import type { IndexTreeEvent, ObjectValue } from "../../plug-api/types.ts"; import { collectNodesMatching, collectNodesOfType, type ParseTree, } from "$sb/lib/tree.ts"; import { indexObjects } from "./api.ts"; type TableRowObject = & ObjectValue<{ tableref: string; page: string; pos: number; }> & Record; /** * Replace any invalid characters in a string so it can serve as indexed field name in a query * @param str the input string * @returns All lowercase string with special chars replaced with underscore */ function cleanHeaderFieldName(str: string): string { return str.replace(/[\W_]+/g, "_").toLowerCase(); } /** * Concat text properties of all child nodes * @param nodes * @returns */ function concatChildrenTexts(nodes: ParseTree[]): string { return => c.text).join("").trim(); } export async function indexTables({ name: pageName, tree }: IndexTreeEvent) { const result: ObjectValue[] = []; collectNodesMatching(tree, (t) => !!t.type?.startsWith("Table")).forEach( (table) => { const rows = collectNodesOfType(table, "TableRow"); const header = collectNodesOfType(table, "TableHeader")[0]; //Use first header. As per markdown spec there can only be exactly one const headerLabels = collectNodesOfType(header, "TableCell").map((cell) => concatChildrenTexts(cell.children!) ).map(cleanHeaderFieldName); //console.log("Header labels", headerLabels); for (const row of rows) { const tags = new Set(); collectNodesOfType(row, "Hashtag").forEach((h) => { // Push tag to the list, removing the initial # tags.add(h.children![0].text!.substring(1)); }); const cells = collectNodesOfType(row, "TableCell"); const tableRow: TableRowObject = { tableref: `${pageName}@${table.from}`, ref: `${pageName}@${row.from}`, tag: "table", tags: [...tags], page: pageName, pos: row.from!, }; cells.forEach((c, i) => { const content = concatChildrenTexts(c.children!); const label = headerLabels[i]; tableRow[label!] = content; }); result.push(tableRow); } }, ); await indexObjects(pageName, result); }