import type { PageMeta, UploadFile } from "../types.ts"; import { syscall } from "../syscall.ts"; import type { PageRef } from "../lib/page_ref.ts"; import type { FilterOption } from "@silverbulletmd/silverbullet/type/client"; /** * Exposes various editor utilities. * Important: These syscalls are only available in the client. * @module */ /** * Returns the name of the page currently open in the editor. * @returns the current page name */ export function getCurrentPage(): Promise { return syscall("editor.getCurrentPage"); } /** * Returns the meta data of the page currently open in the editor. * @returns the current page meta data */ export function getCurrentPageMeta(): Promise { return syscall("editor.getCurrentPageMeta"); } /** * Returns the full text of the currently open page */ export function getText(): Promise { return syscall("editor.getText"); } /** * This updates the editor text, but in a minimal-diff way: * it compares the current editor text with the new text, and only sends the changes to the editor, thereby preserving cursor location */ export function setText( newText: string, isolateHistory = false, ): Promise { return syscall("editor.setText", newText, isolateHistory); } /** * Returns the position (in # of characters from the beginning of the file) of the cursor in the editor */ export function getCursor(): Promise { return syscall("editor.getCursor"); } /** * Returns the line number and column number of the cursor in the editor */ export function getSelection(): Promise<{ from: number; to: number }> { return syscall("editor.getSelection"); } /** * Sets the position of the cursor in the editor * @param from the start position of the selection * @param to the end position of the selection */ export function setSelection(from: number, to: number): Promise { return syscall("editor.setSelection", from, to); } /** * Forces a save of the current page */ export function save(): Promise { return syscall(""); } /** * Navigates to the specified page reference * @param pageRef the page reference to navigate to * @param replaceState whether to replace the current history state in the browser history * @param newWindow whether to open the page in a new window */ export function navigate( pageRef: PageRef, replaceState = false, newWindow = false, ): Promise { return syscall("editor.navigate", pageRef, replaceState, newWindow); } /** * Opens the page navigator * @param mode the mode to open the navigator in */ export function openPageNavigator( mode: "page" | "meta" | "all" = "page", ): Promise { return syscall("editor.openPageNavigator", mode); } /** * Opens the command palette */ export function openCommandPalette(): Promise { return syscall("editor.openCommandPalette"); } /** * Force reloads the current page */ export function reloadPage(): Promise { return syscall("editor.reloadPage"); } /** * Force reloads the browser UI */ export function reloadUI(): Promise { return syscall("editor.reloadUI"); } /** * Rebuilds the editor state to ensure the dispatch updates the state. */ export function rebuildEditorState() { return syscall("editor.rebuildEditorState"); } /** * Reloads the config and commands, also in the server */ export function reloadConfigAndCommands(): Promise { return syscall("editor.reloadConfigAndCommands"); } /** * Opens the specified URL in the browser * @param url the URL to open * @param existingWindow whether to open the URL in an existing window */ export function openUrl(url: string, existingWindow = false): Promise { return syscall("editor.openUrl", url, existingWindow); } export function newWindow(): Promise { return syscall("editor.newWindow"); } /** * This is calling the `go()` method from the History Web API. * @param delta Position in history to move to relative to the current page, * where a negative value moves backwards, and positive forwards */ export function goHistory(delta: number): Promise { return syscall("editor.goHistory", delta); } /** * Force the client to download the file in dataUrl with filename as file name * @param filename the name of the file to download * @param dataUrl the dataUrl of the file to download */ export function downloadFile(filename: string, dataUrl: string): Promise { return syscall("editor.downloadFile", filename, dataUrl); } /** * Triggers the browser's native file upload dialog/popup * @param accept the file types to accept * @param capture the capture mode for the file input */ export function uploadFile( accept?: string, capture?: string, ): Promise { return syscall("editor.uploadFile", accept, capture); } /** * Shows a flash notification to the user (top right corner) * @param message the message to show * @param type the type of notification to show */ export function flashNotification( message: string, type: "info" | "error" = "info", ): Promise { return syscall("editor.flashNotification", message, type); } /** * Exposes a filter box UI (similar to the page navigator and command palette) * @param label the label to show left of the input box * @param options the options to show and to filter on * @param helpText the help text to show below the input box * @param placeHolder the placeholder text to show in the input box */ export function filterBox( label: string, options: FilterOption[], helpText = "", placeHolder = "", ): Promise { return syscall("editor.filterBox", label, options, helpText, placeHolder); } /** * Shows a panel in the editor * @param id the location of the panel to show * @param mode the mode or "size" of the panel * @param html the html content of the panel * @param script the script content of the panel */ export function showPanel( id: "lhs" | "rhs" | "bhs" | "modal", mode: number, html: string, script = "", ): Promise { return syscall("editor.showPanel", id, mode, html, script); } /** * Hides a panel in the editor * @param id the location of the panel to hide */ export function hidePanel( id: "lhs" | "rhs" | "bhs" | "modal", ): Promise { return syscall("editor.hidePanel", id); } /** * Insert text at the specified position into the editor * @param text the text to insert * @param pos */ export function insertAtPos(text: string, pos: number): Promise { return syscall("editor.insertAtPos", text, pos); } /** * Replace the text in the specified range in the editor * @param from the start position of the range * @param to the end position of the range * @param text the text to replace with */ export function replaceRange( from: number, to: number, text: string, ): Promise { return syscall("editor.replaceRange", from, to, text); } /** * Move the cursor to the specified position in the editor * @param pos the position to move the cursor to * @param center whether to center the cursor in the editor after moving */ export function moveCursor(pos: number, center = false): Promise { return syscall("editor.moveCursor", pos, center); } /** * Move the cursor to the specified line and column in the editor * @param line the line number to move the cursor to * @param column the column number to move the cursor to * @param center whether to center the cursor in the editor after moving */ export function moveCursorToLine( line: number, column = 1, center = false, ): Promise { return syscall("editor.moveCursorToLine", line, column, center); } /** * Insert text at the cursor position in the editor * @param text the text to insert */ export function insertAtCursor( text: string, scrollIntoView = false, ): Promise { return syscall("editor.insertAtCursor", text, scrollIntoView); } /** * Dispatch a CodeMirror transaction: */ export function dispatch(change: any): Promise { return syscall("editor.dispatch", change); } /** * Prompt the user for text input * @param message the message to show in the prompt * @param defaultValue a default value pre-filled in the prompt * @returns */ export function prompt( message: string, defaultValue = "", ): Promise { return syscall("editor.prompt", message, defaultValue); } /** * Prompt the user for confirmation * @param message the message to show in the confirmation dialog * @returns */ export function confirm( message: string, ): Promise { return syscall("editor.confirm", message); } /** * Get the value of a UI option * @param key the key of the UI option to get * @returns */ export function getUiOption(key: string): Promise { return syscall("editor.getUiOption", key); } /** * Set the value of a UI option * @param key the key of the UI option to set * @param value the value to set the UI option to */ export function setUiOption(key: string, value: any): Promise { return syscall("editor.setUiOption", key, value); } /** * Perform a fold at the current cursor position */ export function fold(): Promise { return syscall("editor.fold"); } /** * Perform an unfold at the current cursor position */ export function unfold(): Promise { return syscall("editor.unfold"); } /** * Toggle the fold at the current cursor position */ export function toggleFold(): Promise { return syscall("editor.toggleFold"); } /** * Fold all code blocks in the editor */ export function foldAll(): Promise { return syscall("editor.foldAll"); } /** * Unfold all code blocks in the editor */ export function unfoldAll(): Promise { return syscall("editor.unfoldAll"); } /** * Perform an undo operation of the last edit in the editor */ export function undo(): Promise { return syscall("editor.undo"); } /** * Perform a redo operation of the last undo in the editor */ export function redo(): Promise { return syscall("editor.redo"); } /** * Open the editor's native search panel */ export function openSearchPanel(): Promise { return syscall("editor.openSearchPanel"); } /** * Copy the specified data to the clipboard * @param data the data to copy */ export function copyToClipboard(data: string | Blob): Promise { return syscall("editor.copyToClipboard", data); } /** * Delete the current line in the editor */ export function deleteLine(): Promise { return syscall("editor.deleteLine"); } export function moveLineUp(): Promise { return syscall("editor.moveLineUp"); } export function moveLineDown(): Promise { return syscall("editor.moveLineDown"); } // Vim-mode specific syscalls /** * Execute a Vim ex command * @param exCommand the ex command to execute */ export function vimEx(exCommand: string): Promise { return syscall("editor.vimEx", exCommand); }