Space Script allows you to extend SilverBullet with JavaScript from within your space using `space-script` [[Blocks]]. It’s script... in (your) [[Spaces|space]]. Get it?
> **warning** **Experimental**
> This is an experimental feature that is under active development and consideration. Its APIs are likely to evolve, and the feature could potentially be removed altogether. Feel free to experiment with it and give feedback on [our community](
> **warning** **Security**
> Space script allows for arbitrary JavaScript to be run in the client and server, there are security risks involved **if malicious users get write access to your space (folder)** or if you copy & paste random scripts from the Internet without understanding what they do.
> If this makes you very queazy, you can disable Space Script by setting the `SB_SPACE_SCRIPT` environment variable to `off`
# Creating scripts
Space scripts are defined by simply using `space-script` fenced code blocks in your space. You will get JavaScript [[Markdown/Syntax Highlighting]] for these blocks.
Upon client and server boot, all indexed scripts will be loaded and activated. To reload scripts on-demand, use the {[System: Reload]} command (bound to `Ctrl-Alt-r` for convenience).
If you use things like `console.log` in your script, you will see this output either in your server’s logs or browser’s JavaScript console (depending on where the script will be invoked).
Depending on where code is run (client or server), a slightly different JavaScript API will be available. However, code should ideally primarily rely on the following explicitly exposed APIs:
Many useful standard JavaScript APIs are available, such as:
* [fetch]( (making fetch calls directly from the browser on the client, and via Deno’s fetch implementation on the server)
* [Temporal]( (implemented via a polyfill)
SilverBullet offers a set of [[Functions]] you can use in its [[Template Language]]. You can extend this set of functions using space script using the `silverbullet.registerFunction` API.
Even though a [[Functions#readPage(name)]] function already exist, you could implement it in space script as follows (let’s name it `myReadPage`) using the `syscall` API (detailed further in [[#Syscalls]]):
Various interesting events are triggered on SilverBullet’s central event bus. Space script can listen to these events and do something with them.
The `silverbullet.registerEventListener` API takes two arguments:
*`def`, currently just one option:
*`name`: Name of the event. This name can contain `*` as a wildcard.
*`callback`: the callback function to invoke (can be `async` or not). This callback is passed an object with two keys:
*`name`: the name of the event triggered (useful if you use a wildcard event listener)
*`data`: the event data
To discover what events exist, you can do something like the following to listen to all events and log them to the JavaScript console. Note that different events are triggered on the client and server, so watch both logs:
// To avoid excessive logging this line comment it out, uncomment it in your code code to see the event stream
// console.log("Received event in space script:", event);
# Custom attribute extractors
SilverBullet indexes various types of content as [[Objects]]. There are various ways to define [[Attributes]] for these objects, such as the [attribute: my value] syntax. However, using space script you can write your own code to extract attribute values not natively supported.
The `silverbullet.registerAttributeExtractor` API takes two arguments:
*`def`, currently just one option:
*`tags`: Array of tags this extractor should be applied to, could be a built-in tag such as `item`, `page` or `task`, but also any custom tags you define
*`callback`: the callback function to invoke (can be `async` or not). This callback is passed two arguments:
*`text`: the text of the object to extract attributes for
*`tree`: the ParseTree of the object to extract attributes for (you can ignore this one if you don’t need it)
This callback should return an object of attribute mappings.
## Example
Let’s say you want to use the syntax `✅ 2024-02-27` in a task to signify when that task was completed:
* [x] I’ve done this ✅ 2024-02-27
The following attribute extractor will accomplish this:
The primary way to interact with the SilverBullet environment is using “syscalls”. Syscalls expose SilverBullet functionality largely available both on the client and server in a safe way.
In your space script, a syscall is invoked via `syscall(name, arg1, arg2)` and usually returns a [Promise]( with the result.