import { parse } from "$common/space_lua/parse.ts"; import { assertEquals } from "@std/assert/equals"; Deno.test("Test Lua parser", () => { // Basic block test parse(` print("Hello, World!") print(10) `); parse(""); // Expression tests parse( `e(1, 1.2, -3.8, +4, #lst, true, false, nil, "string", "Hello there \x00", ...)`, ); parse(`e(10 << 10, 10 >> 10, 10 & 10, 10 | 10, 10 ~ 10)`); assertEquals( parse(`e(1 + 2 - 3 * 4 / 4)`), parse(`e(1 + 2 - ((3 * 4) / 4))`), ); parse(`e(true and false or true)`); parse(`e(a < 3 and b > 4 or b == 5 or c <= 6 and d >= 7 or a /= 8)`); parse(`e(a.b.c)`); parse(`e((1+2))`); // Table expressions parse(`e({})`); parse(`e({1, 2, 3, })`); parse(`e({1 ; 2 ; 3})`); parse(`e({a = 1, b = 2, c = 3})`); parse(`e({[3] = 1, [10 * 10] = "sup"})`); // Function calls parse(`e(func(), func(1, 2, 3), a.b(), a.b.c:hello(), (a.b)(7))`); // Function expression parse(`e(function(a, b) test() end)`); parse(`e(function(a, b, ...) end)`); // Statements parse(`do end`); parse(`do print() end`); parse(`::hello:: goto hello`); parse(`while true do print() end`); parse(`repeat print() until false`); parse( `if 1 == 2 then print() elseif 1 < 2 then print2() else print3() end`, ); parse(`if true then print() end`); parse(`if true then print() else print2() end`); parse(`if true then print() elseif false then print2() end`); // For loops parse(`for i = 1, 10, 1 do print(i) end`); parse(`for i = 1, 10 do print(i) end`); parse(`for el in each({1, 2, 3}) do print(i) end`); parse(`for i, l in 1, pairs() do print(i) end`); // Function statements parse(`function a() end`); parse(`function a:b() end`); parse(`function a.b.c:d() end`); parse(`function a.b.c() end`); parse(`function hello(a, b) end`); parse(`function hello(a, b, ...) end`); parse(`local function hello() end`); // Assignments, local variables etc. parse(`a = 1`); parse(`a, b = 1, 2`); parse(`a.b.c = 1`); parse(`a["name"] = 1`); parse(`local a, b`); parse(`local a = 1`); parse(`local a = 4`); parse(`local a, b = 1, 2`); // Function calls parse(`a(1, 2, 3)`); parse(`print "Sup"`); parse(`e(1 + print "8")`); // Return statements parse(`return`); parse(`return 1`); parse(`return 1, 2, 3`); });