import { ISQLite } from "../sqlite/sqlite_interface.ts"; import { SysCallMapping } from "../system.ts"; export type Item = { page: string; key: string; value: any; }; export type KV = { key: string; value: any; }; export async function ensureTable(db: ISQLite, tableName: string) { const result = await db.query( `SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name=?`, tableName, ); if (result.length === 0) { await db.execute( `CREATE TABLE ${tableName} (key STRING PRIMARY KEY, value TEXT);`, ); // console.log(`Created table ${tableName}`); } } export type Query = { filter?: Filter[]; orderBy?: string; orderDesc?: boolean; limit?: number; select?: string[]; }; export type Filter = { op: string; prop: string; value: any; }; export function queryToSql( query: Query, ): { sql: string; params: any[] } { const whereClauses: string[] = []; const clauses: string[] = []; const params: any[] = []; if (query.filter) { for (const filter of query.filter) { whereClauses.push( `json_extract(value, '$.${filter.prop}') ${filter.op} ?`, ); params.push(filter.value); } } if (query.orderBy) { clauses.push( `ORDER BY json_extract(value, '$.${query.orderBy}') ${ query.orderDesc ? "desc" : "asc" }`, ); } if (query.limit) { clauses.push(`LIMIT ${query.limit}`); } return { sql: whereClauses.length > 0 ? `WHERE ${whereClauses.join(" AND ")} ${clauses.join(" ")}` : clauses.join(" "), params, }; } export function storeSyscalls( db: ISQLite, tableName: string, ): SysCallMapping { const apiObj: SysCallMapping = { "store.delete": async (_ctx, key: string) => { await db.execute(`DELETE FROM ${tableName} WHERE key = ?`, key); }, "store.deletePrefix": async (_ctx, prefix: string) => { await db.execute( `DELETE FROM ${tableName} WHERE key LIKE ?`, `${prefix}%`, ); }, "store.deleteQuery": async (_ctx, query: Query) => { const { sql, params } = queryToSql(query); await db.execute(`DELETE FROM ${tableName} ${sql}`, ...params); }, "store.deleteAll": async () => { await db.execute(`DELETE FROM ${tableName}`); }, "store.set": async (_ctx, key: string, value: any) => { await db.execute( `INSERT INTO ${tableName} (key, value) VALUES (?, ?) ON CONFLICT(key) DO UPDATE SET value=excluded.value`, key, JSON.stringify(value), ); }, "store.batchSet": async (_ctx, kvs: KV[]) => { if (kvs.length === 0) { return; } const values = kvs.flatMap(( kv, ) => [kv.key, JSON.stringify(kv.value)]); await db.execute( `INSERT INTO ${tableName} (key, value) VALUES ${ => "(?, ?)").join(",")} ON CONFLICT(key) DO UPDATE SET value=excluded.value`, ...values, ); }, "store.batchDelete": async (ctx, keys: string[]) => { for (const key of keys) { await apiObj["store.delete"](ctx, key); } }, "store.get": async (_ctx, key: string): Promise<any | null> => { const result = await db.query( `SELECT value FROM ${tableName} WHERE key = ?`, key, ); if (result.length) { return JSON.parse(result[0].value); } else { return null; } }, "store.queryPrefix": async (_ctx, prefix: string) => { return ( await db.query( `SELECT key, value FROM ${tableName} WHERE key LIKE ?`, `${prefix}%`, ) ).map(({ key, value }) => ({ key, value: JSON.parse(value), })); }, "store.query": async (_ctx, query: Query) => { const { sql, params } = queryToSql(query); return ( await db.query( `SELECT key, value FROM ${tableName} ${sql}`, ...params, ) ).map(({ key, value }: { key: string; value: string }) => ({ key, value: JSON.parse(value), })); }, }; return apiObj; }