import type { SysCallMapping } from "../system.ts";
import type { FileMeta } from "../../../plug-api/types.ts";
import { base64DecodeDataUrl, base64Encode } from "../../crypto.ts";
import { dirname, resolve } from "@std/path";
import { mime } from "mimetypes";
import { walk } from "@std/fs";

export default function fileSystemSyscalls(root = "/"): SysCallMapping {
  function resolvedPath(p: string): string {
    p = resolve(root, p);
    if (!p.startsWith(root)) {
      throw Error("Path outside root, not allowed");
    return p;

  return {
    "fs.readFile": async (
      filePath: string,
      encoding: "utf8" | "dataurl" = "utf8",
    ): Promise<string> => {
      const p = resolvedPath(filePath);
      let text = "";
      if (encoding === "utf8") {
        text = await Deno.readTextFile(p);
      } else {
        text = `data:application/octet-stream,${
          base64Encode(await Deno.readFile(p))
      return text;
    "fs.getFileMeta": async (_ctx, filePath: string): Promise<FileMeta> => {
      const p = resolvedPath(filePath);
      const s = await Deno.stat(p);
      return {
        name: filePath,
        created: s.birthtime?.getTime() || s.mtime?.getTime() || 0,
        lastModified: s.mtime?.getTime() || 0,
        contentType: mime.getType(filePath) || "application/octet-stream",
        size: s.size,
        perm: "rw",
    "fs.writeFile": async (
      filePath: string,
      text: string,
      encoding: "utf8" | "dataurl" = "utf8",
    ): Promise<FileMeta> => {
      const p = resolvedPath(filePath);
      await Deno.mkdir(dirname(p), { recursive: true });
      if (encoding === "utf8") {
        await Deno.writeTextFile(p, text);
      } else {
        await Deno.writeFile(p, base64DecodeDataUrl(text));
      const s = await Deno.stat(p);
      return {
        name: filePath,
        created: s.birthtime?.getTime() || s.mtime?.getTime() || 0,
        lastModified: s.mtime?.getTime() || 0,
        contentType: mime.getType(filePath) || "application/octet-stream",
        size: s.size,
        perm: "rw",
    "fs.deleteFile": async (_ctx, filePath: string): Promise<void> => {
      await Deno.remove(resolvedPath(filePath));
    "fs.listFiles": async (
      dirPath: string,
      recursive: boolean,
    ): Promise<FileMeta[]> => {
      dirPath = resolvedPath(dirPath);
      const allFiles: FileMeta[] = [];
      for await (
        const file of walk(dirPath, {
          includeDirs: false,
          // Exclude hidden files
          skip: [
            // Dynamically builds a regexp that matches hidden directories INSIDE the rootPath
            // (but if the rootPath is hidden, it stil lists files inside of it, fixing #130 and #518)
            new RegExp(`^${escapeRegExp(root)}.*\\/\\..+$`),
          maxDepth: recursive ? Infinity : 1,
      ) {
        const fullPath = file.path;
        const s = await Deno.stat(fullPath);
          name: fullPath.substring(dirPath.length + 1),
          created: s.birthtime?.getTime() || s.mtime?.getTime() || 0,
          lastModified: s.mtime?.getTime() || 0,
          contentType: mime.getType(fullPath) || "application/octet-stream",
          size: s.size,
          perm: "rw",
      return allFiles;

function escapeRegExp(string: string) {
  return string.replace(/[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, "\\$&"); // $& means the whole matched string