import type { CompletionContext, CompletionResult, } from "@codemirror/autocomplete"; import type { Compartment, EditorState } from "@codemirror/state"; import { EditorView } from "@codemirror/view"; import { indentUnit, syntaxTree } from "@codemirror/language"; import { compile as gitIgnoreCompiler } from "gitignore-parser"; import type { SyntaxNode } from "@lezer/common"; import { Space } from "../common/space.ts"; import type { FilterOption } from "@silverbulletmd/silverbullet/type/client"; import { EventHook } from "../common/hooks/event.ts"; import type { AppCommand } from "$lib/command.ts"; import { type PageState, parsePageRefFromURI, PathPageNavigator, } from "./navigator.ts"; import type { AppViewState } from "./type.ts"; import type { AppEvent, CompleteEvent, SlashCompletions, } from "../plug-api/types.ts"; import type { StyleObject } from "../plugs/index/style.ts"; import { throttle } from "$lib/async.ts"; import { PlugSpacePrimitives } from "$common/spaces/plug_space_primitives.ts"; import { EventedSpacePrimitives } from "$common/spaces/evented_space_primitives.ts"; import { type ISyncService, NoSyncSyncService, pageSyncInterval, SyncService, } from "./sync_service.ts"; import { simpleHash } from "$lib/crypto.ts"; import type { SyncStatus } from "$common/spaces/sync.ts"; import { HttpSpacePrimitives } from "$common/spaces/http_space_primitives.ts"; import { FallbackSpacePrimitives } from "$common/spaces/fallback_space_primitives.ts"; import { FilteredSpacePrimitives } from "$common/spaces/filtered_space_primitives.ts"; import { encodePageRef, encodePageURI, validatePageName, } from "@silverbulletmd/silverbullet/lib/page_ref"; import { ClientSystem } from "./client_system.ts"; import { createEditorState } from "./editor_state.ts"; import { MainUI } from "./editor_ui.tsx"; import { cleanPageRef } from "@silverbulletmd/silverbullet/lib/resolve"; import type { SpacePrimitives } from "$common/spaces/space_primitives.ts"; import type { CodeWidgetButton, FileMeta, PageMeta, } from "../plug-api/types.ts"; import { DataStore } from "$lib/data/datastore.ts"; import { IndexedDBKvPrimitives } from "$lib/data/indexeddb_kv_primitives.ts"; import { DataStoreMQ } from "$lib/data/mq.datastore.ts"; import { DataStoreSpacePrimitives } from "$common/spaces/datastore_space_primitives.ts"; import { ensureSpaceIndex } from "$common/space_index.ts"; import { renderTheTemplate } from "$common/syscalls/template.ts"; import type { PageRef } from "../plug-api/lib/page_ref.ts"; import { ReadOnlySpacePrimitives } from "$common/spaces/ro_space_primitives.ts"; import type { KvPrimitives } from "$lib/data/kv_primitives.ts"; import { builtinFunctions } from "$lib/builtin_query_functions.ts"; import { ensureAndLoadSettingsAndIndex, updateObjectDecorators, } from "../common/config.ts"; import { LimitedMap } from "$lib/limited_map.ts"; import { plugPrefix } from "$common/spaces/constants.ts"; import { lezerToParseTree } from "$common/markdown_parser/parse_tree.ts"; import { findNodeMatching } from "@silverbulletmd/silverbullet/lib/tree"; import type { AspiringPageObject } from "../plugs/index/page_links.ts"; import type { Config, ConfigContainer } from "../type/config.ts"; import { editor } from "@silverbulletmd/silverbullet/syscalls"; const frontMatterRegex = /^---\n(([^\n]|\n)*?)---\n/; const autoSaveInterval = 1000; declare global { // deno-lint-ignore no-var var silverBulletConfig: { spaceFolderPath: string; syncOnly: boolean; readOnly: boolean; enableSpaceScript: boolean; }; // deno-lint-ignore no-var var client: Client; } type WidgetCacheItem = { height: number; html: string; buttons?: CodeWidgetButton[]; banner?: string; }; export class Client implements ConfigContainer { // Event bus used to communicate between components eventHook = new EventHook(); space!: Space; config!: Config; clientSystem!: ClientSystem; plugSpaceRemotePrimitives!: PlugSpacePrimitives; httpSpacePrimitives!: HttpSpacePrimitives; ui!: MainUI; stateDataStore!: DataStore; spaceKV?: KvPrimitives; mq!: DataStoreMQ; // CodeMirror editor editorView!: EditorView; keyHandlerCompartment?: Compartment; indentUnitCompartment?: Compartment; private pageNavigator!: PathPageNavigator; private dbPrefix: string; saveTimeout?: number; debouncedUpdateEvent = throttle(() => { this.eventHook .dispatchEvent("editor:updated") .catch((e) => console.error("Error dispatching editor:updated event", e)); }, 1000); // Sync related stuff // Track if plugs have been updated since sync cycle fullSyncCompleted = false; syncService!: ISyncService; private onLoadPageRef: PageRef; constructor( private parent: Element, public syncMode: boolean, private readOnlyMode: boolean, ) { if (!syncMode) { this.fullSyncCompleted = true; } // Generate a semi-unique prefix for the database so not to reuse databases for different space paths this.dbPrefix = "" + simpleHash(globalThis.silverBulletConfig.spaceFolderPath); this.onLoadPageRef = parsePageRefFromURI(); } /** * Initialize the client * This is a separated from the constructor to allow for async initialization */ async init() { // Setup the state data store const stateKvPrimitives = new IndexedDBKvPrimitives( `${this.dbPrefix}_state`, ); await stateKvPrimitives.init(); this.stateDataStore = new DataStore(stateKvPrimitives); // Setup message queue = new DataStoreMQ(this.stateDataStore); // Instantiate a PlugOS system this.clientSystem = new ClientSystem( this,, this.stateDataStore, this.eventHook, this.readOnlyMode, ); const localSpacePrimitives = await this.initSpace(); this.syncService = this.syncMode ? new SyncService( localSpacePrimitives, this.plugSpaceRemotePrimitives, this.stateDataStore, this.eventHook, (path) => { // isSyncCandidate // Exclude all plug space primitives paths return !this.plugSpaceRemotePrimitives.isLikelyHandled(path) || // Except federated ones path.startsWith("!") || // Also exclude Library/Std path.startsWith("Library/Std"); }, ) : new NoSyncSyncService(; this.ui = new MainUI(this); this.ui.render(this.parent); this.editorView = new EditorView({ state: createEditorState(this, "", "", true), parent: document.getElementById("sb-editor")!, }); this.focus(); this.clientSystem.init(); await this.loadCaches(); // Let's ping the remote space to ensure we're authenticated properly, if not will result in a redirect to auth page try { await; } catch (e: any) { if (e.message === "Not authenticated") { console.warn("Not authenticated, redirecting to auth page"); return; } if (e.message.includes("Offline") && !this.syncMode) { // Offline and not in sync mode, this is not going to fly. this.flashNotification( "Could not reach remote server, going to reload in a few seconds", "error", ); setTimeout(() => { location.reload(); }, 5000); throw e; } console.warn( "Could not reach remote server, we're offline or the server is down", e, ); } // Load plugs await this.loadPlugs(); // Load config (after the plugs, specifically the 'index' plug is loaded) await this.loadConfig(); await this.clientSystem.loadSpaceScripts(); await this.initNavigator(); await this.initSync(); // We can load custom styles async this.loadCustomStyles().catch(console.error); await this.dispatchAppEvent("editor:init"); // Regularly sync the currently open file setInterval(() => { try { this.syncService.syncFile(`${this.currentPage}.md`).catch((e: any) => { console.error("Interval sync error", e); }); } catch (e: any) { console.error("Interval sync error", e); } }, pageSyncInterval); // Let's update the local page list cache asynchronously this.updatePageListCache().catch(console.error); } async loadConfig() { this.config = await ensureAndLoadSettingsAndIndex(, this.clientSystem.system, ); updateObjectDecorators(this.config, this.stateDataStore); this.ui.viewDispatch({ type: "config-loaded", config: this.config, }); this.clientSystem.slashCommandHook!.buildAllCommands(); this.eventHook.dispatchEvent("config:loaded", this.config); } private async initSync() { this.syncService.start(); // We're still booting, if a initial sync has already been completed we know this is the initial sync let initialSync = !await this.syncService.hasInitialSyncCompleted(); this.eventHook.addLocalListener("sync:success", async (operations) => { if (operations > 0) { // Update the page list await; } if (operations !== undefined) { // "sync:success" is called with a number of operations only from syncSpace(), not from syncing individual pages this.fullSyncCompleted = true; console.log("Full sync completed"); // A full sync just completed if (!initialSync) { // If this was NOT the initial sync let's check if we need to perform a space reindex ensureSpaceIndex(this.stateDataStore, this.clientSystem.system).catch( console.error, ); } else { // initialSync // Let's load space scripts again, which probably weren't loaded before await this.clientSystem.loadSpaceScripts(); await this.loadCustomStyles(); this.rebuildEditorState(); console.log( "Initial sync completed, now need to do a full space index to ensure all pages are indexed using any custom space script indexers", ); ensureSpaceIndex(this.stateDataStore, this.clientSystem.system).catch( console.error, ); initialSync = false; } } if (operations) { // Likely initial sync so let's show visually that we're synced now this.showProgress(100); } this.ui.viewDispatch({ type: "sync-change", syncSuccess: true }); }); this.eventHook.addLocalListener("sync:error", (_name) => { this.ui.viewDispatch({ type: "sync-change", syncSuccess: false }); }); this.eventHook.addLocalListener("sync:conflict", (name) => { this.flashNotification( `Sync: conflict detected for ${name} - conflict copy created`, "error", ); }); this.eventHook.addLocalListener("sync:progress", (status: SyncStatus) => { this.showProgress( Math.round(status.filesProcessed / status.totalFiles * 100), ); }); this.eventHook.addLocalListener( "file:synced", (meta: FileMeta, direction: string) => { if (".md") && direction === "secondary->primary") { // We likely polled the currently open page which trigggered a local update, let's update the editor accordingly, -3)); } }, ); } private navigateWithinPage(pageState: PageState) { // Did we end up doing anything in terms of internal navigation? let adjustedPosition = false; // Was a particular scroll position persisted? if ( pageState.scrollTop !== undefined && !(pageState.scrollTop === 0 && (pageState.pos !== undefined || pageState.anchor !== undefined || pageState.header !== undefined)) ) { setTimeout(() => { this.editorView.scrollDOM.scrollTop = pageState.scrollTop!; }); adjustedPosition = true; } // Was a particular cursor/selection set? if ( pageState.selection?.anchor && !pageState.pos && !pageState.anchor && !pageState.header ) { // Only do this if we got a specific cursor position console.log("Changing cursor position to", pageState.selection); this.editorView.dispatch({ selection: pageState.selection, }); adjustedPosition = true; } // Was there a pos or anchor set? let pos: number | { line: number; column: number } | undefined = pageState.pos; if (pageState.anchor) { console.log("Navigating to anchor", pageState.anchor); const pageText = this.editorView.state.sliceDoc(); const sTree = syntaxTree(this.editorView.state); const tree = lezerToParseTree(pageText, sTree.topNode); const foundNode = findNodeMatching(tree, (node) => { if ( node.type === "NamedAnchor" && node.children![0].text === `$${pageState.anchor}` ) { return true; } return false; }); if (!foundNode) { return this.flashNotification( `Could not find anchor $${pageState.anchor}`, "error", ); } else { pos = foundNode.from; } adjustedPosition = true; } if (pageState.header) { console.log("Navigating to header", pageState.header); const pageText = this.editorView.state.sliceDoc(); // This is somewhat of a simplistic way to find the header, but it works for now pos = pageText.indexOf(`# ${pageState.header}\n`) + 2; if (pos === -1) { return this.flashNotification( `Could not find header "${pageState.header}"`, "error", ); } adjustedPosition = true; } if (pos !== undefined) { // Translate line and column number to position in text if (pos instanceof Object) { // CodeMirror already keeps information about lines const cmLine = this.editorView.state.doc.line(pos.line); // How much to move inside the line, column number starts from 1 const offset = Math.max(0, Math.min(cmLine.length, pos.column - 1)); pos = cmLine.from + offset; } this.editorView.dispatch({ selection: { anchor: pos! }, effects: EditorView.scrollIntoView(pos!, { y: "start", yMargin: 5, }), }); adjustedPosition = true; } // If not: just put the cursor at the top of the page, right after the frontmatter if (!adjustedPosition) { // Somewhat ad-hoc way to determine if the document contains frontmatter and if so, putting the cursor _after it_. const pageText = this.editorView.state.sliceDoc(); // Default the cursor to be at position 0 let initialCursorPos = 0; const match = frontMatterRegex.exec(pageText); if (match) { // Frontmatter found, put cursor after it initialCursorPos = match[0].length; } // By default scroll to the top this.editorView.scrollDOM.scrollTop = 0; this.editorView.dispatch({ selection: { anchor: initialCursorPos }, // And then scroll down if required scrollIntoView: true, }); } } private async initNavigator() { this.pageNavigator = new PathPageNavigator(this); await this.pageNavigator.init(); this.pageNavigator.subscribe(async (pageState) => { console.log("Now navigating to", pageState); await this.loadPage(; // Setup scroll position, cursor position, etc this.navigateWithinPage(pageState); // Persist this page as the last opened page, we'll use this for cold start PWA loads await this.stateDataStore.set( ["client", "lastOpenedPage"],, ); }); if (location.hash === "#boot" && this.config.pwaOpenLastPage !== false) { // Cold start PWA load const lastPage = await this.stateDataStore.get([ "client", "lastOpenedPage", ]); if (lastPage) { console.log("Navigating to last opened page", lastPage); await this.navigate({ page: lastPage }); } } setTimeout(() => { console.log("Focusing editor"); this.focus(); }, 100); } async initSpace(): Promise { this.httpSpacePrimitives = new HttpSpacePrimitives( location.origin, globalThis.silverBulletConfig.spaceFolderPath, ); let remoteSpacePrimitives: SpacePrimitives = this.httpSpacePrimitives; if (this.readOnlyMode) { remoteSpacePrimitives = new ReadOnlySpacePrimitives( remoteSpacePrimitives, ); } this.plugSpaceRemotePrimitives = new PlugSpacePrimitives( remoteSpacePrimitives, this.clientSystem.namespaceHook, this.syncMode ? undefined : "client", ); let fileFilterFn: (s: string) => boolean = () => true; let localSpacePrimitives: SpacePrimitives | undefined; if (this.syncMode) { // We'll store the space files in a separate data store const spaceKvPrimitives = new IndexedDBKvPrimitives( `${this.dbPrefix}_synced_space`, ); await spaceKvPrimitives.init(); this.spaceKV = spaceKvPrimitives; localSpacePrimitives = new FilteredSpacePrimitives( new EventedSpacePrimitives( // Using fallback space primitives here to allow (by default) local reads to "fall through" to HTTP when files aren't synced yet new FallbackSpacePrimitives( new DataStoreSpacePrimitives( new DataStore( spaceKvPrimitives, {}, ), ), this.plugSpaceRemotePrimitives, ), this.eventHook, ), (meta) => fileFilterFn(, // Run when a list of files has been retrieved async () => { if (!this.config) { await this.loadConfig(); } if (typeof this.config?.spaceIgnore === "string") { fileFilterFn = gitIgnoreCompiler(this.config.spaceIgnore).accepts; } else { fileFilterFn = () => true; } }, ); } else { // Not in sync mode localSpacePrimitives = new EventedSpacePrimitives( this.plugSpaceRemotePrimitives, this.eventHook, ); } = new Space( localSpacePrimitives, this.eventHook, ); let lastSaveTimestamp: number | undefined; this.eventHook.addLocalListener("editor:pageSaving", () => { lastSaveTimestamp =; }); this.eventHook.addLocalListener( "file:changed", ( path: string, _localChange: boolean, oldHash: number, newHash: number, ) => { // Only reload when watching the current page (to avoid reloading when switching pages) if ( && `${this.currentPage}.md` === path && // Avoid reloading if the page was just saved (5s window) (!lastSaveTimestamp || (lastSaveTimestamp < - 5000)) ) { console.log( "Page changed elsewhere, reloading. Old hash", oldHash, "new hash", newHash, ); console.log( "Last save timestamp", lastSaveTimestamp, "now",, ); this.flashNotification("Page changed elsewhere, reloading"); this.reloadPage(); } }, ); // Caching a list of known files for the wiki_link highlighter (that checks if a file exists) // And keeping it up to date as we go this.eventHook.addLocalListener("file:changed", (fileName: string) => { // Make sure this file is in the list of known pages this.clientSystem.allKnownFiles.add(fileName); }); this.eventHook.addLocalListener("file:deleted", (fileName: string) => { this.clientSystem.allKnownFiles.delete(fileName); }); this.eventHook.addLocalListener( "file:listed", (allFiles: FileMeta[]) => { // Update list of known pages this.clientSystem.allKnownFiles.clear(); allFiles.forEach((f) => { if (! { this.clientSystem.allKnownFiles.add(; } }); }, );; return localSpacePrimitives; } get currentPage(): string { return this.ui.viewState.currentPage !== undefined ? this.ui.viewState.currentPage :; // best effort } dispatchAppEvent(name: AppEvent, ...args: any[]): Promise { return this.eventHook.dispatchEvent(name, ...args); } // Save the current page save(immediate = false): Promise { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { if (this.saveTimeout) { clearTimeout(this.saveTimeout); } this.saveTimeout = setTimeout( () => { if (this.currentPage) { if ( !this.ui.viewState.unsavedChanges || this.ui.viewState.uiOptions.forcedROMode || this.readOnlyMode ) { // No unsaved changes, or read-only mode, not gonna save return resolve(); } console.log("Saving page", this.currentPage); this.dispatchAppEvent( "editor:pageSaving", this.currentPage, ); .writePage( this.currentPage, this.editorView.state.sliceDoc(0), true, ) .then(async (meta) => { this.ui.viewDispatch({ type: "page-saved" }); await this.dispatchAppEvent( "editor:pageSaved", this.currentPage, meta, ); // At this all the essential stuff is done, let's proceed resolve(); // In the background we'll fetch any enriched meta data, if any const enrichedMeta = await this.clientSystem.getObjectByRef< PageMeta >( this.currentPage, "page", this.currentPage, ); if (enrichedMeta) { this.ui.viewDispatch({ type: "update-current-page-meta", meta: enrichedMeta, }); } }) .catch((e) => { this.flashNotification( "Could not save page, retrying again in 10 seconds", "error", ); this.saveTimeout = setTimeout(, 10000); reject(e); }); } else { resolve(); } }, immediate ? 0 : autoSaveInterval, ); }); } flashNotification(message: string, type: "info" | "error" = "info") { const id = Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000000); this.ui.viewDispatch({ type: "show-notification", notification: { id, type, message, date: new Date(), }, }); setTimeout( () => { this.ui.viewDispatch({ type: "dismiss-notification", id: id, }); }, type === "info" ? 4000 : 5000, ); } startPageNavigate(mode: "page" | "meta" | "all") { // Then show the page navigator this.ui.viewDispatch({ type: "start-navigate", mode }); // And update the page list cache asynchronously this.updatePageListCache().catch(console.error); } async updatePageListCache() { console.log("Updating page list cache"); if (!this.clientSystem.system.loadedPlugs.has("index")) { console.warn("Index plug not loaded, cannot update page list cache"); return; } const allPages = await this.clientSystem.queryObjects("page", {}); const allAspiringPages = (await this.clientSystem.queryObjects< AspiringPageObject >("aspiring-page", { select: [{ name: "name" }], })).map((aspiringPage): PageMeta => ({ ref:, tag: "page", _isAspiring: true, name:, created: "", lastModified: "", perm: "rw", })); this.ui.viewDispatch({ type: "update-page-list", allPages: allPages.concat(allAspiringPages), }); } // Progress circle handling private progressTimeout?: number; showProgress(progressPerc: number) { this.ui.viewDispatch({ type: "set-progress", progressPerc, }); if (this.progressTimeout) { clearTimeout(this.progressTimeout); } this.progressTimeout = setTimeout( () => { this.ui.viewDispatch({ type: "set-progress", }); }, 10000, ); } // Various UI elements filterBox( label: string, options: FilterOption[], helpText = "", placeHolder = "", ): Promise { return new Promise((resolve) => { this.ui.viewDispatch({ type: "show-filterbox", label, options, placeHolder, helpText, onSelect: (option: any) => { this.ui.viewDispatch({ type: "hide-filterbox" }); this.focus(); resolve(option); }, }); }); } prompt( message: string, defaultValue = "", ): Promise { return new Promise((resolve) => { this.ui.viewDispatch({ type: "show-prompt", message, defaultValue, callback: (value: string | undefined) => { this.ui.viewDispatch({ type: "hide-prompt" }); this.focus(); resolve(value); }, }); }); } confirm( message: string, ): Promise { return new Promise((resolve) => { this.ui.viewDispatch({ type: "show-confirm", message, callback: (value: boolean) => { this.ui.viewDispatch({ type: "hide-confirm" }); this.focus(); resolve(value); }, }); }); } async loadPlugs() { await this.clientSystem.reloadPlugsFromSpace(; await this.eventHook.dispatchEvent("system:ready"); await this.dispatchAppEvent("plugs:loaded"); } rebuildEditorState() { const editorView = this.editorView; if (this.currentPage) { editorView.setState( createEditorState( this, this.currentPage, editorView.state.sliceDoc(), this.ui.viewState.currentPageMeta?.perm === "ro", ), ); if (editorView.contentDOM) { this.tweakEditorDOM( editorView.contentDOM, ); } } } // Code completion support async completeWithEvent( context: CompletionContext, eventName: AppEvent, ): Promise { const editorState = context.state; const selection = editorState.selection.main; const line = editorState.doc.lineAt(selection.from); const linePrefix = line.text.slice(0, selection.from - line.from); // Build up list of parent nodes, some completions need this const sTree = syntaxTree(editorState); const currentNode = sTree.resolveInner(editorState.selection.main.from); const parentNodes: string[] = this.extractParentNodes( editorState, currentNode, ); // Dispatch the event const results = await this.dispatchAppEvent(eventName, { pageName: this.currentPage, linePrefix, pos: selection.from, parentNodes, } as CompleteEvent); // Merge results let currentResult: CompletionResult | null = null; for (const result of results) { if (!result) { continue; } if (currentResult) { // Let's see if we can merge results if (currentResult.from !== result.from) { console.error( "Got completion results from multiple sources with different `from` locators, cannot deal with that", ); console.error( "Previously had", currentResult, "now also got", result, ); return null; } else { // Merge currentResult = { from: result.from, options: [...currentResult.options, ...result.options], }; } } else { currentResult = result; } } return currentResult; } public extractParentNodes(editorState: EditorState, currentNode: SyntaxNode) { const parentNodes: string[] = []; if (currentNode) { let node: SyntaxNode | null = currentNode; do { if ( === "FencedCode" || === "FrontMatter") { const body = editorState.sliceDoc(node.from + 3, - 3); parentNodes.push(`${}:${body}`); } else { parentNodes.push(; } node = node.parent; } while (node); } return parentNodes; } editorComplete( context: CompletionContext, ): Promise { return this.completeWithEvent(context, "editor:complete") as Promise< CompletionResult | null >; } miniEditorComplete( context: CompletionContext, ): Promise { return this.completeWithEvent(context, "minieditor:complete") as Promise< CompletionResult | null >; } async reloadPage() { console.log("Reloading page"); clearTimeout(this.saveTimeout); await this.loadPage(this.currentPage); } // Focus the editor focus() { const viewState = this.ui.viewState; if ( [ viewState.showCommandPalette, viewState.showPageNavigator, viewState.showFilterBox, viewState.showConfirm, viewState.showPrompt, ].some(Boolean) ) { // console.log("not focusing"); // Some other modal UI element is visible, don't focus editor now return; } this.editorView.focus(); } async navigate( pageRef: PageRef, replaceState = false, newWindow = false, ) { if (! { = cleanPageRef( await renderTheTemplate( this.config.indexPage, {}, {}, builtinFunctions, ), ); } try { validatePageName(; } catch (e: any) { return this.flashNotification(e.message, "error"); } if (newWindow) { console.log( "Navigating to new page in new window", `${location.origin}/${encodePageURI(encodePageRef(pageRef))}`, ); const win = `${location.origin}/${encodePageURI(encodePageRef(pageRef))}`, "_blank", ); if (win) { win.focus(); } return; } await this.pageNavigator!.navigate( pageRef, replaceState, ); this.focus(); } async loadPage(pageName: string) { const loadingDifferentPage = pageName !== this.currentPage; const editorView = this.editorView; const previousPage = this.currentPage; // Persist current page state and nicely close page if (previousPage) { // this.openPages.saveState(previousPage);; if (previousPage !== pageName) { await; } } this.ui.viewDispatch({ type: "page-loading", name: pageName, }); // Fetch next page to open let doc; try { doc = await; } catch (e: any) { if (e.message.includes("Not found")) { // Not found, new page console.log("Page doesn't exist, creating new page:", pageName); // Initialize page doc = { text: "", meta: { ref: pageName, tags: ["page"], name: pageName, lastModified: "", created: "", perm: "rw", } as PageMeta, }; // Create new page based on a template this.clientSystem.system.invokeFunction("template.newPage", [pageName]) .then( () => { this.focus(); }, ).catch( console.error, ); } else { this.flashNotification( `Could not load page ${pageName}: ${e.message}`, "error", ); if (previousPage) { this.ui.viewDispatch({ type: "page-loading", name: previousPage, }); } return false; } } this.ui.viewDispatch({ type: "page-loaded", meta: doc.meta, }); // Fetch (possibly) enriched meta data asynchronously this.clientSystem.getObjectByRef< PageMeta >( this.currentPage, "page", this.currentPage, ).then((enrichedMeta) => { if (!enrichedMeta) { // Nothing in the store, revert to default enrichedMeta = doc.meta; } const bodyEl = this.parent.parentElement; if (bodyEl) { bodyEl.removeAttribute("class"); if (enrichedMeta.pageDecoration?.cssClasses) { bodyEl.className = enrichedMeta.pageDecoration.cssClasses.join(" ") .replaceAll(/[^a-zA-Z0-9-_ ]/g, ""); } } this.ui.viewDispatch({ type: "update-current-page-meta", meta: enrichedMeta, }); }).catch(console.error); // When loading a different page OR if the page is read-only (in which case we don't want to apply local patches, because there's no point) if (loadingDifferentPage || doc.meta.perm === "ro") { const editorState = createEditorState( this, pageName, doc.text, doc.meta.perm === "ro", ); editorView.setState(editorState); if (editorView.contentDOM) { this.tweakEditorDOM(editorView.contentDOM); }; } else { // Just apply minimal patches so that the cursor is preserved await editor.setText(doc.text, true); } // Note: these events are dispatched asynchronously deliberately (not waiting for results) if (loadingDifferentPage) { this.eventHook.dispatchEvent("editor:pageLoaded", pageName, previousPage) .catch( console.error, ); } else { this.eventHook.dispatchEvent("editor:pageReloaded", pageName).catch( console.error, ); } const indentMultiplier = this.config.indentMultiplier ?? 1; this.editorView.dispatch({ effects: this.indentUnitCompartment?.reconfigure( indentUnit.of(" ".repeat(indentMultiplier)), ), // Change the indentation unit to 2 spaces }); "--editor-indent-multiplier", indentMultiplier.toString(), ); } tweakEditorDOM(contentDOM: HTMLElement) { contentDOM.spellcheck = true; contentDOM.setAttribute("autocorrect", "on"); contentDOM.setAttribute("autocapitalize", "on"); } async loadCustomStyles() { const spaceStyles = await this.clientSystem.queryObjects( "space-style", {}, ); if (!spaceStyles) { return; } // Sort stylesheets (last declared styles take precedence) // Order is 1: Imported styles, 2: Other styles, 3: customStyles from Settings const sortOrder = ["library", "user", "config"]; spaceStyles.sort((a, b) => sortOrder.indexOf(a.origin) - sortOrder.indexOf(b.origin) ); const accumulatedCSS: string[] = []; for (const s of spaceStyles) { accumulatedCSS.push(; } const customStylesContent = accumulatedCSS.join("\n\n"); this.ui.viewDispatch({ type: "set-ui-option", key: "customStyles", value: customStylesContent, }); document.getElementById("custom-styles")!.innerHTML = customStylesContent; } async runCommandByName(name: string, args?: any[]) { const cmd = this.ui.viewState.commands.get(name); if (cmd) { if (args) { await; } else { await; } } else { throw new Error(`Command ${name} not found`); } } getCommandsByContext( state: AppViewState, ): Map { const commands = new Map(state.commands); for (const [k, v] of state.commands.entries()) { if ( v.command.contexts && (!state.showCommandPaletteContext || !v.command.contexts.includes(state.showCommandPaletteContext)) ) { commands.delete(k); } } return commands; } getContext(): string | undefined { const state = this.editorView.state; const selection = state.selection.main; if (selection.empty) { return syntaxTree(state).resolveInner(selection.from); } return; } // Widget and image height caching private widgetCache = new LimitedMap(100); // bodyText -> WidgetCacheItem private widgetHeightCache = new LimitedMap(100); // bodytext -> height async loadCaches() { const [widgetHeightCache, widgetCache] = await this .stateDataStore.batchGet([[ "cache", "widgetHeight", ], ["cache", "widgets"]]); this.widgetHeightCache = new LimitedMap(100, widgetHeightCache || {}); this.widgetCache = new LimitedMap(100, widgetCache || {}); } debouncedWidgetHeightCacheFlush = throttle(() => { this.stateDataStore.set( ["cache", "widgetHeight"], this.widgetHeightCache.toJSON(), ) .catch( console.error, ); }, 2000); setCachedWidgetHeight(bodyText: string, height: number) { this.widgetHeightCache.set(bodyText, height); this.debouncedWidgetHeightCacheFlush(); } getCachedWidgetHeight(bodyText: string): number { return this.widgetHeightCache.get(bodyText) ?? -1; } debouncedWidgetCacheFlush = throttle(() => { this.stateDataStore.set(["cache", "widgets"], this.widgetCache.toJSON()) .catch( console.error, ); }, 2000); setWidgetCache(key: string, cacheItem: WidgetCacheItem) { this.widgetCache.set(key, cacheItem); this.debouncedWidgetCacheFlush(); } getWidgetCache(key: string): WidgetCacheItem | undefined { return this.widgetCache.get(key); } }