2024-07-30 23:24:17 +08:00
import { assert, assertEquals } from "@std/assert";
2024-07-30 23:33:33 +08:00
import type { SpacePrimitives } from "./space_primitives.ts";
2023-12-14 00:52:56 +08:00
export async function testSpacePrimitives(spacePrimitives: SpacePrimitives) {
const files = await spacePrimitives.fetchFileList();
assertEquals(files, []);
// Write text file
const fileMeta = await spacePrimitives.writeFile(
stringToBytes("Hello World"),
name: "test.txt",
perm: "rw",
created: 10,
contentType: "text/plain",
lastModified: 20,
size: 11,
const { data: retrievedData, meta: retrievedMeta } = await spacePrimitives
assertEquals(retrievedData, stringToBytes("Hello World"));
// Check that the meta data is persisted
assertEquals(retrievedMeta.lastModified, 20);
const fbContent = (await spacePrimitives.readFile("test.txt"))
assertEquals(new TextDecoder().decode(fbContent), "Hello World");
assertEquals(await spacePrimitives.fetchFileList(), [fileMeta]);
const buf = new Uint8Array(1024 * 1024);
buf.set([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);
// Write binary file
await spacePrimitives.writeFile("test.bin", buf);
2023-12-17 18:46:18 +08:00
const fileData = await spacePrimitives.readFile("test.bin");
assertEquals(fileData.data.length, 1024 * 1024);
2023-12-14 00:52:56 +08:00
assertEquals((await spacePrimitives.fetchFileList()).length, 2);
// console.log(spacePrimitives);
await spacePrimitives.deleteFile("test.bin");
assertEquals(await spacePrimitives.fetchFileList(), [fileMeta]);
// Clean up
await spacePrimitives.deleteFile("test.txt");
assertEquals(await spacePrimitives.fetchFileList(), []);
// Test weird file names
await spacePrimitives.writeFile("test+'s.txt", stringToBytes("Hello world!"));
stringToBytes("Hello world!"),
(await spacePrimitives.readFile("test+'s.txt")).data,
await spacePrimitives.deleteFile("test+'s.txt");
// Check deletion of weird file file name
try {
await spacePrimitives.getFileMeta("test+'s.txt");
} catch (e: any) {
assertEquals(e.message, "Not found");
function stringToBytes(str: string): Uint8Array {
return new TextEncoder().encode(str);