#include #include #include #include "debug.h" #define EXPORT(name) __attribute__((used)) __attribute__((export_name (#name))) name #define ERROR_VAL -1 #define BIG_INT_TYPE 6 #define JS_MAX_SAFE_INTEGER 9007199254740991 #define JS_MIN_SAFE_INTEGER (-JS_MAX_SAFE_INTEGER) // Status returned by last instruction int last_status = SQLITE_OK; // Database handle for this instance sqlite3* database = NULL; // Return length of string pointed to by str. int EXPORT(str_len) (const char* str) { int len; for (len = 0; str[len] != '\0'; len ++); return len; } // Seed the random number generator. We pass a double, to // get as many bytes from the JS number as possible. void EXPORT(seed_rng) (double seed) { pcg_seed((uint64_t)seed); } // Return last status encountered. int EXPORT(get_status) () { return last_status; } // Initialize the database and return the status. int EXPORT(open) (const char* filename, int flags) { // Return error is database is already open if (database) { last_status = SQLITE_MISUSE; return last_status; } // Open SQLite db connection last_status = sqlite3_open_v2(filename, &database, flags, NULL); if (last_status != SQLITE_OK) { debug_printf("failed to open database with status %i\n", last_status); return last_status; } debug_printf("opened database at path '%s'\n", filename); return last_status; } // Attempt to close the database connection. int EXPORT(close) () { last_status = sqlite3_close(database); if (last_status == SQLITE_OK) { database = NULL; debug_printf("closed database"); } else { debug_printf("failed to close database with status %i\n", last_status); } return last_status; } // Return most recent SQLite error as a string const char* EXPORT(get_sqlite_error_str) () { if (!database) return "No open database."; return sqlite3_errmsg(database); } // Wraps sqlite3_prepare. Returns statement id. sqlite3_stmt* EXPORT(prepare) (const char* sql) { // Prepare sqlite statement sqlite3_stmt* stmt; last_status = sqlite3_prepare_v2(database, sql, -1, &stmt, NULL); debug_printf("prepared sql statement (status %i)\n", last_status); if (last_status != SQLITE_OK) return NULL; return stmt; } // Destruct the given statement/ transaction. This will destruct the SQLite // statement and free up it's transaction slot. Regardless of returned // status, the statement id will be freed up. int EXPORT(finalize) (sqlite3_stmt* stmt) { last_status = sqlite3_finalize(stmt); debug_printf("finalized statement (status %i)\n", last_status); return last_status; } // Reset a given statement so it can be re-used. int EXPORT(reset) (sqlite3_stmt* stmt) { last_status = sqlite3_reset(stmt); debug_printf("reset statement (status %i)\n", last_status); return last_status; } // Resets all bound parameter values for this statement. int EXPORT(clear_bindings) (sqlite3_stmt* stmt) { last_status = sqlite3_clear_bindings(stmt); debug_printf("clear bindings (status %i)\n", last_status); return last_status; } // Execute multiple statements from a single string. This ignores any result // rows. int EXPORT(exec) (const char* sql) { last_status = sqlite3_exec(database, sql, NULL, NULL, NULL); debug_printf("ran exec (status %i)\n", last_status); return last_status; } // Wrappers for bind statements, these return the status directly int EXPORT(bind_int) (sqlite3_stmt* stmt, int idx, double value) { // we use double to pass in the value, as JS does not support 64 bit integers, // but handles floats and we can contain a 32 bit in in a 64 bit float, so there // should be no loss. last_status = sqlite3_bind_int64(stmt, idx, (sqlite3_int64)value); debug_printf("binding int %lli (status %i)\n", (sqlite3_int64)value, last_status); return last_status; } int EXPORT(bind_double) (sqlite3_stmt* stmt, int idx, double value) { last_status = sqlite3_bind_double(stmt, idx, value); debug_printf("binding double %f (status %i)\n", value, last_status); return last_status; } int EXPORT(bind_text) (sqlite3_stmt* stmt, int idx, const char* value) { // SQLite retrains the string until we execute the statement, but any strings // passed in from JS are freed when the function returns. Thus we need to mark // is as transient. last_status = sqlite3_bind_text(stmt, idx, value, -1, SQLITE_TRANSIENT); debug_printf("binding text '%s' (status %i)\n", value, last_status); return last_status; } int EXPORT(bind_blob) (sqlite3_stmt* stmt, int idx, void* value, int size) { // SQLite retrains the pointer until we execute the statement, but any pointers // passed in from JS are freed when the function returns. Thus we need to mark // is as transient. last_status = sqlite3_bind_blob(stmt, idx, value, size, SQLITE_TRANSIENT); debug_printf("binding blob '%s' (status %i)\n", value, last_status); return last_status; } int EXPORT(bind_big_int) (sqlite3_stmt* stmt, int idx, int sign, uint32_t high, uint32_t low) { // Bind a big integer within the 64 bit integer range by passing it as two 32 // bit integers. The integers are assumed to be positive, and a sign is passed // separately. sqlite3_int64 int_val = ((sqlite3_int64)low + ((sqlite3_int64)high << 32)) * (sqlite3_int64)sign; debug_printf("binding big_int %lld", int_val); last_status = sqlite3_bind_int64(stmt, idx, int_val); return last_status; } int EXPORT(bind_null) (sqlite3_stmt* stmt, int idx) { last_status = sqlite3_bind_null(stmt, idx); debug_printf("binding null (status %i)\n", last_status); return last_status; } // Determine parameter index for named parameters int EXPORT(bind_parameter_index) (sqlite3_stmt* stmt, const char* name) { int index = sqlite3_bind_parameter_index(stmt, name); if (index == 0) { debug_printf("parameter '%s' does not exist", name); // Normalize SQLite returning 0 for not found to ERROR_VAL return ERROR_VAL; } debug_printf("obtained parameter index (param '%s', index %i)\n", name, index); return index; } // Wraps running statements, this returns the status directly int EXPORT(step) (sqlite3_stmt* stmt) { last_status = sqlite3_step(stmt); debug_printf("stepping statement (status %i)\n", last_status); return last_status; } // Count columns returned by statement. int EXPORT(column_count) (sqlite3_stmt* stmt) { return sqlite3_column_count(stmt); } // Determine type of column. Returns SQLITE column types. int EXPORT(column_type) (sqlite3_stmt* stmt, int col) { int type = sqlite3_column_type(stmt, col); if (type == SQLITE_INTEGER) { // handle integers that exceed JS_MAX_SAFE_INTEGER sqlite3_int64 col_val = sqlite3_column_int64(stmt, col); if (col_val > JS_MAX_SAFE_INTEGER || col_val < JS_MIN_SAFE_INTEGER) { debug_printf("detected big integer: %lld\n", col_val); return BIG_INT_TYPE; } } return type; } // Wrap result returning functions. double EXPORT(column_int) (sqlite3_stmt* stmt, int col) { return (double)sqlite3_column_int64(stmt, col); } double EXPORT(column_double) (sqlite3_stmt* stmt, int col) { return sqlite3_column_double(stmt, col); } const char* EXPORT(column_text) (sqlite3_stmt* stmt, int col) { return (const char*)sqlite3_column_text(stmt, col); } const void* EXPORT(column_blob) (sqlite3_stmt* stmt, int col) { return sqlite3_column_blob(stmt, col); } int EXPORT(column_bytes) (sqlite3_stmt* stmt, int col) { return sqlite3_column_bytes(stmt, col); } const char* EXPORT(column_name) (sqlite3_stmt* stmt, int col) { return sqlite3_column_name(stmt, col); } const char* EXPORT(column_origin_name) (sqlite3_stmt* stmt, int col) { return sqlite3_column_origin_name(stmt, col); } const char* EXPORT(column_table_name) (sqlite3_stmt* stmt, int col) { return sqlite3_column_table_name(stmt, col); } double EXPORT(last_insert_rowid) () { return (double)sqlite3_last_insert_rowid(database); } double EXPORT(changes) () { return (double)sqlite3_changes(database); } double EXPORT(total_changes) () { return (double)sqlite3_total_changes(database); }