An attempt at documenting of the changes/new features introduced in each (pre) release. ## 0.0.31 * Updates to templates: * For the `Template: Instantiate Page` command, the page meta value `PAGENAME` is now used to configure the page name (was `name` before). Also if `PAGENAME` is the only page meta defined, it will remove the page meta entirely when instantiating. * You can now configure a daily note prefix with `dailyNotePrefix` in `SETTINGS` and create a template for your daily note under `template/page/Daily Note` (configurable via the `dailyNoteTemplate` setting). * You can now a quick note prefix with `quickNotePrefix` in `SETTINGS`. ## 0.0.30 * Slash commands now only trigger after a non-word character to avoid "false positives" like "hello/world". * Page auto complete now works with slashes in the name. * Having a `SETTINGS` page is now mandatory. One is auto generated if none is present. * Added a `indexPage` setting to set the index page for the space (which by default is `index`). When navigating to this page, the page name will "disappear" from the URL. That is, the index URL will simply be `http://localhost:3000/`. * This feature is now used in `website` and set to `Silver Bullet` there. To also make the title look nicer when visiting ## 0.0.29 * Added the `Link: Unfurl` command, which is scoped to only work (and be visible) when used on “naked URLs”, that is: URLs not embedded in a link or other place, such as this one: * Plugs can implement their own unfurlers by responding to the `unfurl:options` event (see the [Twitter plug]( for an example). * Core implements only one unfurl option: “Extract title” which pulls the `` tag from the linked URL and replaces it with a `[bla](URL)` style link. * Removed status bar: to further simplify the SB UI. You can still pull up the same stat on demand with the `Stats: Show` command. * The page switcher is now maintaining its ordering based on, in order: 1. Last opened pages (in current session) 2. Last modified date (on disk) 3. Everything else 4. The currently open page (at the bottom) * Filter boxes (used for the page switching and command palette among other things) now also support PgUp, PgDown, Home and End and have some visual glitches fixed as well. * Reverted exposing an empty `window` object to sandboxes running in workers and node.js (introduced in 0.0.28) * Renamed Markdown-preview related commands to something more consistent