import { SpacePrimitives } from "./space_primitives.ts"; import { EventEmitter } from "../../plugos/event.ts"; import { FileMeta } from "$sb/types.ts"; type SyncHash = number; // Tuple where the first value represents a lastModified timestamp for the primary space // and the second item the lastModified value of the secondary space export type SyncStatusItem = [SyncHash, SyncHash]; export type SyncStatus = { filesProcessed: number; totalFiles: number; snapshot: Map<string, SyncStatusItem>; }; export type SyncOptions = { conflictResolver: ( name: string, snapshot: Map<string, SyncStatusItem>, primarySpace: SpacePrimitives, secondarySpace: SpacePrimitives, ) => Promise<number>; isSyncCandidate?: (path: string) => boolean; // Used to track progress, may want to pass more specific info later onSyncProgress?: (syncStatus: SyncStatus) => void; }; type SyncDirection = "primary->secondary" | "secondary->primary"; export type SyncEvents = { fileSynced: (meta: FileMeta, direction: SyncDirection) => void; }; // Implementation of this algorithm export class SpaceSync extends EventEmitter<SyncEvents> { constructor( private primary: SpacePrimitives, private secondary: SpacePrimitives, readonly options: SyncOptions, ) { super(); } async syncFiles( snapshot: Map<string, SyncStatusItem>, isSyncCandidate = this.options.isSyncCandidate, ): Promise<number> { let operations = 0; console.log("[sync]", "Performing a full sync cycle..."); // Not try-catching this because this one's local and shouldn't fail (famous last words) const primaryAllPages = this.syncCandidates( await this.primary.fetchFileList(), ); try { const secondaryAllPages = this.syncCandidates( await this.secondary.fetchFileList(), ); const primaryFileMap = new Map<string, SyncHash>( => [, m.lastModified]), ); const secondaryFileMap = new Map<string, SyncHash>( => [, m.lastModified]), ); const allFilesToProcess = new Set([ ...snapshot.keys(), ...primaryFileMap.keys(), ...secondaryFileMap.keys(), ]); const sortedFilenames = [...allFilesToProcess]; sortedFilenames.sort((a) => { // Just make sure that _plug/ files appear first // This is important for the initial sync: plugs are loaded the moment they are pulled into the space, // which would activate e.g. any indexing logic for the remaining space content return a.startsWith("_plug/") ? -1 : 1; }); // console.log("[sync]", "Iterating over all files"); let filesProcessed = 0; for (const name of sortedFilenames) { if (isSyncCandidate && !isSyncCandidate(name)) { continue; } try { operations += await this.syncFile( snapshot, name, primaryFileMap.get(name), secondaryFileMap.get(name), ); filesProcessed++; // Only report something significant if (operations > 1 && this.options.onSyncProgress) { this.options.onSyncProgress({ filesProcessed, totalFiles: sortedFilenames.length, snapshot, }); } } catch (e: any) { console.log("error", "Error syncing file", name, e.message); } } } catch (e: any) { console.log("error", "General sync error:", e.message); throw e; } console.log("[sync]", "Sync complete, operations performed", operations); return operations; } async syncFile( snapshot: Map<string, SyncStatusItem>, name: string, primaryHash: SyncHash | undefined, secondaryHash: SyncHash | undefined, ): Promise<number> { if (this.options.isSyncCandidate && !this.options.isSyncCandidate(name)) { return 0; } // console.log("Syncing", name, primaryHash, secondaryHash); let operations = 0; if ( primaryHash !== undefined && secondaryHash === undefined && !snapshot.has(name) ) { // New file, created on primary, copy from primary to secondary console.log( "[sync]", "New file created on primary, copying to secondary", name, ); const { data, meta } = await this.primary.readFile(name); const writtenMeta = await this.secondary.writeFile( name, data, false, meta, ); snapshot.set(name, [ primaryHash, writtenMeta.lastModified, ]); operations++; await this.emit("fileSynced", writtenMeta, "primary->secondary"); } else if ( secondaryHash !== undefined && primaryHash === undefined && !snapshot.has(name) ) { // New file, created on secondary, copy from secondary to primary console.log( "[sync]", "New file created on secondary, copying from secondary to primary", name, ); const { data, meta } = await this.secondary.readFile(name); const writtenMeta = await this.primary.writeFile( name, data, false, meta, ); snapshot.set(name, [ writtenMeta.lastModified, secondaryHash, ]); operations++; await this.emit("fileSynced", writtenMeta, "secondary->primary"); } else if ( primaryHash !== undefined && snapshot.has(name) && secondaryHash === undefined ) { // File deleted on B console.log( "[sync]", "File deleted on secondary, deleting from primary", name, ); await this.primary.deleteFile(name); snapshot.delete(name); operations++; } else if ( secondaryHash !== undefined && snapshot.has(name) && primaryHash === undefined ) { // File deleted on A console.log( "[sync]", "File deleted on primary, deleting from secondary", name, ); await this.secondary.deleteFile(name); snapshot.delete(name); operations++; } else if ( snapshot.has(name) && primaryHash === undefined && secondaryHash === undefined ) { // File deleted on both sides, :shrug: console.log( "[sync]", "File deleted on both ends, deleting from status", name, ); snapshot.delete(name); operations++; } else if ( primaryHash !== undefined && secondaryHash !== undefined && snapshot.get(name) && primaryHash !== snapshot.get(name)![0] && secondaryHash === snapshot.get(name)![1] ) { // File has changed on primary, but not secondary: copy from primary to secondary console.log( "[sync]", "File changed on primary, copying to secondary", name, ); const { data, meta } = await this.primary.readFile(name); const writtenMeta = await this.secondary.writeFile( name, data, false, meta, ); snapshot.set(name, [ primaryHash, writtenMeta.lastModified, ]); operations++; await this.emit("fileSynced", writtenMeta, "primary->secondary"); } else if ( primaryHash !== undefined && secondaryHash !== undefined && snapshot.get(name) && secondaryHash !== snapshot.get(name)![1] && primaryHash === snapshot.get(name)![0] ) { // File has changed on secondary, but not primary: copy from secondary to primary console.log( "[sync]", "File has changed on secondary, but not primary: copy from secondary to primary", name, ); const { data, meta } = await this.secondary.readFile(name); const writtenMeta = await this.primary.writeFile( name, data, false, meta, ); snapshot.set(name, [ writtenMeta.lastModified, secondaryHash, ]); operations++; await this.emit("fileSynced", writtenMeta, "secondary->primary"); } else if ( ( // File changed on both ends, but we don't have any info in the snapshot (resync scenario?): have to run through conflict handling primaryHash !== undefined && secondaryHash !== undefined && !snapshot.has(name) ) || ( // File changed on both ends, CONFLICT! primaryHash && secondaryHash && snapshot.get(name) && secondaryHash !== snapshot.get(name)![1] && primaryHash !== snapshot.get(name)![0] ) ) { console.log( "[sync]", "File changed on both ends, potential conflict", name, ); operations += await this.options.conflictResolver!( name, snapshot, this.primary, this.secondary, ); } else { // Nothing needs to happen } return operations; } // Strategy: Primary wins public static async primaryConflictResolver( name: string, snapshot: Map<string, SyncStatusItem>, primary: SpacePrimitives, secondary: SpacePrimitives, ): Promise<number> { console.log("[sync]", "Starting conflict resolution for", name); const filePieces = name.split("."); const fileNameBase = filePieces.slice(0, -1).join("."); const fileNameExt = filePieces[filePieces.length - 1]; const pageData1 = await primary.readFile(name); const pageData2 = await secondary.readFile(name); let byteWiseMatch = true; const arrayBuffer1 =; const arrayBuffer2 =; if (arrayBuffer1.byteLength !== arrayBuffer2.byteLength) { byteWiseMatch = false; } if (byteWiseMatch) { // Byte-wise comparison for (let i = 0; i < arrayBuffer1.byteLength; i++) { if (arrayBuffer1[i] !== arrayBuffer2[i]) { byteWiseMatch = false; break; } } // Byte wise they're still the same, so no confict if (byteWiseMatch) { console.log("[sync]", "Files are the same, no conflict"); snapshot.set(name, [ pageData1.meta.lastModified, pageData2.meta.lastModified, ]); return 0; } } let operations = 0; const revisionFileName = filePieces.length === 1 ? `${name}.conflicted.${pageData2.meta.lastModified}` : `${fileNameBase}.conflicted.${pageData2.meta.lastModified}.${fileNameExt}`; console.log( "[sync]", "Going to create conflicting copy", revisionFileName, ); // Copy secondary to conflict copy const localConflictMeta = await primary.writeFile( revisionFileName,, ); operations++; const remoteConflictMeta = await secondary.writeFile( revisionFileName,, ); operations++; // Write replacement on top const writeMeta = await secondary.writeFile( name,, true, ); operations++; // Updating snapshot snapshot.set(revisionFileName, [ localConflictMeta.lastModified, remoteConflictMeta.lastModified, ]); snapshot.set(name, [pageData1.meta.lastModified, writeMeta.lastModified]); return operations; } syncCandidates(files: FileMeta[]): FileMeta[] { if (this.options.isSyncCandidate) { return files.filter((meta) => this.options.isSyncCandidate!(; } else { return files; } } }