// IMPORTANT: After modifiying this file, run `deno task generate` in the SB root to regenerate the asset bundle (`worker_bundle.json`), which will be imported for the runtime. import { safeRun } from "../util.ts"; import { ConsoleLogger } from "./custom_logger.ts"; import type { ControllerMessage, WorkerMessage } from "./worker.ts"; if (typeof Deno === "undefined") { // @ts-ignore: Deno hack self.Deno = { args: [], // @ts-ignore: Deno hack build: { arch: "x86_64", }, env: { // @ts-ignore: Deno hack get() { }, }, }; } // deno-lint-ignore ban-types const loadedFunctions = new Map<string, Function>(); const pendingRequests = new Map< number, { resolve: (result: unknown) => void; reject: (e: any) => void; } >(); function workerPostMessage(msg: ControllerMessage) { if (typeof window !== "undefined" && window.parent !== window) { window.parent.postMessage(msg, "*"); } else { self.postMessage(msg); } } declare global { function syscall(name: string, ...args: any[]): Promise<any>; // function require(moduleName: string): any; } let syscallReqId = 0; self.syscall = async (name: string, ...args: any[]) => { return await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { syscallReqId++; pendingRequests.set(syscallReqId, { resolve, reject }); workerPostMessage({ type: "syscall", id: syscallReqId, name, args, }); }); }; const loadedModules = new Map<string, any>(); // @ts-ignore: global to load dynamic imports self.require = (moduleName: string): any => { // console.log("Requiring", moduleName, loadedModules.get(moduleName)); const mod = loadedModules.get(moduleName); if (!mod) { throw new Error( `Dynamically importing non-preloaded library ${moduleName}`, ); } return mod; }; // @ts-ignore: global overwrite on purpose self.console = new ConsoleLogger((level, message) => { workerPostMessage({ type: "log", level, message }); }, false); function wrapScript(code: string) { return `return (${code})["default"]`; } self.addEventListener("message", (event: { data: WorkerMessage }) => { safeRun(async () => { const data = event.data; switch (data.type) { case "load": { const fn2 = new Function(wrapScript(data.code!)); loadedFunctions.set(data.name!, fn2()); workerPostMessage({ type: "inited", name: data.name, }); } break; case "load-dependency": { // console.log("Received dep", data.name); const fn3 = new Function(`return ${data.code!}`); const v = fn3(); loadedModules.set(data.name!, v); // console.log("Dep val", v); workerPostMessage({ type: "dependency-inited", name: data.name, }); } break; case "invoke": { const fn = loadedFunctions.get(data.name!); if (!fn) { throw new Error(`Function not loaded: ${data.name}`); } try { const result = await Promise.resolve(fn(...(data.args || []))); workerPostMessage({ type: "result", id: data.id, result: result, } as ControllerMessage); } catch (e: any) { workerPostMessage({ type: "result", id: data.id, error: e.message, stack: e.stack, }); // console.error("Error invoking function", data.name, e.message); // throw e; } } break; case "syscall-response": { const syscallId = data.id!; const lookup = pendingRequests.get(syscallId); if (!lookup) { console.log( "Current outstanding requests", pendingRequests, "looking up", syscallId, ); throw Error("Invalid request id"); } pendingRequests.delete(syscallId); if (data.error) { lookup.reject(new Error(data.error)); } else { lookup.resolve(data.result); } } break; } }); }); import { monkeyPatchFetch } from "../../plug-api/plugos-syscall/fetch.ts"; monkeyPatchFetch();