import { findNodeOfType, removeParentPointers, renderToText, } from "$sb/lib/tree.ts"; import { getText } from "$sb/silverbullet-syscall/editor.ts"; import { parseMarkdown } from "$sb/silverbullet-syscall/markdown.ts"; import { extractFrontmatter, prepareFrontmatterDispatch, } from "$sb/lib/frontmatter.ts"; import { store, YAML } from "$sb/plugos-syscall/mod.ts"; import { collab, editor, markdown } from "$sb/silverbullet-syscall/mod.ts"; import { nanoid } from ""; import { FileMeta } from "../../common/types.ts"; import { base64EncodedDataUrl } from "../../plugos/asset_bundle/base64.ts"; const defaultServer = "wss://"; async function ensureUsername(): Promise { let username = await store.get("collabUsername"); if (!username) { username = await editor.prompt( "Please enter a publicly visible user name (or cancel for 'anonymous'):", ); if (!username) { return "anonymous"; } else { await store.set("collabUsername", username); } } return username; } export async function joinCommand() { let collabUri = await editor.prompt( "Collab share URI:", ); if (!collabUri) { return; } if (!collabUri.startsWith("collab:")) { collabUri = "collab:" + collabUri; } await editor.navigate(collabUri); } export async function shareCommand() { const serverUrl = await editor.prompt( "Please enter the URL of the collab server to use:", defaultServer, ); if (!serverUrl) { return; } const roomId = nanoid().replaceAll("_", "-"); await; const text = await editor.getText(); const tree = await markdown.parseMarkdown(text); let { $share } = await extractFrontmatter(tree); if (!$share) { $share = []; } if (!Array.isArray($share)) { $share = [$share]; } removeParentPointers(tree); const dispatchData = await prepareFrontmatterDispatch(tree, { $share: [...$share, `collab:${serverUrl}/${roomId}`], }); await editor.dispatch(dispatchData); collab.start( serverUrl, roomId, await ensureUsername(), ); } export async function detectPage() { const tree = await parseMarkdown(await getText()); const frontMatter = findNodeOfType(tree, "FrontMatter"); if (frontMatter) { const yamlText = renderToText(frontMatter.children![1].children![0]); try { let { $share } = await YAML.parse(yamlText) as any; if (!$share) { return; } if (!Array.isArray($share)) { $share = [$share]; } for (const uri of $share) { if (uri.startsWith("collab:")) { console.log("Going to enable collab"); const uriPieces = uri.substring("collab:".length).split("/"); await collab.start( // All parts except the last one uriPieces.slice(0, uriPieces.length - 1).join("/"), // because the last one is the room ID uriPieces[uriPieces.length - 1], await ensureUsername(), ); } } } catch (e) { console.error("Error parsing YAML", e); } } await ping(); } export function shareNoop() { return true; } export function readFileCollab( name: string, ): { data: string; meta: FileMeta } { if (!name.endsWith(".md")) { throw new Error("Not found"); } const collabUri = name.substring(0, name.length - ".md".length); const text = `---\n$share: ${collabUri}\n---\n`; return { // encoding === "arraybuffer" is not an option, so either it's "utf8" or "dataurl" data: base64EncodedDataUrl( "text/markdown", new TextEncoder().encode(text), ), meta: { name, contentType: "text/markdown", size: text.length, lastModified: 0, perm: "rw", }, }; } export function getFileMetaCollab(name: string): FileMeta { return { name, contentType: "text/markdown", size: -1, lastModified: 0, perm: "rw", }; } export function writeFileCollab(name: string): FileMeta { return { name, contentType: "text/markdown", size: -1, lastModified: 0, perm: "rw", }; } // Generate a random client ID and store it in the store // clientIDs will be unique per device const clientId = store.get("collabClientId").then(async (clientId) => { if (!clientId) { clientId = nanoid(); await store.set("collabClientId", clientId); } return clientId; }); let lastCollabPage: string | undefined; let currentCollabId: string | undefined; const localCollabServer = location.protocol === "http:" ? `ws://${}/.ws-collab` : `wss://${}/.ws-collab`; async function ping() { try { const currentPage = await editor.getCurrentPage(); const { collabId } = await await clientId, currentPage, ); // console.log("Collab ID", collabId); if (!collabId && currentCollabId) { // Stop collab console.log("Stopping collab"); if (lastCollabPage === currentPage) { editor.flashNotification( "Other users have left this page, switched back to single-user mode.", ); } currentCollabId = undefined; await collab.stop(); } else if (collabId && collabId !== currentCollabId) { // Start collab console.log("Starting collab"); editor.flashNotification( "Opening page in multi-user mode.", ); currentCollabId = collabId; await collab.start( localCollabServer, `${collabId}/${currentPage}`, "you", ); } if (currentCollabId) { lastCollabPage = currentPage; } } catch (e: any) { // console.error("Ping error", e); if (e.message.includes("Failed to fetch") && currentCollabId) { console.log("Offline, stopping collab"); currentCollabId = undefined; await collab.stop(); } } } setInterval(() => { ping().catch(console.error); }, 5000);