Major directive refactor (#195)
Fixes #188 #144 #76: major refactor of directive parsing, rendering, stylingpull/197/head 0.2.3
@ -42,11 +42,9 @@ export {
} from "@lezer/markdown";
} from "@lezer/markdown";
export { parseMixed } from "@lezer/common";
export type { NodeType, SyntaxNode, SyntaxNodeRef, Tree } from "@lezer/common";
export type { NodeType, SyntaxNode, SyntaxNodeRef, Tree } from "@lezer/common";
export { searchKeymap } from ",@codemirror/view";
export { searchKeymap } from ",@codemirror/view";
export {
export {
@ -61,7 +59,7 @@ export {
} from "@codemirror/view";
} from "@codemirror/view";
export type { DecorationSet, KeyBinding } from "@codemirror/view";
export type { DecorationSet, KeyBinding } from "@codemirror/view";
export { markdown } from ",@lezer/common,@codemirror/language,@lezer/markdown,@codemirror/view,@lezer/highlight";
export { markdown } from ",@lezer/common,@codemirror/language,@lezer/markdown,@codemirror/view,@lezer/highlight,@@codemirror/lang-html";
export {
export {
@ -96,4 +94,4 @@ export { yaml as yamlLanguage } from "
export {
export {
} from ",@codemirror/autocomplete,@codemirror/view,@codemirror/state,@codemirror/lint,@lezer/common,@lezer/lr,@lezer/javascript,@codemirror/commands";
} from ",@codemirror/autocomplete,@codemirror/view,@codemirror/state,@codemirror/lint,@lezer/common,@lezer/lr,@lezer/javascript,@codemirror/commands";
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
import { Tag } from "./deps.ts";
import { Tag } from "../deps.ts";
export const CommandLinkTag = Tag.define();
export const CommandLinkTag = Tag.define();
export const CommandLinkNameTag = Tag.define();
export const CommandLinkNameTag = Tag.define();
@ -13,3 +13,8 @@ export const BulletList = Tag.define();
export const OrderedList = Tag.define();
export const OrderedList = Tag.define();
export const Highlight = Tag.define();
export const Highlight = Tag.define();
export const HorizontalRuleTag = Tag.define();
export const HorizontalRuleTag = Tag.define();
export const DirectiveTag = Tag.define();
export const DirectiveStartTag = Tag.define();
export const DirectiveEndTag = Tag.define();
export const DirectiveProgramTag = Tag.define();
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
import { Tag } from "./deps.ts";
import { Tag } from "../deps.ts";
import type { MarkdownConfig } from "./deps.ts";
import type { MarkdownConfig } from "../deps.ts";
import { System } from "../plugos/system.ts";
import { System } from "../../plugos/system.ts";
import { Manifest } from "./manifest.ts";
import { Manifest } from "../manifest.ts";
export type MDExt = {
export type MDExt = {
// unicode char code for efficiency .charCodeAt(0)
// unicode char code for efficiency .charCodeAt(0)
@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
// This file was generated by lezer-generator. You probably shouldn't edit it.
import {LRParser} from "@lezer/lr"
export const parser = LRParser.deserialize({
version: 14,
states: "&`OVQPOOOmQQO'#C^QOQPOOOtQPO'#C`OyQPO'#ClO!OQPO'#CnO!TQPO'#CqO!YQPO'#CsOOQO'#Cv'#CvO!bQQO,58xO!iQQO'#CcO#WQQO'#CbOOQO,58z,58zOOQO,59W,59WO#oQQO,59YO$ZQQO'#D`OOQO,59],59]OOQO,59_,59_OOQO-E6t-E6tO$rQQO,58}OtQPO'#CxO%ZQQO,58|OOQO'#Cp'#CpOOQO1G.t1G.tO%rQPO'#CyO%wQQO,59zOOQO'#Cg'#CgO$rQQO'#CjOOQO'#Cd'#CdOOQO1G.i1G.iOOQO,59d,59dOOQO-E6v-E6vOOQO,59e,59eOOQO-E6w-E6wO&`QPO'#DRO&hQPO,59UO$rQQO'#CwO&mQPO,59mOOQO1G.p1G.pOOQO,59c,59cOOQO-E6u-E6u",
stateData: "&u~OpOS~ORPO~OTROaSOcTOfUOhVO~OnQX~P[ORYO~OX]O~OR^O~OR_O~OYaOiaO~OnQa~P[OqcOxcOycOzcO{cO|cO}cO!OcO!PcO~O_dOTUXaUXcUXfUXhUXnUX~O!QfO!RfOTbaabacbafbahbanba~OvhOT!SXa!SXc!SXf!SXh!SXn!SX~OXlOYlO[lO]lOrjOsjOtkO~O_dOTUaaUacUafUahUanUa~ORpO~OvhOT!Saa!Sac!Saf!Sah!San!Sa~OvtOwuX~OwvO~OvtOwua~O",
nodeNames: "⚠ Program Query Name WhereClause Where LogicalExpr FilterExpr Value Number String Bool Regex Null List And LimitClause Limit OrderClause Order OrderDirection SelectClause Select RenderClause Render PageRef",
maxTerm: 50,
skippedNodes: [0],
repeatNodeCount: 4,
tokenData: "Ao~R|X^#{pq#{qr$prs%T|}%o}!O%t!P!Q&V!Q![&|!^!_'U!_!`'c!`!a'p!c!}%t!}#O'}#P#Q(n#R#S%t#T#U(s#U#W%t#W#X+Y#X#Y%t#Y#Z-U#Z#]%t#]#^/f#^#`%t#`#a0b#a#b%t#b#c2u#c#d4q#d#f%t#f#g7h#g#h:d#h#i=`#i#k%t#k#l?[#l#o%t#y#z#{$f$g#{#BY#BZ#{$IS$I_#{$Ip$Iq%T$Iq$Ir%T$I|$JO#{$JT$JU#{$KV$KW#{&FU&FV#{~$QYp~X^#{pq#{#y#z#{$f$g#{#BY#BZ#{$IS$I_#{$I|$JO#{$JT$JU#{$KV$KW#{&FU&FV#{~$sP!_!`$v~${Pz~#r#s%O~%TO!O~~%WUOr%Trs%js$Ip%T$Ip$Iq%j$Iq$Ir%j$Ir~%T~%oOY~~%tOv~P%ySRP}!O%t!c!}%t#R#S%t#T#o%t~&[V[~OY&VZ]&V^!P&V!P!Q&q!Q#O&V#O#P&v#P~&V~&vO[~~&yPO~&V~'RPX~!Q![&|~'ZPq~!_!`'^~'cOx~~'hPy~#r#s'k~'pO}~~'uP|~!_!`'x~'}O{~R(SPtQ!}#O(VP(YRO#P(V#P#Q(c#Q~(VP(fP#P#Q(iP(nOiP~(sOw~R(xWRP}!O%t!c!}%t#R#S%t#T#b%t#b#c)b#c#g%t#g#h*^#h#o%tR)gURP}!O%t!c!}%t#R#S%t#T#W%t#W#X)y#X#o%tR*QS_QRP}!O%t!c!}%t#R#S%t#T#o%tR*cURP}!O%t!c!}%t#R#S%t#T#V%t#V#W*u#W#o%tR*|S!RQRP}!O%t!c!}%t#R#S%t#T#o%tR+_URP}!O%t!c!}%t#R#S%t#T#X%t#X#Y+q#Y#o%tR+vURP}!O%t!c!}%t#R#S%t#T#g%t#g#h,Y#h#o%tR,_URP}!O%t!c!}%t#R#S%t#T#V%t#V#W,q#W#o%tR,xS!QQRP}!O%t!c!}%t#R#S%t#T#o%tR-ZTRP}!O%t!c!}%t#R#S%t#T#U-j#U#o%tR-oURP}!O%t!c!}%t#R#S%t#T#`%t#`#a.R#a#o%tR.WURP}!O%t!c!}%t#R#S%t#T#g%t#g#h.j#h#o%tR.oURP}!O%t!c!}%t#R#S%t#T#X%t#X#Y/R#Y#o%tR/YSsQRP}!O%t!c!}%t#R#S%t#T#o%tR/kURP}!O%t!c!}%t#R#S%t#T#b%t#b#c/}#c#o%tR0US!PQRP}!O%t!c!}%t#R#S%t#T#o%tR0gURP}!O%t!c!}%t#R#S%t#T#]%t#]#^0y#^#o%tR1OURP}!O%t!c!}%t#R#S%t#T#a%t#a#b1b#b#o%tR1gURP}!O%t!c!}%t#R#S%t#T#]%t#]#^1y#^#o%tR2OURP}!O%t!c!}%t#R#S%t#T#h%t#h#i2b#i#o%tR2iSaQRP}!O%t!c!}%t#R#S%t#T#o%tR2zURP}!O%t!c!}%t#R#S%t#T#i%t#i#j3^#j#o%tR3cURP}!O%t!c!}%t#R#S%t#T#`%t#`#a3u#a#o%tR3zURP}!O%t!c!}%t#R#S%t#T#`%t#`#a4^#a#o%tR4eSRP]Q}!O%t!c!}%t#R#S%t#T#o%tR4vURP}!O%t!c!}%t#R#S%t#T#f%t#f#g5Y#g#o%tR5_URP}!O%t!c!}%t#R#S%t#T#W%t#W#X5q#X#o%tR5vURP}!O%t!c!}%t#R#S%t#T#X%t#X#Y6Y#Y#o%tR6_URP}!O%t!c!}%t#R#S%t#T#f%t#f#g6q#g#o%tR6vTRPpq7V}!O%t!c!}%t#R#S%t#T#o%tQ7YP#U#V7]Q7`P#m#n7cQ7hOcQR7mURP}!O%t!c!}%t#R#S%t#T#X%t#X#Y8P#Y#o%tR8UURP}!O%t!c!}%t#R#S%t#T#b%t#b#c8h#c#o%tR8mURP}!O%t!c!}%t#R#S%t#T#W%t#W#X9P#X#o%tR9UURP}!O%t!c!}%t#R#S%t#T#X%t#X#Y9h#Y#o%tR9mURP}!O%t!c!}%t#R#S%t#T#f%t#f#g:P#g#o%tR:WSRPhQ}!O%t!c!}%t#R#S%t#T#o%tR:iURP}!O%t!c!}%t#R#S%t#T#X%t#X#Y:{#Y#o%tR;QURP}!O%t!c!}%t#R#S%t#T#`%t#`#a;d#a#o%tR;iURP}!O%t!c!}%t#R#S%t#T#X%t#X#Y;{#Y#o%tR<QURP}!O%t!c!}%t#R#S%t#T#V%t#V#W<d#W#o%tR<iURP}!O%t!c!}%t#R#S%t#T#h%t#h#i<{#i#o%tR=SSRPfQ}!O%t!c!}%t#R#S%t#T#o%tR=eURP}!O%t!c!}%t#R#S%t#T#f%t#f#g=w#g#o%tR=|URP}!O%t!c!}%t#R#S%t#T#i%t#i#j>`#j#o%tR>eURP}!O%t!c!}%t#R#S%t#T#X%t#X#Y>w#Y#o%tR?OSrQRP}!O%t!c!}%t#R#S%t#T#o%tR?aURP}!O%t!c!}%t#R#S%t#T#[%t#[#]?s#]#o%tR?xURP}!O%t!c!}%t#R#S%t#T#X%t#X#Y@[#Y#o%tR@aURP}!O%t!c!}%t#R#S%t#T#f%t#f#g@s#g#o%tR@xURP}!O%t!c!}%t#R#S%t#T#X%t#X#YA[#Y#o%tRAcSRPTQ}!O%t!c!}%t#R#S%t#T#o%t",
tokenizers: [0, 1],
topRules: {"Program":[0,1]},
tokenPrec: 0
@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ export const
Query = 2,
Query = 2,
Name = 3,
Name = 3,
WhereClause = 4,
WhereClause = 4,
LogicalExpr = 5,
Where = 5,
AndExpr = 6,
LogicalExpr = 6,
FilterExpr = 7,
FilterExpr = 7,
Value = 8,
Value = 8,
Number = 9,
Number = 9,
@ -14,9 +14,14 @@ export const
Regex = 12,
Regex = 12,
Null = 13,
Null = 13,
List = 14,
List = 14,
OrderClause = 15,
And = 15,
Order = 16,
LimitClause = 16,
LimitClause = 17,
Limit = 17,
SelectClause = 18,
OrderClause = 18,
RenderClause = 19,
Order = 19,
PageRef = 20
OrderDirection = 20,
SelectClause = 21,
Select = 22,
RenderClause = 23,
Render = 24,
PageRef = 25
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
import type { ParseTree } from "$sb/lib/tree.ts";
import type { ParseTree } from "$sb/lib/tree.ts";
import type { Language, SyntaxNode } from "./deps.ts";
import type { Language, SyntaxNode } from "../deps.ts";
export function lezerToParseTree(
export function lezerToParseTree(
text: string,
text: string,
@ -60,24 +60,5 @@ export function lezerToParseTree(
export function parse(language: Language, text: string): ParseTree {
export function parse(language: Language, text: string): ParseTree {
const tree = lezerToParseTree(text, language.parser.parse(text).topNode);
const tree = lezerToParseTree(text, language.parser.parse(text).topNode);
// replaceNodesMatching(tree, (n): MarkdownTree | undefined | null => {
// if (n.type === "FencedCode") {
// let infoN = findNodeMatching(n, (n) => n.type === "CodeInfo");
// let language = infoN!.children![0].text;
// let textN = findNodeMatching(n, (n) => n.type === "CodeText");
// let text = textN!.children![0].text!;
// console.log(language, text);
// switch (language) {
// case "yaml":
// let parsed = StreamLanguage.define(yaml).parser.parse(text);
// let subTree = treeToAST(text, parsed.topNode, n.from);
// // console.log(JSON.stringify(subTree, null, 2));
// subTree.type = "yaml";
// return subTree;
// }
// }
// return;
// });
return tree;
return tree;
@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ import {
} from "../plug-api/lib/tree.ts";
} from "../../plug-api/lib/tree.ts";
import { assertEquals, assertNotEquals } from "../test_deps.ts";
import { assertEquals, assertNotEquals } from "../../test_deps.ts";
const sample1 = `---
const sample1 = `---
type: page
type: page
@ -27,10 +27,7 @@ Supper`;
Deno.test("Test parser", () => {
Deno.test("Test parser", () => {
const lang = buildMarkdown([]);
const lang = buildMarkdown([]);
let tree = parse(
let tree = parse(lang, sample1);
// console.log("tree", JSON.stringify(tree, null, 2));
// console.log("tree", JSON.stringify(tree, null, 2));
// Check if rendering back to text works
// Check if rendering back to text works
assertEquals(renderToText(tree), sample1);
assertEquals(renderToText(tree), sample1);
@ -53,3 +50,42 @@ Deno.test("Test parser", () => {
// console.log("Invalid node", node);
// console.log("Invalid node", node);
assertEquals(node, undefined);
assertEquals(node, undefined);
const directiveSample = `
<!-- #query page -->
Body line 1
Body line 2
<!-- /query -->
const nestedDirectiveExample = `
<!-- #query page -->
<!-- #eval 10 * 10 -->
<!-- /eval -->
<!-- /query -->
Deno.test("Test directive parser", () => {
const lang = buildMarkdown([]);
let tree = parse(lang, directiveSample);
// console.log("tree", JSON.stringify(tree, null, 2));
assertEquals(renderToText(tree), directiveSample);
tree = parse(lang, nestedDirectiveExample);
// console.log("tree", JSON.stringify(tree, null, 2));
assertEquals(renderToText(tree), nestedDirectiveExample);
const orderByExample = `<!-- #query page order by lastModified -->
<!-- /query -->`;
tree = parse(lang, orderByExample);
console.log("Tree", JSON.stringify(tree, null, 2));
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ import {
tags as t,
tags as t,
} from "./deps.ts";
} from "../deps.ts";
import * as ct from "./customtags.ts";
import * as ct from "./customtags.ts";
import {
import {
@ -112,14 +112,6 @@ const CommandLink: MarkdownConfig = {
cx.elt("CommandLinkMark", endPos - 2, endPos),
cx.elt("CommandLinkMark", endPos - 2, endPos),
// return cx.addElement(
// cx.elt("CommandLink", pos, endPos, [
// cx.elt("CommandLinkMark", pos, pos + 2),
// cx.elt("CommandLinkName", pos + 2, endPos - 2),
// cx.elt("CommandLinkMark", endPos - 2, endPos),
// ]),
// );
after: "Emphasis",
after: "Emphasis",
@ -180,6 +172,108 @@ export const Comment: MarkdownConfig = {
// Directive parser
const directiveStart = /^\s*<!--\s*#([a-z]+)\s*(.*?)-->\s*/;
const directiveEnd = /^\s*<!--\s*\/(.*?)-->\s*/;
import { parser as directiveParser } from "./parse-query.js";
const highlightingDirectiveParser = directiveParser.configure({
props: [
"Name": t.variableName,
"String PageRef": t.string,
"Number": t.number,
"Where Limit Select Render Order OrderDirection And": t.keyword,
export const Directive: MarkdownConfig = {
defineNodes: [
{ name: "Directive", block: true, style: ct.DirectiveTag },
{ name: "DirectiveStart", style: ct.DirectiveStartTag, block: true },
{ name: "DirectiveEnd", style: ct.DirectiveEndTag },
{ name: "DirectiveBody", block: true },
parseBlock: [{
name: "Directive",
parse: (cx, line: Line) => {
const match = directiveStart.exec(line.text);
if (!match) {
return false;
// console.log("Parsing directive", line.text);
const frontStart = cx.parsedPos;
const [fullMatch, directive, arg] = match;
const elts = [];
if (directive === "query") {
const queryParseTree = highlightingDirectiveParser.parse(arg);
cx.parsedPos + line.text.length + 1,
[cx.elt(queryParseTree, frontStart + fullMatch.indexOf(arg))],
} else {
cx.parsedPos + line.text.length + 1,
// console.log("Query parse tree", queryParseTree.topNode);
const startPos = cx.parsedPos;
let endPos = startPos;
let text = "";
let lastPos = cx.parsedPos;
let nesting = 0;
while (true) {
if (directiveEnd.exec(line.text) && nesting === 0) {
text += line.text + "\n";
endPos += line.text.length + 1;
if (directiveStart.exec(line.text)) {
if (directiveEnd.exec(line.text)) {
if (cx.parsedPos === lastPos) {
// End of file, no progress made, there may be a better way to do this but :shrug:
return false;
lastPos = cx.parsedPos;
const directiveBodyTree = cx.parser.parse(text);
cx.elt("DirectiveBody", startPos, endPos, [
cx.elt(directiveBodyTree, startPos),
endPos = cx.parsedPos + line.text.length;
cx.parsedPos + line.text.length,
cx.addElement(cx.elt("Directive", frontStart, endPos, elts));
return true;
before: "HTMLBlock",
// FrontMatter parser
// FrontMatter parser
const yamlLang = StreamLanguage.define(yamlLanguage);
const yamlLang = StreamLanguage.define(yamlLanguage);
@ -249,6 +343,7 @@ export default function buildMarkdown(mdExtensions: MDExt[]): Language {
@ -1,28 +1,26 @@
@precedence { logic @left }
@precedence { logic @left }
@top Program { Query }
@top Program { Query }
@skip { space }
Query {
Query {
Name ( WhereClause | OrderClause | LimitClause | SelectClause | RenderClause )*
Name ( WhereClause | LimitClause | OrderClause | SelectClause | RenderClause )*
commaSep<content> { content ("," content)* }
commaSep<content> { content ("," content)* }
WhereClause { "where" LogicalExpr }
WhereClause { Where LogicalExpr }
OrderClause { "order" "by" Name Order? }
LimitClause { Limit Number }
LimitClause { "limit" Number }
OrderClause { Order Name OrderDirection? }
SelectClause { "select" commaSep<Name> }
SelectClause { Select commaSep<Name> }
RenderClause { "render" (PageRef | String) }
RenderClause { Render (PageRef | String) }
Order {
OrderDirection {
"desc" | "asc"
"desc" | "asc"
Value { Number | String | Bool | Regex | Null | List }
Value { Number | String | Bool | Regex | Null | List }
LogicalExpr { AndExpr | FilterExpr }
LogicalExpr { FilterExpr (And FilterExpr)* }
AndExpr { FilterExpr !logic "and" FilterExpr }
FilterExpr {
FilterExpr {
Name "<" Value
Name "<" Value
@ -38,21 +36,24 @@ FilterExpr {
List { "[" commaSep<Value> "]" }
List { "[" commaSep<Value> "]" }
@skip { space }
Bool {
Bool {
"true" | "false"
"true" | "false"
Null {
@tokens {
@tokens {
space { std.whitespace+ }
space { std.whitespace+ }
Name { (std.asciiLetter | "-" | "_")+ }
Name { (std.asciiLetter | "-" | "_")+ }
Where { "where" }
Order { "order by" }
Select { "select" }
Render { "render" }
Limit { "limit" }
And { "and" }
Null { "null" }
String {
String {
("\"" | "“" | "”") ![\"”“]* ("\"" | "“" | "”")
("\"" | "“" | "”") ![\"”“]* ("\"" | "“" | "”")
@ -62,4 +63,6 @@ Null {
Regex { "/" ( ![/\\\n\r] | "\\" _ )* "/"? }
Regex { "/" ( ![/\\\n\r] | "\\" _ )* "/"? }
Number { std.digit+ }
Number { std.digit+ }
// @precedence { Where, Sort, Select, Render, Limit, And, Null, Name }
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
import { SysCallMapping } from "../../plugos/system.ts";
import { SysCallMapping } from "../../plugos/system.ts";
import { parse } from "../parse_tree.ts";
import { parse } from "../markdown_parser/parse_tree.ts";
import { Language } from "../deps.ts";
import { Language } from "../deps.ts";
import type { ParseTree } from "$sb/lib/tree.ts";
import type { ParseTree } from "$sb/lib/tree.ts";
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
"bundle": "deno bundle silverbullet.ts dist/silverbullet.js",
"bundle": "deno bundle silverbullet.ts dist/silverbullet.js",
// Regenerates some bundle files (checked into the repo)
// Regenerates some bundle files (checked into the repo)
// Install lezer-generator with "npm install -g @lezer/generator"
// Install lezer-generator with "npm install -g @lezer/generator"
"generate": "deno run -A plugos/gen.ts && lezer-generator plugs/directive/query.grammar -o plugs/directive/parse-query.js"
"generate": "deno run -A plugos/gen.ts && lezer-generator common/markdown_parser/query.grammar -o common/markdown_parser/parse-query.js"
"compilerOptions": {
"compilerOptions": {
@ -1,20 +1,21 @@
"imports": {
"imports": {
"@codemirror/state": "",
"@codemirror/state": "",
"@lezer/common": "",
"@lezer/common": "",
"@lezer/markdown": ",@codemirror/language,@lezer/highlight",
"@lezer/markdown": ",@codemirror/language,@lezer/highlight",
"@lezer/javascript": ",@codemirror/language,@lezer/highlight",
"@lezer/javascript": ",@codemirror/language,@lezer/highlight",
"@codemirror/language": ",@lezer/common,@lezer/lr,@codemirror/view,@lezer/highlight",
"@codemirror/language": ",@lezer/common,@lezer/lr,@codemirror/view,@lezer/highlight",
"@codemirror/commands": ",@codemirror/view",
"@codemirror/commands": ",@codemirror/view",
"@codemirror/view": ",@lezer/common",
"@codemirror/view": ",@lezer/common",
"@lezer/highlight": "",
"@lezer/highlight": "",
"@codemirror/autocomplete": ",@codemirror/commands,@lezer/common,@codemirror/view",
"@codemirror/autocomplete": ",@codemirror/commands,@lezer/common,@codemirror/view",
"@codemirror/lint": ",@lezer/common",
"@codemirror/lint": ",@lezer/common",
"@codemirror/lang-html": "",
"preact": "",
"preact": "",
"yjs": "",
"yjs": "",
"$sb/": "./plug-api/",
"$sb/": "./plug-api/",
"handlebars": "",
"handlebars": "",
"@lezer/lr": "",
"@lezer/lr": "",
"yaml": ""
"yaml": ""
@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
import { renderToText } from "./tree.ts";
import wikiMarkdownLang from "../../common/markdown_parser/parser.ts";
import { assert, assertEquals } from "../../test_deps.ts";
import { parse } from "../../common/markdown_parser/parse_tree.ts";
import { removeQueries } from "./query.ts";
const queryRemovalTest = `
# Heading
<!-- #query page -->
Bla bla remove me
<!-- /query -->
Deno.test("White out queries", () => {
const lang = wikiMarkdownLang([]);
const mdTree = parse(lang, queryRemovalTest);
const text = renderToText(mdTree);
// Same length? We should be good
assertEquals(text.length, queryRemovalTest.length);
assert(text.indexOf("remove me") === -1);
console.log("Whited out text", text);
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ import {
} from "$sb/lib/tree.ts";
} from "$sb/lib/tree.ts";
export const queryRegex =
export const queryRegex =
@ -134,35 +135,15 @@ export function applyQuery<T>(parsedQuery: ParsedQuery, records: T[]): T[] {
export function removeQueries(pt: ParseTree) {
export function removeQueries(pt: ParseTree) {
replaceNodesMatching(pt, (t) => {
collectNodesMatching(pt, (t) => {
if (t.type !== "Directive") {
if (t.type !== "CommentBlock") {
return false;
const text = t.children![0].text!;
const renderedText = renderToText(t);
const match = directiveStartRegex.exec(text);
return {
if (!match) {
from: t.from,
return false;
const directiveType = match[1];
const parentChildren = t.parent!.children!;
const index = parentChildren.indexOf(t);
const nodesToReplace: ParseTree[] = [];
for (let i = index + 1; i < parentChildren.length; i++) {
const n = parentChildren[i];
if (n.type === "CommentBlock") {
const text = n.children![0].text!;
const match = directiveEndRegex.exec(text);
if (match && match[1] === directiveType) {
const renderedText ="");
parentChildren.splice(index + 1, nodesToReplace.length, {
text: new Array(renderedText.length + 1).join(" "),
text: new Array(renderedText.length + 1).join(" "),
return true;
@ -8,9 +8,9 @@ import {
} from "./tree.ts";
} from "./tree.ts";
import wikiMarkdownLang from "../../common/parser.ts";
import wikiMarkdownLang from "../../common/markdown_parser/parser.ts";
import { assertEquals, assertNotEquals } from "../../test_deps.ts";
import { assertEquals, assertNotEquals } from "../../test_deps.ts";
import { parse } from "../../common/parse_tree.ts";
import { parse } from "../../common/markdown_parser/parse_tree.ts";
const mdTest1 = `
const mdTest1 = `
# Heading
# Heading
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ name: something
Deno.test("Run a Node sandbox", () => {
Deno.test("Test parsing", () => {
const lang = wikiMarkdownLang([]);
const lang = wikiMarkdownLang([]);
const mdTree = parse(lang, mdTest1);
const mdTree = parse(lang, mdTest1);
@ -148,3 +148,12 @@ export function renderToText(tree: ParseTree): string {
return pieces.join("");
return pieces.join("");
export function cloneTree(tree: ParseTree): ParseTree {
const newTree = { ...tree };
if (tree.children) {
newTree.children =;
delete newTree.parent;
return newTree;
@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ export async function shareCommand() {
if (!serverUrl) {
if (!serverUrl) {
const roomId = nanoid();
const roomId = nanoid().replaceAll("_", "-");
const text = await editor.getText();
const text = await editor.getText();
const tree = await markdown.parseMarkdown(text);
const tree = await markdown.parseMarkdown(text);
@ -1,7 +1,11 @@
import { editor, markdown, system } from "$sb/silverbullet-syscall/mod.ts";
import { editor, markdown, system } from "$sb/silverbullet-syscall/mod.ts";
import { nodeAtPos } from "$sb/lib/tree.ts";
import {
import { replaceAsync } from "$sb/lib/util.ts";
import { directiveRegex, renderDirectives } from "./directives.ts";
} from "$sb/lib/tree.ts";
import { renderDirectives } from "./directives.ts";
import { extractFrontmatter } from "$sb/lib/frontmatter.ts";
import { extractFrontmatter } from "$sb/lib/frontmatter.ts";
export async function updateDirectivesOnPageCommand(arg: any) {
export async function updateDirectivesOnPageCommand(arg: any) {
@ -33,38 +37,47 @@ export async function updateDirectivesOnPageCommand(arg: any) {
// Collect all directives and their body replacements
// Collect all directives and their body replacements
const replacements: { fullMatch: string; text?: string }[] = [];
const replacements: { fullMatch: string; textPromise: Promise<string> }[] =
await replaceAsync(
// Convenience array to wait for all promises to resolve
const allPromises: Promise<string>[] = [];
async (fullMatch, startInst, _type, _arg, _body, endInst, index) => {
const replacement: { fullMatch: string; text?: string } = { fullMatch };
// Pushing to the replacement array
traverseTree(tree, (tree) => {
const currentNode = nodeAtPos(tree, index + 1);
if (tree.type !== "Directive") {
if (currentNode?.type !== "CommentBlock") {
return false;
// If not a comment block, it's likely a code block, ignore
// console.log("Not comment block, ignoring", fullMatch);
return fullMatch;
const fullMatch = text.substring(tree.from!,!);
try {
try {
const replacementText = await system.invokeFunction(
const promise = system.invokeFunction(
textPromise: promise,
replacement.text = replacementText;
// Return value is ignored, we're using the replacements array
return fullMatch;
} catch (e: any) {
} catch (e: any) {
replacement.text = `${startInst}\n**ERROR:** ${e.message}\n${endInst}`;
// Return value is ignored, we're using the replacements array
return fullMatch;
textPromise: Promise.resolve(
`${renderToText(tree.children![0])}\n**ERROR:** ${e.message}\n${
renderToText(tree.children![tree.children!.length - 1])
return true;
// Wait for all to have processed
await Promise.all(allPromises);
// Iterate again and replace the bodies. Iterating again (not using previous positions)
// Iterate again and replace the bodies. Iterating again (not using previous positions)
// because text may have changed in the mean time (directive processing may take some time)
// because text may have changed in the mean time (directive processing may take some time)
// Hypothetically in the mean time directives in text may have been changed/swapped, in which
// Hypothetically in the mean time directives in text may have been changed/swapped, in which
@ -77,6 +90,10 @@ export async function updateDirectivesOnPageCommand(arg: any) {
// This may happen if the query itself, or the user is editing inside the directive block (WHY!?)
// This may happen if the query itself, or the user is editing inside the directive block (WHY!?)
if (index === -1) {
if (index === -1) {
"Text I got",
"Could not find directive in text, skipping",
"Could not find directive in text, skipping",
@ -84,7 +101,8 @@ export async function updateDirectivesOnPageCommand(arg: any) {
const from = index, to = index + replacement.fullMatch.length;
const from = index, to = index + replacement.fullMatch.length;
if (text.substring(from, to) === replacement.text) {
const newText = await replacement.textPromise;
if (text.substring(from, to) === newText) {
// No change, skip
// No change, skip
@ -92,21 +110,67 @@ export async function updateDirectivesOnPageCommand(arg: any) {
changes: {
changes: {
insert: replacement.text,
insert: newText,
export function serverPing() {
return "pong";
// Called from client, running on server
// Called from client, running on server
// The text passed here is going to be a single directive block (not a full page)
// The text passed here is going to be a single directive block (not a full page)
export function serverRenderDirective(
export function serverRenderDirective(
pageName: string,
pageName: string,
text: string,
tree: ParseTree,
): Promise<string> {
): Promise<string> {
return renderDirectives(pageName, text);
return renderDirectives(pageName, tree);
// Pure server driven implementation of directive updating
export async function serverUpdateDirectives(
pageName: string,
text: string,
) {
const tree = await markdown.parseMarkdown(text);
// Collect all directives and their body replacements
const replacements: { fullMatch: string; textPromise: Promise<string> }[] =
const allPromises: Promise<string>[] = [];
traverseTree(tree, (tree) => {
if (tree.type !== "Directive") {
return false;
const fullMatch = text.substring(tree.from!,!);
try {
const promise = renderDirectives(
textPromise: promise,
} catch (e: any) {
textPromise: Promise.resolve(
`${renderToText(tree.children![0])}\n**ERROR:** ${e.message}\n${
renderToText(tree.children![tree.children!.length - 1])
return true;
// Wait for all to have processed
await Promise.all(allPromises);
// Iterate again and replace the bodies.
for (const replacement of replacements) {
text = text.replace(replacement.fullMatch, await replacement.textPromise);
return text;
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
import { nodeAtPos, ParseTree } from "$sb/lib/tree.ts";
import { nodeAtPos, ParseTree, renderToText } from "$sb/lib/tree.ts";
import { replaceAsync } from "$sb/lib/util.ts";
import { replaceAsync } from "$sb/lib/util.ts";
import { markdown } from "$sb/silverbullet-syscall/mod.ts";
import { markdown } from "$sb/silverbullet-syscall/mod.ts";
@ -9,56 +9,72 @@ import {
} from "./template_directive.ts";
} from "./template_directive.ts";
export const directiveStartRegex =
export const directiveRegex =
export const directiveRegex =
* Looks for directives in the text dispatches them based on name
* Looks for directives in the text dispatches them based on name
export function directiveDispatcher(
export async function directiveDispatcher(
pageName: string,
pageName: string,
text: string,
directiveTree: ParseTree,
tree: ParseTree,
directiveRenderers: Record<
directiveRenderers: Record<
(directive: string, pageName: string, arg: string) => Promise<string>
directive: string,
pageName: string,
arg: string | ParseTree,
) => Promise<string>
): Promise<string> {
): Promise<string> {
return replaceAsync(
const directiveStart = directiveTree.children![0]; // <!-- #directive -->
const directiveEnd = directiveTree.children![2]; // <!-- /directive -->
async (fullMatch, startInst, type, arg, _body, endInst, index) => {
const directiveStartText = renderToText(directiveStart).trim();
const currentNode = nodeAtPos(tree, index + 1);
const directiveEndText = renderToText(directiveEnd).trim();
// console.log("Node type", currentNode?.type);
if (currentNode?.type !== "CommentBlock") {
if (directiveStart.children!.length === 1) {
// If not a comment block, it's likely a code block, ignore
// Everything not #query
// console.log("Not comment block, ingoring", fullMatch);
const match = directiveStartRegex.exec(directiveStart.children![0].text!);
return fullMatch;
if (!match) {
throw Error("No match");
arg = arg.trim();
let [_fullMatch, type, arg] = match;
try {
try {
arg = arg.trim();
const newBody = await directiveRenderers[type](type, pageName, arg);
const newBody = await directiveRenderers[type](type, pageName, arg);
return `${startInst}\n${newBody.trim()}\n${endInst}`;
const result =
return result;
} catch (e: any) {
} catch (e: any) {
return `${startInst}\n**ERROR:** ${e.message}\n${endInst}`;
return `${directiveStartText}\n**ERROR:** ${e.message}\n${directiveEndText}`;
} else {
// #query
const newBody = await directiveRenderers["query"](
directiveStart.children![1], // The query ParseTree
const result =
return result;
export async function renderDirectives(
export async function renderDirectives(
pageName: string,
pageName: string,
text: string,
directiveTree: ParseTree,
): Promise<string> {
): Promise<string> {
const tree = await markdown.parseMarkdown(text);
const replacementText = await directiveDispatcher(pageName, directiveTree, {
text = await directiveDispatcher(pageName, text, tree, {
use: templateDirectiveRenderer,
use: templateDirectiveRenderer,
"use-verbose": templateDirectiveRenderer,
include: templateDirectiveRenderer,
"include": templateDirectiveRenderer,
query: queryDirectiveRenderer,
query: queryDirectiveRenderer,
eval: evalDirectiveRenderer,
eval: evalDirectiveRenderer,
return await cleanTemplateInstantiations(text);
return cleanTemplateInstantiations(replacementText);
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
// This is some shocking stuff. My profession would kill me for this.
// This is some shocking stuff. My profession would kill me for this.
import * as YAML from "yaml";
import * as YAML from "yaml";
import { ParseTree } from "../../plug-api/lib/tree.ts";
import { jsonToMDTable, renderTemplate } from "./util.ts";
import { jsonToMDTable, renderTemplate } from "./util.ts";
// Enables plugName.functionName(arg1, arg2) syntax in JS expressions
// Enables plugName.functionName(arg1, arg2) syntax in JS expressions
@ -20,8 +21,11 @@ const expressionRegex = /(.+?)(\s+render\s+\[\[([^\]]+)\]\])?$/;
export async function evalDirectiveRenderer(
export async function evalDirectiveRenderer(
_directive: string,
_directive: string,
_pageName: string,
_pageName: string,
expression: string,
expression: string | ParseTree,
): Promise<string> {
): Promise<string> {
if (typeof expression !== "string") {
throw new Error("Expected a string");
console.log("Got JS expression", expression);
console.log("Got JS expression", expression);
const match = expressionRegex.exec(expression);
const match = expressionRegex.exec(expression);
if (!match) {
if (!match) {
@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
// This file was generated by lezer-generator. You probably shouldn't edit it.
import {LRParser} from "@lezer/lr"
export const parser = LRParser.deserialize({
version: 14,
states: "&fOVQPOOOmQQO'#C^QOQPOOOtQPO'#C`OyQQO'#CkO!OQPO'#CmO!TQPO'#CnO!YQPO'#CoOOQO'#Cq'#CqO!bQQO,58xO!iQQO'#CcO#WQQO'#CaOOQO'#Ca'#CaOOQO,58z,58zO#oQPO,59VOOQO,59X,59XO#tQQO'#DaOOQO,59Y,59YOOQO,59Z,59ZOOQO-E6o-E6oO$]QQO,58}OtQPO,58|O$tQQO1G.qO%`QPO'#CsO%eQQO,59{OOQO'#Cg'#CgOOQO'#Ci'#CiO$]QQO'#CjOOQO'#Cd'#CdOOQO1G.i1G.iOOQO1G.h1G.hOOQO'#Cl'#ClOOQO7+$]7+$]OOQO,59_,59_OOQO-E6q-E6qO%|QPO'#C}O&UQPO,59UO$]QQO'#CrO&ZQPO,59iOOQO1G.p1G.pOOQO,59^,59^OOQO-E6p-E6p",
stateData: "&c~OjOS~ORPO~OkRO}SO!RTO!SUO!UVO~OhQX~P[ORYO~O!O^O~OX_O~OR`O~OYbOdbO~OhQa~P[OldOtdOudOvdOwdOxdOydOzdO{dO~O|eOhTXkTX}TX!RTX!STX!UTX~ORfO~OrgOh!TXk!TX}!TX!R!TX!S!TX!U!TX~OXlOYlO[lOmiOniOojOpkO~O!PoO!QoOh_ik_i}_i!R_i!S_i!U_i~ORqO~OrgOh!Tak!Ta}!Ta!R!Ta!S!Ta!U!Ta~OruOsqX~OswO~OruOsqa~O",
nodeNames: "⚠ Program Query Name WhereClause LogicalExpr AndExpr FilterExpr Value Number String Bool Regex Null List OrderClause Order LimitClause SelectClause RenderClause PageRef",
maxTerm: 52,
skippedNodes: [0],
repeatNodeCount: 3,
tokenData: "B[~R}X^$Opq$Oqr$srs%W|}%r}!O%w!P!Q&Y!Q!['P!^!_'X!_!`'f!`!a's!c!}%w!}#O(Q#P#Q(q#R#S%w#T#U(v#U#V+]#V#W%w#W#X,X#X#Y%w#Y#Z.T#Z#]%w#]#^0e#^#`%w#`#a1a#a#b%w#b#c3t#c#d5p#d#f%w#f#g8T#g#h;P#h#i={#i#k%w#k#l?w#l#o%w#y#z$O$f$g$O#BY#BZ$O$IS$I_$O$Ip$Iq%W$Iq$Ir%W$I|$JO$O$JT$JU$O$KV$KW$O&FU&FV$O~$TYj~X^$Opq$O#y#z$O$f$g$O#BY#BZ$O$IS$I_$O$I|$JO$O$JT$JU$O$KV$KW$O&FU&FV$O~$vP!_!`$y~%OPv~#r#s%R~%WOz~~%ZUOr%Wrs%ms$Ip%W$Ip$Iq%m$Iq$Ir%m$Ir~%W~%rOY~~%wOr~P%|SRP}!O%w!c!}%w#R#S%w#T#o%w~&_V[~OY&YZ]&Y^!P&Y!P!Q&t!Q#O&Y#O#P&y#P~&Y~&yO[~~&|PO~&Y~'UPX~!Q!['P~'^Pl~!_!`'a~'fOt~~'kPu~#r#s'n~'sOy~~'xPx~!_!`'{~(QOw~R(VPpQ!}#O(YP(]RO#P(Y#P#Q(f#Q~(YP(iP#P#Q(lP(qOdP~(vOs~R({WRP}!O%w!c!}%w#R#S%w#T#b%w#b#c)e#c#g%w#g#h*a#h#o%wR)jURP}!O%w!c!}%w#R#S%w#T#W%w#W#X)|#X#o%wR*TS|QRP}!O%w!c!}%w#R#S%w#T#o%wR*fURP}!O%w!c!}%w#R#S%w#T#V%w#V#W*x#W#o%wR+PS!QQRP}!O%w!c!}%w#R#S%w#T#o%wR+bURP}!O%w!c!}%w#R#S%w#T#m%w#m#n+t#n#o%wR+{S!OQRP}!O%w!c!}%w#R#S%w#T#o%wR,^URP}!O%w!c!}%w#R#S%w#T#X%w#X#Y,p#Y#o%wR,uURP}!O%w!c!}%w#R#S%w#T#g%w#g#h-X#h#o%wR-^URP}!O%w!c!}%w#R#S%w#T#V%w#V#W-p#W#o%wR-wS!PQRP}!O%w!c!}%w#R#S%w#T#o%wR.YTRP}!O%w!c!}%w#R#S%w#T#U.i#U#o%wR.nURP}!O%w!c!}%w#R#S%w#T#`%w#`#a/Q#a#o%wR/VURP}!O%w!c!}%w#R#S%w#T#g%w#g#h/i#h#o%wR/nURP}!O%w!c!}%w#R#S%w#T#X%w#X#Y0Q#Y#o%wR0XSnQRP}!O%w!c!}%w#R#S%w#T#o%wR0jURP}!O%w!c!}%w#R#S%w#T#b%w#b#c0|#c#o%wR1TS{QRP}!O%w!c!}%w#R#S%w#T#o%wR1fURP}!O%w!c!}%w#R#S%w#T#]%w#]#^1x#^#o%wR1}URP}!O%w!c!}%w#R#S%w#T#a%w#a#b2a#b#o%wR2fURP}!O%w!c!}%w#R#S%w#T#]%w#]#^2x#^#o%wR2}URP}!O%w!c!}%w#R#S%w#T#h%w#h#i3a#i#o%wR3hS!RQRP}!O%w!c!}%w#R#S%w#T#o%wR3yURP}!O%w!c!}%w#R#S%w#T#i%w#i#j4]#j#o%wR4bURP}!O%w!c!}%w#R#S%w#T#`%w#`#a4t#a#o%wR4yURP}!O%w!c!}%w#R#S%w#T#`%w#`#a5]#a#o%wR5dSoQRP}!O%w!c!}%w#R#S%w#T#o%wR5uURP}!O%w!c!}%w#R#S%w#T#f%w#f#g6X#g#o%wR6^URP}!O%w!c!}%w#R#S%w#T#W%w#W#X6p#X#o%wR6uURP}!O%w!c!}%w#R#S%w#T#X%w#X#Y7X#Y#o%wR7^URP}!O%w!c!}%w#R#S%w#T#f%w#f#g7p#g#o%wR7wS}QRP}!O%w!c!}%w#R#S%w#T#o%wR8YURP}!O%w!c!}%w#R#S%w#T#X%w#X#Y8l#Y#o%wR8qURP}!O%w!c!}%w#R#S%w#T#b%w#b#c9T#c#o%wR9YURP}!O%w!c!}%w#R#S%w#T#W%w#W#X9l#X#o%wR9qURP}!O%w!c!}%w#R#S%w#T#X%w#X#Y:T#Y#o%wR:YURP}!O%w!c!}%w#R#S%w#T#f%w#f#g:l#g#o%wR:sS!UQRP}!O%w!c!}%w#R#S%w#T#o%wR;UURP}!O%w!c!}%w#R#S%w#T#X%w#X#Y;h#Y#o%wR;mURP}!O%w!c!}%w#R#S%w#T#`%w#`#a<P#a#o%wR<UURP}!O%w!c!}%w#R#S%w#T#X%w#X#Y<h#Y#o%wR<mURP}!O%w!c!}%w#R#S%w#T#V%w#V#W=P#W#o%wR=UURP}!O%w!c!}%w#R#S%w#T#h%w#h#i=h#i#o%wR=oS!SQRP}!O%w!c!}%w#R#S%w#T#o%wR>QURP}!O%w!c!}%w#R#S%w#T#f%w#f#g>d#g#o%wR>iURP}!O%w!c!}%w#R#S%w#T#i%w#i#j>{#j#o%wR?QURP}!O%w!c!}%w#R#S%w#T#X%w#X#Y?d#Y#o%wR?kSmQRP}!O%w!c!}%w#R#S%w#T#o%wR?|URP}!O%w!c!}%w#R#S%w#T#[%w#[#]@`#]#o%wR@eURP}!O%w!c!}%w#R#S%w#T#X%w#X#Y@w#Y#o%wR@|URP}!O%w!c!}%w#R#S%w#T#f%w#f#gA`#g#o%wRAeURP}!O%w!c!}%w#R#S%w#T#X%w#X#YAw#Y#o%wRBOSkQRP}!O%w!c!}%w#R#S%w#T#o%w",
tokenizers: [0, 1],
topRules: {"Program":[0,1]},
tokenPrec: 0
@ -4,16 +4,14 @@ import {
} from "$sb/lib/tree.ts";
} from "$sb/lib/tree.ts";
import { lezerToParseTree } from "../../common/parse_tree.ts";
// @ts-ignore auto generated
// @ts-ignore auto generated
import { parser } from "./parse-query.js";
import { ParsedQuery, QueryFilter } from "$sb/lib/query.ts";
import { ParsedQuery, QueryFilter } from "$sb/lib/query.ts";
export function parseQuery(query: string): ParsedQuery {
export function parseQuery(queryTree: ParseTree): ParsedQuery {
const n = lezerToParseTree(query, parser.parse(query).topNode);
// const n = lezerToParseTree(query, parser.parse(query).topNode);
// Clean the tree a bit
// Clean the tree a bit
replaceNodesMatching(n, (n) => {
replaceNodesMatching(queryTree, (n) => {
if (!n.type) {
if (!n.type) {
const trimmed = n.text!.trim();
const trimmed = n.text!.trim();
if (!trimmed) {
if (!trimmed) {
@ -24,7 +22,7 @@ export function parseQuery(query: string): ParsedQuery {
// console.log("Parsed", JSON.stringify(n, null, 2));
// console.log("Parsed", JSON.stringify(n, null, 2));
const queryNode = n.children![0];
const queryNode = queryTree.children![0];
const parsedQuery: ParsedQuery = {
const parsedQuery: ParsedQuery = {
table: queryNode.children![0].children![0].text!,
table: queryNode.children![0].children![0].text!,
filter: [],
filter: [],
@ -33,7 +31,7 @@ export function parseQuery(query: string): ParsedQuery {
if (orderByNode) {
if (orderByNode) {
const nameNode = findNodeOfType(orderByNode, "Name");
const nameNode = findNodeOfType(orderByNode, "Name");
parsedQuery.orderBy = nameNode!.children![0].text!;
parsedQuery.orderBy = nameNode!.children![0].text!;
const orderNode = findNodeOfType(orderByNode, "Order");
const orderNode = findNodeOfType(orderByNode, "OrderDirection");
parsedQuery.orderDesc = orderNode
parsedQuery.orderDesc = orderNode
? orderNode.children![0].text! === "desc"
? orderNode.children![0].text! === "desc"
: false;
: false;
@ -1,6 +1,22 @@
import { assertEquals } from "../../test_deps.ts";
import { assertEquals } from "../../test_deps.ts";
import { applyQuery } from "$sb/lib/query.ts";
import { applyQuery } from "$sb/lib/query.ts";
import { parseQuery } from "./parser.ts";
import wikiMarkdownLang from "../../common/markdown_parser/parser.ts";
import { parse } from "../../common/markdown_parser/parse_tree.ts";
import { parseQuery as parseQueryQuery } from "./parser.ts";
import { findNodeOfType, renderToText } from "../../plug-api/lib/tree.ts";
function parseQuery(query: string) {
const lang = wikiMarkdownLang([]);
const mdTree = parse(
`<!-- #query ${query} -->
<!-- /query -->`,
const programNode = findNodeOfType(mdTree, "Program")!;
return parseQueryQuery(programNode);
Deno.test("Test parser", () => {
Deno.test("Test parser", () => {
const parsedBasicQuery = parseQuery(`page`);
const parsedBasicQuery = parseQuery(`page`);
@ -154,3 +170,14 @@ Deno.test("Test applyQuery with multi value", () => {
const testQuery = `<!-- #query source where a = 1 and b = "2" and c = "3" -->
<!-- /query -->`;
Deno.test("Query parsing and serialization", () => {
const lang = wikiMarkdownLang([]);
const mdTree = parse(lang, testQuery);
// console.log(JSON.stringify(mdTree, null, 2));
assertEquals(renderToText(mdTree), testQuery);
@ -4,15 +4,21 @@ import { replaceTemplateVars } from "../core/template.ts";
import { renderTemplate } from "./util.ts";
import { renderTemplate } from "./util.ts";
import { parseQuery } from "./parser.ts";
import { parseQuery } from "./parser.ts";
import { jsonToMDTable } from "./util.ts";
import { jsonToMDTable } from "./util.ts";
import { ParseTree } from "../../plug-api/lib/tree.ts";
export async function queryDirectiveRenderer(
export async function queryDirectiveRenderer(
_directive: string,
_directive: string,
pageName: string,
pageName: string,
query: string,
query: string | ParseTree,
): Promise<string> {
): Promise<string> {
const parsedQuery = parseQuery(replaceTemplateVars(query, pageName));
if (typeof query === "string") {
throw new Error("Argument must be a ParseTree");
const parsedQuery = parseQuery(
JSON.parse(replaceTemplateVars(JSON.stringify(query), pageName)),
console.log("Parsed query", parsedQuery);
// console.log("Parsed query", parsedQuery);
// Let's dispatch an event and see what happens
// Let's dispatch an event and see what happens
const results = await events.dispatchEvent(
const results = await events.dispatchEvent(
@ -1,20 +1,24 @@
import { queryRegex } from "$sb/lib/query.ts";
import { queryRegex } from "$sb/lib/query.ts";
import { renderToText } from "$sb/lib/tree.ts";
import { ParseTree, renderToText } from "$sb/lib/tree.ts";
import { replaceAsync } from "$sb/lib/util.ts";
import { replaceAsync } from "$sb/lib/util.ts";
import { markdown, space } from "$sb/silverbullet-syscall/mod.ts";
import { markdown, space } from "$sb/silverbullet-syscall/mod.ts";
import Handlebars from "handlebars";
import Handlebars from "handlebars";
import { replaceTemplateVars } from "../core/template.ts";
import { replaceTemplateVars } from "../core/template.ts";
import { extractFrontmatter } from "$sb/lib/frontmatter.ts";
import { extractFrontmatter } from "$sb/lib/frontmatter.ts";
import { directiveRegex, renderDirectives } from "./directives.ts";
import { directiveRegex } from "./directives.ts";
import { serverUpdateDirectives } from "./command.ts";
const templateRegex = /\[\[([^\]]+)\]\]\s*(.*)\s*/;
const templateRegex = /\[\[([^\]]+)\]\]\s*(.*)\s*/;
export async function templateDirectiveRenderer(
export async function templateDirectiveRenderer(
directive: string,
directive: string,
pageName: string,
pageName: string,
arg: string,
arg: string | ParseTree,
): Promise<string> {
): Promise<string> {
if (typeof arg !== "string") {
throw new Error("Template directives must be a string");
const match = arg.match(templateRegex);
const match = arg.match(templateRegex);
if (!match) {
if (!match) {
throw new Error(`Invalid template directive: ${arg}`);
throw new Error(`Invalid template directive: ${arg}`);
@ -42,7 +46,7 @@ export async function templateDirectiveRenderer(
let newBody = templateText;
let newBody = templateText;
// if it's a template injection (not a literal "include")
// if it's a template injection (not a literal "include")
if (directive === "use" || directive === "use-verbose") {
if (directive === "use") {
const tree = await markdown.parseMarkdown(templateText);
const tree = await markdown.parseMarkdown(templateText);
extractFrontmatter(tree, ["$disableDirectives"]);
extractFrontmatter(tree, ["$disableDirectives"]);
templateText = renderToText(tree);
templateText = renderToText(tree);
@ -53,7 +57,7 @@ export async function templateDirectiveRenderer(
newBody = templateFn(parsedArgs);
newBody = templateFn(parsedArgs);
// Recursively render directives
// Recursively render directives
newBody = await renderDirectives(pageName, newBody);
newBody = await serverUpdateDirectives(pageName, newBody);
return newBody.trim();
return newBody.trim();
@ -2,4 +2,3 @@ name: global
"": ""
"": ""
"": ""
"": ""
"": ""
@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
import buildMarkdown from "../../common/parser.ts";
import buildMarkdown from "../../common/markdown_parser/parser.ts";
import { parse } from "../../common/parse_tree.ts";
import { parse } from "../../common/markdown_parser/parse_tree.ts";
import { renderHtml } from "./html_render.ts";
import { System } from "../../plugos/system.ts";
import { System } from "../../plugos/system.ts";
import corePlug from "../../dist_bundle/_plug/core.plug.json" assert {
import corePlug from "../../dist_bundle/_plug/core.plug.json" assert {
@ -10,9 +9,9 @@ import tasksPlug from "../../dist_bundle/_plug/tasks.plug.json" assert {
type: "json",
type: "json",
import { createSandbox } from "../../plugos/environments/deno_sandbox.ts";
import { createSandbox } from "../../plugos/environments/deno_sandbox.ts";
import { loadMarkdownExtensions } from "../../common/markdown_ext.ts";
import { loadMarkdownExtensions } from "../../common/markdown_parser/markdown_ext.ts";
import { renderMarkdownToHtml } from "./markdown_render.ts";
import { renderMarkdownToHtml } from "./markdown_render.ts";
import { assertEquals } from "";
import { assertEquals } from "../../test_deps.ts";
Deno.test("Markdown render", async () => {
Deno.test("Markdown render", async () => {
const system = new System<any>("server");
const system = new System<any>("server");
@ -362,6 +362,10 @@ function render(
body: cleanTags(mapRender(newChildren)),
body: cleanTags(mapRender(newChildren)),
case "Directive": {
const body = findNodeOfType(t, "DirectiveBody")!;
return posPreservingRender(body.children![0], options);
// Text
// Text
case undefined:
case undefined:
return t.text!;
return t.text!;
@ -40,9 +40,9 @@ function getDeadline(deadlineNode: ParseTree): string {
export async function indexTasks({ name, tree }: IndexTreeEvent) {
export async function indexTasks({ name, tree }: IndexTreeEvent) {
// console.log("Indexing tasks");
const tasks: { key: string; value: Task }[] = [];
const tasks: { key: string; value: Task }[] = [];
collectNodesOfType(tree, "Task").forEach((n) => {
collectNodesOfType(tree, "Task").forEach((n) => {
const complete = n.children![0].children![0].text! !== "[ ]";
const complete = n.children![0].children![0].text! !== "[ ]";
const task: Task = {
const task: Task = {
@ -78,7 +78,6 @@ export async function indexTasks({ name, tree }: IndexTreeEvent) {
key: `task:${n.from}`,
key: `task:${n.from}`,
value: task,
value: task,
// console.log("Task", task);
// console.log("Found", tasks.length, "task(s)");
// console.log("Found", tasks.length, "task(s)");
@ -132,7 +131,6 @@ async function toggleTaskMarker(node: ParseTree, moveToPos: number) {
taskMarkerNode.children![0].text = changeTo;
taskMarkerNode.children![0].text = changeTo;
text = renderToText(referenceMdTree);
text = renderToText(referenceMdTree);
console.log("Updated reference paged text", text);
await space.writePage(page, text);
await space.writePage(page, text);
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
import { SilverBulletHooks } from "../common/manifest.ts";
import { SilverBulletHooks } from "../common/manifest.ts";
import { loadMarkdownExtensions } from "../common/markdown_ext.ts";
import { loadMarkdownExtensions } from "../common/markdown_parser/markdown_ext.ts";
import buildMarkdown from "../common/parser.ts";
import buildMarkdown from "../common/markdown_parser/parser.ts";
import { DiskSpacePrimitives } from "../common/spaces/disk_space_primitives.ts";
import { DiskSpacePrimitives } from "../common/spaces/disk_space_primitives.ts";
import { EventedSpacePrimitives } from "../common/spaces/evented_space_primitives.ts";
import { EventedSpacePrimitives } from "../common/spaces/evented_space_primitives.ts";
import { Space } from "../common/spaces/space.ts";
import { Space } from "../common/spaces/space.ts";
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
import { commandLinkRegex } from "../../common/parser.ts";
import { commandLinkRegex } from "../../common/markdown_parser/parser.ts";
import { ClickEvent } from "$sb/app_event.ts";
import { ClickEvent } from "$sb/app_event.ts";
import { Decoration, syntaxTree } from "../deps.ts";
import { Decoration, syntaxTree } from "../deps.ts";
import { Editor } from "../editor.tsx";
import { Editor } from "../editor.tsx";
@ -10,49 +10,64 @@ import {
export function directivePlugin() {
export function directivePlugin() {
return decoratorStateField((state: EditorState) => {
return decoratorStateField((state: EditorState) => {
const widgets: any[] = [];
const widgets: any[] = [];
const cursorPos = state.selection.main.head;
// TODO: This doesn't handle nested directives properly
let posOfLastOpen = { from: 0, to: 0 };
enter: ({ type, from, to }) => {
enter: ({ type, from, to, node }) => {
if ( !== "CommentBlock") {
const parent = node.parent;
if (!parent) {
const text = state.sliceDoc(from, to);
if (/<!--\s*#/.exec(text)) {
const cursorInRange = isCursorInRange(state, [parent.from,]);
// Open directive
posOfLastOpen = { from, to };
if ( === "DirectiveStart") {
} else if (/<!--\s*\//.exec(text)) {
if (cursorInRange) {
// Close directive
// Cursor outside this directive
if (
(cursorPos > to || cursorPos < posOfLastOpen.from) &&
!isCursorInRange(state, [posOfLastOpen.from, to])
) {
Decoration.line({ class: "sb-directive-start" }).range(from),
|||||| + 1,
} else {
widgets.push(invisibleDecoration.range(from, to));
Decoration.line({ class: "sb-directive-start-outside" }).range(
return true;
if ( === "DirectiveEnd") {
// Cursor outside this directive
if (cursorInRange) {
invisibleDecoration.range(from - 1, to),
Decoration.line({ class: "sb-directive-end" }).range(from),
} else {
} else {
widgets.push(invisibleDecoration.range(from, to));
Decoration.line({ class: "sb-directive-end-outside" }).range(
class: "sb-directive-start",
state.doc.lineAt(from - 1).from,
class: "sb-directive-end",
} else {
return true;
if ( === "DirectiveBody") {
const lines = state.sliceDoc(from, to).split("\n");
let pos = from;
for (const line of lines) {
if (pos !== to) {
class: "sb-directive-body",
pos += line.length + 1;
@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ const straightQuoteContexts = [
// TODO: Add support for selection (put quotes around or create blockquote block?)
// TODO: Add support for selection (put quotes around or create blockquote block?)
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ import {
import { renderMarkdownToHtml } from "../../plugs/markdown/markdown_render.ts";
import { renderMarkdownToHtml } from "../../plugs/markdown/markdown_render.ts";
import { ParseTree } from "$sb/lib/tree.ts";
import { ParseTree } from "$sb/lib/tree.ts";
import { lezerToParseTree } from "../../common/parse_tree.ts";
import { lezerToParseTree } from "../../common/markdown_parser/parse_tree.ts";
import type { Editor } from "../editor.tsx";
import type { Editor } from "../editor.tsx";
class TableViewWidget extends WidgetType {
class TableViewWidget extends WidgetType {
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
import { pageLinkRegex } from "../../common/parser.ts";
import { pageLinkRegex } from "../../common/markdown_parser/parser.ts";
import { ClickEvent } from "../../plug-api/app_event.ts";
import { ClickEvent } from "../../plug-api/app_event.ts";
import { Decoration, syntaxTree } from "../deps.ts";
import { Decoration, syntaxTree } from "../deps.ts";
import { Editor } from "../editor.tsx";
import { Editor } from "../editor.tsx";
@ -47,8 +47,11 @@ import {
import { SilverBulletHooks } from "../common/manifest.ts";
import { SilverBulletHooks } from "../common/manifest.ts";
import { markdown } from "../common/deps.ts";
import { markdown } from "../common/deps.ts";
import { loadMarkdownExtensions, MDExt } from "../common/markdown_ext.ts";
import {
import buildMarkdown from "../common/parser.ts";
} from "../common/markdown_parser/markdown_ext.ts";
import buildMarkdown from "../common/markdown_parser/parser.ts";
import { Space } from "../common/spaces/space.ts";
import { Space } from "../common/spaces/space.ts";
import { markdownSyscalls } from "../common/syscalls/markdown.ts";
import { markdownSyscalls } from "../common/syscalls/markdown.ts";
import { FilterOption, PageMeta } from "../common/types.ts";
import { FilterOption, PageMeta } from "../common/types.ts";
@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
import { HighlightStyle } from "../common/deps.ts";
import { HighlightStyle } from "../common/deps.ts";
import { tagHighlighter, tags as t } from "./deps.ts";
import { tagHighlighter, tags as t } from "./deps.ts";
import * as ct from "../common/customtags.ts";
import * as ct from "../common/markdown_parser/customtags.ts";
import { MDExt } from "../common/markdown_ext.ts";
import { MDExt } from "../common/markdown_parser/markdown_ext.ts";
export default function highlightStyles(mdExtension: MDExt[]) {
export default function highlightStyles(mdExtension: MDExt[]) {
const hls = HighlightStyle.define([
return HighlightStyle.define([
{ tag: t.heading1, class: "sb-h1" },
{ tag: t.heading1, class: "sb-h1" },
{ tag: t.heading2, class: "sb-h2" },
{ tag: t.heading2, class: "sb-h2" },
{ tag: t.heading3, class: "sb-h3" },
{ tag: t.heading3, class: "sb-h3" },
@ -44,20 +44,11 @@ export default function highlightStyles(mdExtension: MDExt[]) {
{ tag: t.comment, class: "sb-comment" },
{ tag: t.comment, class: "sb-comment" },
{ tag: t.invalid, class: "sb-invalid" },
{ tag: t.invalid, class: "sb-invalid" },
{ tag: t.processingInstruction, class: "sb-meta" },
{ tag: t.processingInstruction, class: "sb-meta" },
// { tag: t.content, class: "tbl-content" },
{ tag: t.punctuation, class: "sb-punctuation" },
{ tag: t.punctuation, class: "sb-punctuation" },
{ tag: ct.DirectiveTag, class: "sb-directive" },
{ tag: ct.HorizontalRuleTag, class: "sb-hr" },
{ tag: ct.HorizontalRuleTag, class: "sb-hr" },
|||||| => {
| => {
return { tag: mdExt.tag, ...mdExt.styles, class: mdExt.className };
return { tag: mdExt.tag, ...mdExt.styles, class: mdExt.className };
const fn0 =;
// Hack:
// @ts-ignore
|||||| = (tags) => {
// console.log("Tags", tags);
return fn0(tags || []);
return hls;
@ -135,17 +135,6 @@
left: -12px;
left: -12px;
.sb-directive-start::before {
content: "#";
color: gray;
border: 1px solid gray;
border-radius: 5px;
font-size: 62%;
padding: 2px;
position: relative;
left: -20px;
.sb-line-frontmatter-outside, .sb-line-code-outside {
.sb-line-frontmatter-outside, .sb-line-code-outside {
display: none;
display: none;
@ -192,16 +181,6 @@
margin-left: -1ch;
margin-left: -1ch;
.sb-directive-end::before {
content: "/";
border-radius: 5px;
color: gray;
border: 1px solid gray;
font-size: 62%;
padding: 2px;
position: relative;
left: -20px;
.cm-scroller {
.cm-scroller {
@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
#sb-root {
#sb-root {
--highlight-color: #464cfc;
--highlight-color: #464cfc;
--directive-color: #0000000f;
--ui-font: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", Roboto, "Helvetica Neue", Arial, "Noto Sans", sans-serif, "Apple Color Emoji", "Segoe UI Emoji", "Segoe UI Symbol", "Noto Color Emoji";
--ui-font: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", Roboto, "Helvetica Neue", Arial, "Noto Sans", sans-serif, "Apple Color Emoji", "Segoe UI Emoji", "Segoe UI Symbol", "Noto Color Emoji";
--editor-font: "iA-Mono", "Menlo";
font-family: var(--ui-font);
font-family: var(--ui-font);
@ -28,7 +30,7 @@
.sb-notifications {
.sb-notifications {
font-family: "iA-Mono";
font-family: var(--editor-font);
.sb-notifications > div {
.sb-notifications > div {
@ -108,7 +110,7 @@
/* Editor */
/* Editor */
.cm-content {
.cm-content {
font-family: "iA-Mono", "Menlo";
font-family: var(--editor-font);
.cm-selectionBackground {
.cm-selectionBackground {
@ -225,7 +227,7 @@
.sb-command-button {
.sb-command-button {
font-family: "iA-Mono";
font-family: var(--editor-font);
font-size: 1em;
font-size: 1em;
@ -299,20 +301,25 @@
line-height: inherit;
line-height: inherit;
.sb-line-fenced-code .sb-keyword {
.sb-keyword {
color: #830000;
font-weight: bold;
.sb-line-fenced-code .sb-variableName {
.sb-variableName {
color: #036d9b;
color: #024866;
.sb-line-fenced-code .sb-typeName {
.sb-typeName {
color: #038138;
color: #038138;
.sb-line-fenced-code .sb-string,
.sb-line-fenced-code .sb-string2 {
.sb-number {
color: #440377;
.sb-string {
color: #440377;
color: #440377;
@ -368,6 +375,64 @@ sb-admonition-warning .sb-admonition-icon {
color: #676767;
color: #676767;
// Directives
.sb-directive-body {
border-left: 1px solid var(--directive-color);
border-right: 1px solid var(--directive-color);
|, {
color: #5b5b5b;
background-color: rgb(233, 233, 233, 50%);
padding: 3px;
.sb-directive-start {
border-top-left-radius: 10px;
border-top-right-radius: 10px;
border-style: solid;
border-color: var(--directive-color);
border-width: 1px 1px 0 1px;
.sb-directive-end {
border-bottom-left-radius: 10px;
border-bottom-right-radius: 10px;
border-style: solid;
border-color: var(--directive-color);
border-width: 0 1px 1px 1px;
.sb-directive-start-outside {
border-top-left-radius: 10px;
border-top-right-radius: 10px;
border-style: solid;
border-color: var(--directive-color);
border-left-width: 1px;
border-top-width: 1px;
border-right-width: 1px;
border-bottom-width: 0;
padding-top: 5px !important;
.sb-directive-end-outside {
border-bottom-left-radius: 10px;
border-bottom-right-radius: 10px;
border-style: solid;
border-color: var(--directive-color);
border-left-width: 1px;
border-bottom-width: 1px;
border-right-width: 1px;
border-top-width: 0;
padding-bottom: 5px !important;
| {
border-top-width: 1px;
border-bottom-width: 1px;
.sb-emphasis {
.sb-emphasis {
font-style: italic;
font-style: italic;
@ -432,12 +497,6 @@, .sb-wiki-link-page-missing > .sb-wiki-link-page {
background-color: rgba(255, 255, 0, 0.5);
background-color: rgba(255, 255, 0, 0.5);
.sb-comment {
color: #989797;
font-size: 75%;
line-height: 75%;
html[data-theme="dark"] {
html[data-theme="dark"] {
#sb-root {
#sb-root {
background-color: #555;
background-color: #555;
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ release.
## Next
## 0.2.3
> **Note** Admonition support
> **Note** Admonition support
> is now here
> is now here
@ -14,10 +14,14 @@ release.
* Markdown enhancements:
* Markdown enhancements:
* Added support for ~~strikethrough~~ syntax.
* Added support for ~~strikethrough~~ syntax.
* Added support for [admonitions]( using Github syntax (`note` and `warning`) by [Christian Schulze](
* Added support for [admonitions]( using Github syntax (`note` and `warning`) by [Christian Schulze](
* Directives are now hidden unless the cursor is placed inside them for an even cleaner look
* Directives have been heavily reworked, and are now "properly" parsed. This is visible in two ways:
* There's now syntax highlighting for queries
* Once the cursor is placed within a directive, it shows the whole block as a "capsule" enclosed in the opening and close tag, when the cursor is outside, it just subtly highlights what parts of a page are directive generated.
* New logo! Contributed by [Peter Coyne](
* New logo! Contributed by [Peter Coyne](
* New button icons, from [feather]( (suggested by Peter Coyne)
* New button icons, from [feather]( (suggested by Peter Coyne)
* UI font tweaks
* UI font tweaks
* Fix for the {[Page: Rename]} command by [Chris Zarate](
* Empty query result set rendered as a table now shows “No results” instead of an empty markdown table — fix by [ItzNesbro](
@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
Silver Bullet is an extensible, [open source](, **personal
Silver Bullet is an extensible, [open source](, **personal
knowledge management** application. Indeed, fundamentally that’s fancy talk for “a note-taking app with links.” However, Silver Bullet goes a bit beyond just that.
knowledge management** application. Indeed, fundamentally that’s fancy talk for “a note-taking app with links.” However, Silver Bullet goes a bit beyond just that.
You thought there was no such thing as a [silver bullet]( You were wrong.
Let’s have a look at some of its features.
Let’s have a look at some of its features.
## Features
## Features
@ -69,7 +71,7 @@ rating: 5
There are a few features you don’t get to fully experience in this environment, because they rely on a working back-end, such as:
There are a few features you don’t get to fully experience in this environment, because they rely on a working back-end, such as:
* Any edits you make and pages you add aren’t saved (kind of useful).
* Any edits you make and pages you add aren’t saved (kind of useful).
* [[🔌 Directive|Directives]] are disabled, although you will see them being used across this site (look for those `<!-- #query ... -->` and `<!-- /query -->` comments), they just don’t update their content dynamically.
* [[🔌 Directive|Directives]] are disabled, although you will see them being used across this site (look for sections with subtle curved lines around them, if you move your cursor inside you’ll see where their content is generated from), they just don’t update their content dynamically.
* **Full-text search**.
* **Full-text search**.
* **Extending** and updating SB’s functionality by installing additional [[🔌 Plugs]] (SB parlance for plug-ins) and writing your own.
* **Extending** and updating SB’s functionality by installing additional [[🔌 Plugs]] (SB parlance for plug-ins) and writing your own.
@ -33,11 +33,10 @@ which renders as follows:
<!-- #use [[template/plug]] {"name": "🔌 Directive", "repo": "", "author": "Pete"} -->
<!-- #use [[template/plug]] {"name": "🔌 Directive", "repo": "", "author": "Pete"} -->
* [[🔌 Directive]] by **Pete** ([repo](
* [[🔌 Directive]] by **Pete** ([repo](
<!-- /use -->
<!-- /use -->
* [ ] #test This is a test task
Note that a string is also a valid JSON value:
Note that a string is also a valid JSON value:
* [ ] #test This is a test task
So, a template can take, for instance a tag name as an argument:
So, a template can take, for instance a tag name as an argument:
<!-- #use [[template/tagged-tasks]] "test" -->
<!-- #use [[template/tagged-tasks]] "test" -->
@ -48,6 +47,8 @@ So, a template can take, for instance a tag name as an argument:
The `#eval` directive can be used to evaluate arbitrary JavaScript expressions. It’s also possible to invoke arbitrary plug functions this way.
The `#eval` directive can be used to evaluate arbitrary JavaScript expressions. It’s also possible to invoke arbitrary plug functions this way.
**Note:** This feature is experimental and will likely evolve.
A simple example is multiplying numbers:
A simple example is multiplying numbers:
<!-- #eval 10 * 10 -->
<!-- #eval 10 * 10 -->
@ -2,7 +2,6 @@
The `#query` is the most widely used directive. It can be used to query various data sources and render results in various ways.
The `#query` is the most widely used directive. It can be used to query various data sources and render results in various ways.
### Syntax
### Syntax
1. _start with_: `<!-- #query [QUERY GOES HERE] -->`
1. _start with_: `<!-- #query [QUERY GOES HERE] -->`
2. _end with_: `<!-- /query -->`
2. _end with_: `<!-- /query -->`
3. _write your query_: replace `[QUERY GOES HERE]` with any query you want using the options below.
3. _write your query_: replace `[QUERY GOES HERE]` with any query you want using the options below.
@ -166,13 +165,13 @@ For the sake of simplicity, we will use the `page` data source and limit the res
**Result:** Okay, this is what we wanted but there is also information such as `perm`, `type` and `lastModified` that we don't need.
**Result:** Okay, this is what we wanted but there is also information such as `perm`, `type` and `lastModified` that we don't need.
<!-- #query page where type = "plug" order by lastModified desc limit 5 -->
<!-- #query page where type = "plug" order by lastModified desc limit 5 -->
|name |lastModified |contentType |size|perm|type|repo |share-support|
|name |lastModified |contentType |size|perm|type|repo |uri |author |share-support|
|🔌 Collab |1669545776517|text/markdown|2926|rw|plug||true|
|🔌 Directive|1671044429696|text/markdown|2605|rw|plug| | | | |
|🔌 Tasks |1669536555227|text/markdown|1231|rw|plug|| |
|🔌 Backlinks|1670833065065|text/markdown|960 |rw|plug||ghr:Willyfrog/silverbullet-backlinks|Guillermo Vayá| |
|🔌 Share |1669536545411|text/markdown|672 |rw|plug|| |
|🔌 Collab |1670435068917|text/markdown|2923|rw|plug| | | |true|
|🔌 Markdown|1669536539800|text/markdown|268 |rw|plug||true|
|🔌 Tasks |1669536555227|text/markdown|1231|rw|plug| | | | |
|🔌 Emoji |1669536531680|text/markdown|155 |rw|plug|| |
|🔌 Share |1669536545411|text/markdown|672 |rw|plug| | | | |
<!-- /query -->
<!-- /query -->
#### 6.3 Query to select only certain fields
#### 6.3 Query to select only certain fields
@ -183,14 +182,14 @@ and `repo` columns and then sort by last modified time.
**Result:** Okay, this is much better. However, I believe this needs a touch
**Result:** Okay, this is much better. However, I believe this needs a touch
from a visual perspective.
from a visual perspective.
<!-- #query page select name author repo uri where type = "plug" order by lastModified desc limit 5 -->
<!-- #query page select name author repo uririri where type = "plug" order by lastModified desc limit 5 -->
|name |author|repo |ri|
|name |author |repo |ri|
|🔌 Collab ||||
|🔌 Directive| | ||
|🔌 Tasks ||||
|🔌 Backlinks|Guillermo Vayá|||
|🔌 Share ||||
|🔌 Collab | | ||
|🔌 Markdown||||
|🔌 Tasks | | ||
|🔌 Emoji ||||
|🔌 Share | | ||
<!-- /query -->
<!-- /query -->
#### 6.4 Display the data in a format defined by a template
#### 6.4 Display the data in a format defined by a template
@ -199,12 +198,12 @@ from a visual perspective.
**Result:** Here you go. This is the result we would like to achieve 🎉. Did you see how I used `render` and `template/plug` in a query? 🚀
**Result:** Here you go. This is the result we would like to achieve 🎉. Did you see how I used `render` and `template/plug` in a query? 🚀
<!-- #query page select name author repo uri where type = "plug" order by lastModified desc limit 5 render [[template/plug]] -->
<!-- #query page select name author repo uririri where type = "plug" order by lastModified desc limit 5 render [[template/plug]] -->
* [[🔌 Directive]]
* [[🔌 Backlinks]] by **Guillermo Vayá** ([repo](
* [[🔌 Collab]]
* [[🔌 Collab]]
* [[🔌 Tasks]]
* [[🔌 Tasks]]
* [[🔌 Share]]
* [[🔌 Share]]
* [[🔌 Markdown]]
* [[🔌 Emoji]]
<!-- /query -->
<!-- /query -->
PS: You don't need to select only certain fields to use templates. Templates are
PS: You don't need to select only certain fields to use templates. Templates are
@ -25,10 +25,8 @@ These plugs are distributed with Silver Bullet and are automatically enabled:
* [[🔌 Share]]
* [[🔌 Share]]
* [[🔌 Tasks]]
* [[🔌 Tasks]]
<!-- /query -->
<!-- /query -->
## Third-party plugs
## Third-party plugs
These plugs are written either by third parties or distributed separately from the main SB distribution:
These plugs are written either by third parties or distributed separately from the main SB distribution:
<!-- #query page where type = "plug" and uri != null order by name render [[template/plug]] -->
<!-- #query page where type = "plug" and uri != null order by name render [[template/plug]] -->
* [[🔌 Backlinks]] by **Guillermo Vayá** ([repo](
* [[🔌 Backlinks]] by **Guillermo Vayá** ([repo](
* [[🔌 Ghost]] by **Zef Hemel** ([repo](
* [[🔌 Ghost]] by **Zef Hemel** ([repo](
@ -39,7 +37,6 @@ These plugs are written either by third parties or distributed separately from t
* [[🔌 Serendipity]] by **Pantelis Vratsalis** ([repo](
* [[🔌 Serendipity]] by **Pantelis Vratsalis** ([repo](
* [[🔌 Twitter]] by **Silver Bullet Authors** ([repo](
* [[🔌 Twitter]] by **Silver Bullet Authors** ([repo](
<!-- /query -->
<!-- /query -->
## How to develop your own plug
## How to develop your own plug
The easiest way to get started is to click the “Use this template” on the [silverbullet-plug-template]( repo.
The easiest way to get started is to click the “Use this template” on the [silverbullet-plug-template]( repo.
Reference in New Issue