import type { EditorState, Range } from "@codemirror/state"; import { syntaxTree } from "@codemirror/language"; import { Decoration } from "@codemirror/view"; import { decoratorStateField, invisibleDecoration, isCursorInRange, shouldRenderWidgets, } from "./util.ts"; import type { Client } from "../client.ts"; import { parse as parseLua } from "$common/space_lua/parse.ts"; import type { LuaBlock, LuaFunctionCallStatement, } from "$common/space_lua/ast.ts"; import { evalExpression } from "$common/space_lua/eval.ts"; import { LuaEnv, LuaStackFrame, luaValueToJS, } from "$common/space_lua/runtime.ts"; import { LuaRuntimeError } from "$common/space_lua/runtime.ts"; import { encodePageRef } from "@silverbulletmd/silverbullet/lib/page_ref"; import { resolveASTReference } from "$common/space_lua.ts"; import { LuaWidget } from "./lua_widget.ts"; export function luaDirectivePlugin(client: Client) { return decoratorStateField((state: EditorState) => { const widgets: Range[] = []; if (!shouldRenderWidgets(client)) {"Not rendering widgets"); return Decoration.set([]); } syntaxTree(state).iterate({ enter: (node) => { if ( !== "LuaDirective") { return; } if (isCursorInRange(state, [node.from,])) { return; } const text = state.sliceDoc(node.from + 2, - 1); const currentPageMeta = client.ui.viewState.currentPageMeta; widgets.push( Decoration.widget({ widget: new LuaWidget( node.from, client, `lua:${text}:${currentPageMeta?.name}`, text, async (bodyText) => { try { const parsedLua = parseLua(`_(${bodyText})`) as LuaBlock; const expr = (parsedLua.statements[0] as LuaFunctionCallStatement).call .args[0]; const tl = new LuaEnv(); tl.setLocal( "currentPage", currentPageMeta || { name: client.ui.viewState.currentPage }, ); const sf = LuaStackFrame.createWithGlobalEnv( client.clientSystem.spaceLuaEnv.env, expr.ctx, ); const threadLocalizedEnv = new LuaEnv( client.clientSystem.spaceLuaEnv.env, ); threadLocalizedEnv.setLocal("_CTX", tl); const result = luaValueToJS( await evalExpression( expr, threadLocalizedEnv, sf, ), ); // console.log("Result:", result); return result; } catch (e: any) { if (e instanceof LuaRuntimeError) { if (e.sf?.astCtx) { const source = resolveASTReference(e.sf.astCtx); if (source) { // We know the origin node of the error, let's reference it return { markdown: `**Lua error:** ${e.message} (Origin: [[${ encodePageRef(source) }]])`, }; } } } return { markdown: `**Lua error:** ${e.message}`, }; } }, ), }).range(, ); widgets.push(invisibleDecoration.range(node.from,; }, }); return Decoration.set(widgets, true); }); }