export class LockoutTimer { // A very simple, quick, inexact lockout timer // For each request isLocked() or updateBucketTime() must be called before addCount() // counts in buckets of countPeriodMs // each period starts with an empty bucket // suggest SB_LOCKOUT_TIME_MS=60000 SB_LOCKOUT_LIMIT=10 bucketTime: number = 0; bucketCount: number = 0; bucketSize: number; limit: number; disabled: boolean; constructor( countPeriodMs: number = Number(Deno.env.get("SB_LOCKOUT_TIME_MS")) || NaN, limit: number = Number(Deno.env.get("SB_LOCKOUT_LIMIT")) || NaN, ) { this.disabled = isNaN(countPeriodMs) || isNaN(limit) || countPeriodMs < 1 || limit < 1; this.bucketSize = countPeriodMs; this.limit = limit; } updateBucketTime(): void { const currentBucketTime = Math.floor(Date.now() / this.bucketSize); if (this.bucketTime === currentBucketTime) { return; } // the bucket is too old - empty it this.bucketTime = currentBucketTime; this.bucketCount = 0; } isLocked(): boolean { if (this.disabled) { return false; } this.updateBucketTime(); return this.bucketCount >= this.limit; } addCount(): void { // isLocked or updateBucketTime must be called first to keep bucketTime current this.bucketCount++; } }