jsonValue = await luaValueToJS(env.get(v)); // Ensure this is JSON serializable JSON.stringify(jsonValue); scopedVariables[v] = jsonValue; } catch (e: any) { console.error( "Failed to JSON serialize variable", v, ); throw new LuaRuntimeError( `Failed to JSON serialize variable ${v} in query`, sf, ); } } return (await global.get("datastore").get("query_lua").call( sf, [ "idx", tagName, ], query, scopedVariables, )).toJSArray(); }, }; }, ); const tplFunction = new LuaBuiltinFunction( (_sf, template: string): ILuaFunction => { const lines = template.split("\n").map((line) => line.replace(/^\s{4}/, "") ); const processed = lines.join("\n"); return new LuaBuiltinFunction( async (sf, env: LuaTable | any) => { if (!(env instanceof LuaTable)) { env = jsToLuaValue(env); } return await interpolateLuaString(sf, processed, env); }, ); }, ); export function luaBuildStandardEnv() { const env = new LuaEnv(); // Top-level builtins env.set("print", printFunction); env.set("assert", assertFunction); env.set("type", typeFunction); env.set("tostring", tostringFunction); env.set("tonumber", tonumberFunction); env.set("unpack", unpackFunction); // Iterators env.set("pairs", pairsFunction); env.set("ipairs", ipairsFunction); // meta table stuff env.set("setmetatable", setmetatableFunction); env.set("getmetatable", getmetatableFunction); env.set("rawset", rawsetFunction); // Error handling env.set("error", errorFunction); env.set("pcall", pcallFunction); env.set("xpcall", xpcallFunction); // Non-standard env.set("tag", tagFunction); env.set("tpl", tplFunction); // APIs env.set("string", stringApi); env.set("table", tableApi); env.set("os", osApi); env.set("js", jsApi); // Non-standard env.set("each", eachFunction); env.set("space_lua", spaceLuaApi); env.set("template", templateApi); return env; }