import { version } from "../version.ts"; import { dirname } from ""; const silverBulletReleases = ""; export async function upgradeCommand() { console.log("Now going to attempt an upgrade..."); const resp = await fetch(`${silverBulletReleases}/latest`, { redirect: "manual", }); const versionedUrl = resp.headers.get("location")!; const latestVersion = /([^\/]+)$/.exec(versionedUrl); if (!latestVersion) { console.error("Could not fetch latest version"); } if (version === latestVersion![0]) { console.log("No version available, we're done here!"); return; } console.log( "New version available:", latestVersion![0], "which I will now personally download. Hang on...", ); const installDir = dirname(new URL(Deno.mainModule).pathname); const tmpDir = Deno.makeTempDirSync(); // const zipUrl = ""; const zipUrl = `${versionedUrl}/download/silverbullet-server-${}-${}.zip`; const zipPath = `${tmpDir}/`; const command = new Deno.Command("curl", { args: [ "-L", "-o", zipPath, zipUrl, ], }); const curlOutput = await command.output(); console.log( "Now going to replace the existing silverbullet binary in", installDir, ); if (curlOutput.code !== 0) { console.error( "Download failed", new TextDecoder().decode(curlOutput.stderr), ); return; } const unzipCommand = new Deno.Command("unzip", { args: [ "-o", "-d", installDir, `${tmpDir}/`, ], }); const zipOutput = await unzipCommand.output(); if (zipOutput.code !== 0) { console.error( "Download failed", new TextDecoder().decode(curlOutput.stderr), ); return; } await Deno.chmod(`${installDir}/silverbullet`, 0o755); await Deno.remove(zipPath); console.log("And done! Restart your server to get the latest and greatest!"); }