import { CompleteEvent, FileMeta, PageMeta } from "../../plug-api/types.ts"; import { cacheFileListing } from "../federation/federation.ts"; import { queryObjects } from "../index/plug_api.ts"; // Completion export async function pageComplete(completeEvent: CompleteEvent) { const match = /\[\[([^\]@$#:\{}]*)$/.exec(completeEvent.linePrefix); if (!match) { return null; } let allPages: PageMeta[] = []; if ( completeEvent.parentNodes.find((node) => node.startsWith("FencedCode")) && // either a render [[bla]] clause /(render\s+|template\()\[\[/.test( completeEvent.linePrefix, ) ) { // We're in a template context, let's only complete templates allPages = await queryObjects<PageMeta>("template", {}, 5); } else if ( completeEvent.parentNodes.find((node) => node.startsWith("FencedCode:include") || node.startsWith("FencedCode:template") ) ) { // Include both pages and templates in page completion in ```include and ```template blocks allPages = await queryObjects<PageMeta>("page", {}, 5); } else { // Otherwise, just complete non-template pages allPages = await queryObjects<PageMeta>("page", { filter: ["!=", ["attr", "tags"], ["string", "template"]], }, 5); } const prefix = match[1]; if (prefix.startsWith("!")) { // Federation prefix, let's first see if we're matching anything from federation that is locally synced const prefixMatches = allPages.filter((pageMeta) => ); if (prefixMatches.length === 0) { // Ok, nothing synced in via federation, let's see if this URI is complete enough to try to fetch index.json if (prefix.includes("/")) { // Yep const domain = prefix.split("/")[0]; // Cached listing const federationPages = (await cacheFileListing(domain)).filter((fm) =>".md") ).map(fileMetaToPageMeta); if (federationPages.length > 0) { allPages = allPages.concat(federationPages); } } } } return { from: completeEvent.pos - match[1].length, options: => { const completions: any[] = []; if (pageMeta.displayName) { completions.push({ label: `${pageMeta.displayName}`, boost: new Date(pageMeta.lastModified).getTime(), apply: pageMeta.tag === "template" ? : `${}|${pageMeta.displayName}`, detail: `displayName for: ${}`, type: "page", }); } if (Array.isArray(pageMeta.aliases)) { for (const alias of pageMeta.aliases) { completions.push({ label: `${alias}`, boost: new Date(pageMeta.lastModified).getTime(), apply: pageMeta.tag === "template" ? : `${}|${alias}`, detail: `alias to: ${}`, type: "page", }); } } completions.push({ label: `${}`, boost: new Date(pageMeta.lastModified).getTime(), type: "page", }); return completions; }).flat(), }; } function fileMetaToPageMeta(fileMeta: FileMeta): PageMeta { const name =, - 3); return { ...fileMeta, ref:, tag: "page", name, created: new Date(fileMeta.created).toISOString(), lastModified: new Date(fileMeta.lastModified).toISOString(), } as PageMeta; }