_These features are not yet properly released, you need to use [the edge builds](https://community.silverbullet.md/t/living-on-the-edge-builds/27) to try them._
* We now have [[Space Style]] in addition to [[Space Script]], enabling CSS tweaks to SilverBullet itself from any page (by [onespaceman](https://github.com/silverbulletmd/silverbullet/pull/796))
* Properly report errors when calling non-existing [[Functions]] in queries
* It’s now possible to call [[Space Script#Custom functions]] in `indexPage` in [[SETTINGS]]
* Support custom [[Markdown/Admonitions]] (by [onespaceman](https://github.com/silverbulletmd/silverbullet/pull/786))
* Improved snippets for [[Links]] indexing (visible in [[Linked Mentions]]) (a {[Space: Reindex]} is required to see this), attempts to include the entire surrounding sentence, and if that’s too long cuts it down, but not mid-word.
* [[Objects#header]] containing [[Tags]] or [[Attributes]] are now properly indexed
* (Hopefully) fixed [weird rendering bugs](https://github.com/silverbulletmd/silverbullet/issues/745) for markdown in templates
* New {[Editor: Undo]} and {[Editor: Redo]} commands (so you can customize their keybindings or add them as actionButtons in [[SETTINGS]]).
* Various bugfixes around frontmatter in [[Snippets]].
* [[Plugs/Share]] using the {[Share: Page Or Selection]} command (bound to Ctrl-s/Cmd-s by default): allowing you to quickly share the current page (or selection) to the clipboard as:
* Clean markdown (to paste into other markdown supporting tools)
* Rich text (to paste into unenlightened rich text tools like Google Docs, Confluence, Word etc.)
* Various improvements in tests and input checks (by Maks [here](https://github.com/silverbulletmd/silverbullet/pull/754) and [here](https://github.com/silverbulletmd/silverbullet/pull/751))
* Better sizing of the top bar (was buggy before and poorly implemented) (by [onespaceman](https://github.com/silverbulletmd/silverbullet/pull/753))
* Hashtag can now contain more different characters, including emoji (by [Matthew Pietz](https://github.com/silverbulletmd/silverbullet/pull/752))
* New [[Space Script]] APIs: `registerAttributeExtractor` and `registerEventListener`
* We had a big influx of people and contributions from the community, which is amazing. Here are the highlights:
* Ability to “bake” templates and query results (with the new “bake” button or {[Page: Bake live blocks]}), that is: replace these blocks with their rendered results, and therefore freeze them in time, by [Marek S. Łukasiewicz](https://github.com/silverbulletmd/silverbullet/pull/719)
* Pre-fill a new page with heading title in {[Page: Extract]} by [Patrik Stenmark](https://github.com/silverbulletmd/silverbullet/pull/744)
* Added custom data field to template plug by [Michael Kolb](https://github.com/silverbulletmd/silverbullet/pull/716)
* Markdown tables are now indexed [[Objects#table]], and queryable by [Michael Kolb](https://github.com/silverbulletmd/silverbullet/pull/729)
* Added “copy to clipboard” button to code blocks, by [Joe Krill](https://github.com/silverbulletmd/silverbullet/pull/735)
* Fenced code can now also use `~~~` in addition to triple backticks, by [Marek S. Łukasiewicz](https://github.com/silverbulletmd/silverbullet/pull/694)
* Markdown preview pane now uses custom styles and dark mode, by [Joe Krill](https://github.com/silverbulletmd/silverbullet/pull/741)
* Correctly skip adding default shortcuts for overridden commands, by [Joe Krill](https://github.com/silverbulletmd/silverbullet/pull/739)
* Fix {[Link: Unfurl]} command, by [Joe Krill](https://github.com/silverbulletmd/silverbullet/pull/738)
* [[Expression Language]] now supports unary minus (e.g. `-3`), by [Marek S. Łukasiewicz](https://github.com/silverbulletmd/silverbullet/pull/732)
* Added [[Markdown/Syntax Highlighting]] for Diff, Powershell, Perl, TCL, Verilos, VHDL, Docker and CMake), by [Giovanni Pollo](https://github.com/silverbulletmd/silverbullet/pull/718) and Go by [Viktoras](https://github.com/silverbulletmd/silverbullet/pull/709)
* Fixed dark mode for templates, by [Ashish Dhama](https://github.com/silverbulletmd/silverbullet/pull/698)
* There are also two very notable new plugs you may be interested in trying:
* [[Plugs/TreeView]]: a sidebar showing (and allowing you to manipulate) your space’s folder tree (at long last)
* [[Plugs/AI]]: various clever AI integrations (supporting many different LLMs, including locally hosted ones)
* Changed the signature of `silverbullet.registerFunction` to make the first argument an object, see [[Space Script#Custom functions]]. Old string-based scripts still work, for backwards compatibility.
* The [[Functions#replace(str, match, replacement)]] function now supports multiple replacements
* You can now use backticks (`) around identifiers in [[Expression Language]], to e.g. use names with spaces or other weird characters as attribute names.
* [[Link Unfurl]] now supports unfurling youtube videos
* New query sources: [[Objects#command]] and [[Objects#syscall]]. The [[Keyboard Shortcuts]] and [[Commands]] pages now use these to list all key bindings and available commands automatically.
* You can now create emoji aliases (implemented by [Maarrk](https://github.com/silverbulletmd/silverbullet/pull/679)), see [[SETTINGS]] for an example 😅
* You can now conditionally show action buttons (see [[SETTINGS]]) _only_ on mobile devices (implemented by [Maarrk](https://github.com/silverbulletmd/silverbullet/pull/686))
Yeah... we’re swapping out some of the guts of SilverBullet here, so this warrants the version bump. Honestly, this should have been 100.0, but you know...
This is the one where the template engine SilverBullet is swapped out and no longer using [Handlebars.js](https://handlebarsjs.com/) under the hood. We’d like to thank handlebars for its effort, but everything has to end some day. It’s time to take our destiny into our own hands.
SilverBullet now uses its own custom [[Template Language]] that is _way, way, way_ dare I say _way_ more powerful than Handlebars. I put in a lot of effort to ensure backwards compatibility, so unless you did some obscure things in your templates, everything should keep working as is. If not, please reach out on our [community](https://community.silverbullet.md) and I’ll do my best to support you in this journey that for sure will be worth it.
Trust me, I’m an engineer.
> **note** **Upgrade note**
> While the [[Library/Core]] library that you (probably) imported previously will keep working (I hope), I would recommend you do another import overwriting the old files. Mainly because many templates have been rebuilt to leverage the new features of our new [[Template Language]] and therefore much cleaner. So please follow the [[Library/Core#Installation]] instructions, and hit “Ok” about 30 times.
So, what’s the fuss all about?
* **Soft breaking change**: `include` is the new name of the old `template` [[Blocks]]. Previously, a template block’s primary function was to include an external template or page —that role has now been replaced with [[Live Templates#Include]]. If you used `template` blocks in the past, you will see a warning squiggly warning appear suggesting you turn it into an `include` block, which is functionally equivalent to the old `template.` To fix this across your space, simply replace triple-backtick `template` with triple-backtick `include` across all your files and you should be done. That said, SilverBullet will detect if you’re using a legacy syntax `template` blocks and automatically interpret them as `include` blocks instead so _nothing should break_. Famous last words.
* So, funny story, we’re also **instantly deprecating** these new `include` blocks and suggest you `template` all the things, see [[Live Templates#Recommended alternative]] for the rationale behind this insanity. You will ask: “So what is he going to deprecate next? [[Live Queries]]? _Hahaha!_” Honestly, probably yes, because everything those can do, templates do better — basically. But let’s take it slow for now. One step at a time, as my mom says.
* **`template`s are the new hotness**. The body of a `template` block is now interpreted as the new and shiny [[Template Language]]! This means you get syntax highlighting and (best effort) code completion for all your markdown and template directives endeavors.
* The [[Template Language]] and [[Query Language]] have been unified. It may not have been visible to everybody, but the handlebars syntax and SB’s own query language were different before. No longer.
* The [[Expression Language]] used as part of the new [[Template Language]] has been significantly expanded. Some notable new features:
* It now supports some basics like a `not` operator, and ternary operator (`bla ? true : false`). I know, the level of innovation here is crazy.
* It now supports (sub) queries as values, simply wrap any query in `{` and `}` and you’re good to go: [[Expression Language#Queries]]
* It now supports _page references_ as values: [[Expression Language#Page references]]
* It now (officially) supports function calls, and while I’ve kept the set of built-in [[Functions]] deliberately small for now — this is where the big wins are going to be gained in future releases: [[Expression Language#Function calls]]. Let me know in the [community](https://community.silverbullet.md) what functions you’d like to see. _Even the ability to expand the set of functions using JavaScript from within your space_ is now on the table for future iterations.
* A [[CHANGELOG]] entry is never not going to do this justice. I recommend you simply (re)read the following pages and check out the examples to have your 🤯 and start to think what you can do with this:
* [[Templates]]
* [[Template Language]]
* [[Query Language]]
* [[Expression Language]]
* Ah yes, you can also still take notes with SilverBullet. That still works. I think.
* Action buttons (top right buttons) can now be configured; see [[SETTINGS]] for how to do this.
* Headers are now indexed, meaning you can query them [[Objects#header]] and also reference them by name via page links using `#` that I just demonstrated 👈. See [[Links]] for more information on all the types of link formats that SilverBullet now supports.
* **Read-only mode** (experimental) is here; see [[Install/Configuration#Run mode]] on how to enable it. This allows you to expose your space to the outside world in all its glory but without allowing anybody to edit anything.
* Pages in this mode are _server-side rendered_ so their content can actually be indexed by search engines. In addition, some [OpenGraph](https://ogp.me/) attributes are put in the HTML to enable nice embedding links, e.g. in our [community](https://community.silverbullet.md).
* Plugs now can no longer define their own markdown syntax, migrated all plug-specific syntax into the main parser. This should remove a bunch of editor “flashing”, especially during sync.
* **Templates 2.0**: templates are now turbocharged (that’s a technical term) and have replaced a lot of previously built-in (slash) commands. There’s more to this than will fit this CHANGELOG, have a look at [[Templates]]: and more specifically [[Page Templates]], [[Snippets]], [[Live Template Widgets]] and [[Libraries]], and read the items below.
* Run the {[Library: Import]} command in your space, and enter the following federation URL: `!silverbullet.md/Library/` This will import both the [[Library/Core]] and [[Library/Journal]] libraries into your space, bringing you roughly on par with 0.5.x versions in terms of functionality (this will include the daily note, weekly note, various slash commands etc.)
* **Where did my templates go!?** They have now moved to the [[Template Picker]], run {[Navigate: Page Picker]} (or press `Cmd-Shift-t` on Mac or `Ctrl-Shift-t` on Windows/Linux) to get to them.
* **Where did all my slash commands go?!** They are now distributed via [[Libraries]]. Yep, Libraries are here, enabling an easier way to distribute templates and pages. Read [[Libraries]] for more info.
* **But, what about slash templates etc.?!** Yeah, we did some rebranding and changed how these are defined. Slash templates are now [[Snippets]] and cannot _just_ be instantiated via [[Slash Commands]], but through [[Commands]] and custom keybindings as well. Awesomeness.
* **And my page templates broke!?** Yeah, same story as with [[Snippets]]: the format for defining these changed a bit, but it should be easy to update to the new format: check [[Page Templates]].
* The [[Getting Started]] page (that is embedded in the `index` page that is auto-generated when creating a new space) has been updated to include instructions on how to import the [[Library/Core]] library.
* **Directives have now been removed** from the code base. Please use [[Live Queries]] and [[Live Templates]] instead. If you haven’t migrated yet and want to auto-migrate, downgrade your SilverBullet version to 0.5.11 (e.g. using the `zefhemel/silverbullet:0.5.11` docker image) and run the {[Directive: Convert Entire Space to Live/Templates]} command with that version.
* The new `itags` attribute (available in many objects) includes both the `tag` and `tags` as well as any tags inherited from the page the object appears in.
* Page tags now no longer need to appear at the top of the page, but can appear anywhere as long as they are the only thing appearing in a paragraph with no additional text; see [[Objects#page]].
* Rendering of [[Markdown/Code Widgets]] (such as live queries and templates) **is now disabled** on template pages, which should make them less confusing to read and interpret.
* Keyboard shortcuts as well as priority (order in which they appear in the [[Command Palette]]) can now be configured for [[Commands]] in [[SETTINGS]]. The `priority` enables you to put frequently used commands at the top.
* The rendering of [[Live Templates]], [[Live Queries]], [[Table of Contents]] and [[Linked Mentions]] has been re-implemented. Rendering should now be near-instant, and the “flappy” behavior should be largely gone, especially after an initial load (results are cached). There may still be some visual regressions. Please report them if you find them.
* **Breaking change**: Local attachment URLs (`[page](url)` syntax and `` image syntax) are now interpreted relative to the page's folder unless their URL starts with a `/`, then they're relative to the space root (as per [this issue](https://github.com/silverbulletmd/silverbullet/issues/363))
* **Breaking change:** Revamped [[Templates]], specifically changed the format of [[Page Templates]]. The “Template: Instantiate Page” has been renamed to {[Page: From Template]}.
* It is now even more recommended to tag your [[Templates]] with the “template” tag because completion in [[Live Queries]] and [[Live Templates]] will now only suggest `#template` tagged pages.
* It is now possible to filter pages based on tags in the [[Page Picker]] by typing a hashtag in the filter phrase, e.g. `#template` to filter pages that have a `template` tag.
* Added new commands to manage [[Outlines]]. Note this resulted in changing names and keyboard shortcuts for managing folds as well, to be more consistent with the other outline commands.
* Removed built-in multi-user [[Authentication]], `SB_AUTH` is no longer supported; use `--user` or `SB_USER` instead or an authentication layer such as [[Authelia]].
* Work on supporting multiple database and storage backends, reviving [[Install/Deno Deploy]] support.
* This is now documented on the brand-new [[Install/Configuration]] page.
* A new `silverbullet sync` command to [[Sync]] spaces (early days, use with caution)
* Technical refactoring in preparation for multi-tenant deployment support (allowing you to run a single SB instance and serve multiple spaces and users at the same time)
* Lazy everything: plugs are now lazily loaded (after a first load, manifests are cached). On the server side, a whole lot of infrastructure is now only booted once the first HTTP request comes in
* Various bugfixes, primarily related to the new way of running docker containers, which broke things for some people. Be sure to have a look at the new [[Install/Configuration]] configuration options
* New {[Upload: File]} command to upload files and pictures (particularly valuable for mobile use cases). Implemented by [prcrst](https://github.com/silverbulletmd/silverbullet/pull/571).
* Basic [[Table of Contents]] support: any page _with 3 headers or more_ now has a “Table of Contents” widget appear (see this very page). You can toggle this feature using the {[Table of Contents: Toggle]} command.
* The `Alt-q` command is now bound to the new {[Live Queries and Templates: Refresh All]} command, refreshing all [[Live Queries]] and [[Live Templates]] on the page. This is to get y’all prepared to move away from directives.
* It’s likely that version 0.6.0 **will remove directives**, so please switch over to live queries and templates, e.g. using...
* The new {[Directive: Convert Entire Space to Live/Templates]} command, which will (attempt) to convert all uses of directives in your space automatically (backup your space before, though, just in case)
* It is now _recommended_ you tag all your templates with a `#template` tag, this will exclude them from [[Objects]] indexing and may in the future be used to do better template name completion (but not yet).
* New feature: Introducing [[Snippets]], allowing you to create custom [[Slash Commands]]. This deprecates snippets and page templates, because [[Snippets]] are awesomer.
* Many styling fixes and improvements to [[Live Queries]] and [[Live Templates]]
* Added a “source” button to [[Live Queries]] and [[Live Templates]] for better debugging (showing you the markdown code rendered by the template so you can more easily detect issues)
* Support for `render all` where the entire result set is passed to a single template allowing you to e.g. dynamically build up tables, see [[Live Queries$render]] for an example.
* The syntax to reference [[Markdown/Anchors]] has now changed to use `$`, instead of `@` (e.g. [[Live Queries$render]]), the old syntax still works but is deprecated. The reason for this change is consistency: you define an anchor using the `$myanchor` syntax, referencing it the same way makes more sense.
* [[Objects]]: a more generic system for indexing and querying content in your space, including the ability to define your own custom object “types” (dubbed [[Tags]]). See the referenced pages for examples.
* [[Live Queries]] and [[Live Templates]]: ultimately will replace directives in future versions and **directives are now deprecated.** They differ from directives in that they don’t materialize their output into the page itself, but rather render them on the fly so only the query/template instantiation is kept on disk. All previous directive examples on this website how now been replaced with [[Live Templates]] and [[Live Queries]]. To ease the conversion there is {[Directive: Convert Query to Live Query]} command: just put your cursor inside of an existing (query) directive and run it to auto-convert.
* The query syntax used in [[Live Queries]] (but also used in directives) has been significantly expanded, although there may still be bugs. There’s still more value to be unlocked here in future releases.
* The previous “backlinks” plug is now built into SilverBullet as [[Linked Mentions]] and appears at the bottom of every page (if there are incoming links). You can toggle linked mentions via {[Mentions: Toggle]}.
* A whole bunch of [[PlugOS]] syscalls have been updated. I’ll do my best update known existing plugs, but if you built existing ones some things may have broken. Please report anything broken in [Github issues](https://github.com/silverbulletmd/silverbullet/issues).
* This release effectively already removes the `#eval` (it’s still there, but likely not working), this directive needs some rethinking. Join us on [Discord](https://discord.gg/EvXbFucTxn) if you have a use case for it and how you use/want to use it.
* If you have plugs such as “backlinks” or “graphview” installed, please remove them (or to be safe: all plugs) from the `_plug` folder in your space after the upgrade. Then, also remove them from your `PLUGS` page. The backlinks plug is now included by default (named [[Linked Mentions]]), and GraphView still needs to be updated (although it’s been kind of abandoned by the author).
Due to significant changes in how data is stored, likely your space will be resynced to all your clients once you upgrade. Just in case you may also want to {[Space: Reindex]} your space. If things are really broken, try the {[Debug: Reset Client]} command.
The big change in this release is that SilverBullet now supports two [[Client Modes|client modes]]: _online_ mode and _sync_ mode. Read more about them here: [[Client Modes]].
* Removed [[Cloud Links]] support in favor of [[Federation]]. If you still have legacy cloud links, simply replace the 🌩️ with a `!` and things should work as before.