import { useEffect, useRef } from "preact/hooks"; import { history, historyKeymap, standardKeymap } from "@codemirror/commands"; import { autocompletion, closeBracketsKeymap, CompletionContext, completionKeymap, CompletionResult, } from "@codemirror/autocomplete"; import { EditorState } from "@codemirror/state"; import { EditorView, highlightSpecialChars, keymap, placeholder, ViewPlugin, ViewUpdate, } from "@codemirror/view"; import { getCM as vimGetCm, Vim, vim } from "@replit/codemirror-vim"; import { createCommandKeyBindings } from "../editor_state.ts"; type MiniEditorEvents = { onEnter: (newText: string, shiftDown?: boolean) => void; onEscape?: (newText: string) => void; onBlur?: (newText: string) => void | Promise<void>; onChange?: (newText: string) => void; onKeyUp?: (view: EditorView, event: KeyboardEvent) => boolean; onKeyDown?: (view: EditorView, event: KeyboardEvent) => boolean; }; export function MiniEditor( { text, placeholderText, vimMode, darkMode, vimStartInInsertMode, onBlur, onEscape, onKeyUp, onKeyDown, onEnter, onChange, focus, completer, }: { text: string; placeholderText?: string; vimMode: boolean; darkMode: boolean; vimStartInInsertMode?: boolean; focus?: boolean; completer?: ( context: CompletionContext, ) => Promise<CompletionResult | null>; } & MiniEditorEvents, ) { const editorDiv = useRef<HTMLDivElement>(null); const editorViewRef = useRef<EditorView>(); const vimModeRef = useRef<string>("normal"); // TODO: This super duper ugly, but I don't know how to avoid it // Due to how MiniCodeEditor is built, it captures the closures of all callback functions // which results in them pointing to old state variables, to avoid this we do this... const callbacksRef = useRef<MiniEditorEvents>(); useEffect(() => { const currentEditorDiv = editorDiv.current; if (currentEditorDiv) { // console.log("Creating editor view"); const editorView = new EditorView({ state: buildEditorState(), parent: currentEditorDiv, }); editorViewRef.current = editorView; const focusEditorView = editorView.focus.bind(editorView); currentEditorDiv.addEventListener("focusin", focusEditorView); if (focus) { editorView.focus(); } return () => { currentEditorDiv.removeEventListener("focusin", focusEditorView); if (editorViewRef.current) { editorViewRef.current.destroy(); } }; } }, [editorDiv, placeholderText]); useEffect(() => { callbacksRef.current = { onBlur, onEnter, onEscape, onKeyUp, onKeyDown, onChange, }; }); useEffect(() => { if (editorViewRef.current) { const currentEditorText = editorViewRef.current.state.sliceDoc(); if (currentEditorText !== text) { editorViewRef.current.setState(buildEditorState()); editorViewRef.current.dispatch({ selection: { anchor: text.length }, }); } } }, [text, vimMode]); let onBlurred = false, onEntered = false; return ( <div class="sb-mini-editor" onKeyDown={(e) => { let stopPropagation = false; if (callbacksRef.current!.onKeyDown) { stopPropagation = callbacksRef.current!.onKeyDown( editorViewRef.current!, e, ); } if (stopPropagation) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); } }} ref={editorDiv} /> ); function buildEditorState() { // When vim mode is active, we need for CM to have created the new state // and the subscribe to the vim mode's events // This needs to happen in the next tick, so we wait a tick with setTimeout if (vimMode) { // Only applies to vim mode setTimeout(() => { const cm = vimGetCm(editorViewRef.current!)!; cm.on("vim-mode-change", ({ mode }: { mode: string }) => { vimModeRef.current = mode; }); if (vimStartInInsertMode) { Vim.handleKey(cm, "i"); } }); } return EditorState.create({ doc: text, extensions: [ EditorView.theme({}, { dark: darkMode }), // Enable vim mode, or not [...vimMode ? [vim()] : []], autocompletion({ override: completer ? [completer] : [], }), highlightSpecialChars(), history(), [...placeholderText ? [placeholder(placeholderText)] : []], keymap.of([ { key: "Enter", run: (view) => { onEnter(view, false); return true; }, }, { key: "Shift-Enter", run: (view) => { onEnter(view, true); return true; }, }, { key: "Escape", run: (view) => { callbacksRef.current!.onEscape && callbacksRef.current!.onEscape(view.state.sliceDoc()); return true; }, }, ...closeBracketsKeymap, ...standardKeymap, ...historyKeymap, ...completionKeymap, ...createCommandKeyBindings(window.client), ]), EditorView.domEventHandlers({ click: (e) => { e.stopPropagation(); }, keyup: (event, view) => { if (event.key === "Escape") { // Esc should be handled by the keymap return false; } if (event.key === "Enter") { // Enter should be handled by the keymap, except when in Vim normal mode // because then it's disabled if (vimMode && vimModeRef.current === "normal") { onEnter(view, event.shiftKey); return true; } return false; } if (callbacksRef.current!.onKeyUp) { return callbacksRef.current!.onKeyUp(view, event); } return false; }, blur: (_e, view) => { onBlur(view); }, }), ViewPlugin.fromClass( class { update(update: ViewUpdate): void { if (update.docChanged) { callbacksRef.current!.onChange && callbacksRef.current!.onChange(update.state.sliceDoc()); } } }, ), ], }); // Avoid double triggering these events (may happen due to onkeypress vs onkeyup delay) function onEnter(view: EditorView, shiftDown: boolean) { if (onEntered) { return; } onEntered = true; callbacksRef.current!.onEnter(view.state.sliceDoc(), shiftDown); // Event may occur again in 500ms setTimeout(() => { onEntered = false; }, 500); } function onBlur(view: EditorView) { if (onBlurred || onEntered) { return; } onBlurred = true; if (callbacksRef.current!.onBlur) { Promise.resolve(callbacksRef.current!.onBlur(view.state.sliceDoc())) .catch((e) => { // Reset the state view.setState(buildEditorState()); }); } // Event may occur again in 500ms setTimeout(() => { onBlurred = false; }, 500); } } }