make error message about incorrect powerlevel10k loading visible in more cases

Roman Perepelitsa 2020-06-11 11:06:02 +02:00
parent b7d90c8467
commit fb5a0a6cca
1 changed files with 41 additions and 32 deletions

View File

@ -8122,44 +8122,53 @@ _p9k_init() {
_p9k_init_vcs _p9k_init_vcs
if (( _p9k__instant_prompt_disabled )); then if (( _p9k__instant_prompt_disabled )); then
unset __p9k_instant_prompt_erased (( _POWERLEVEL9K_DISABLE_INSTANT_PROMPT )) && unset __p9k_instant_prompt_erased
_p9k_delete_instant_prompt _p9k_delete_instant_prompt
_p9k_dumped_instant_prompt_sigs=() _p9k_dumped_instant_prompt_sigs=()
fi fi
if (( $+__p9k_instant_prompt_erased )); then if (( $+__p9k_instant_prompt_erased )); then
unset __p9k_instant_prompt_erased unset __p9k_instant_prompt_erased
>&2 echo -E - "" {
>&2 echo -E - "${(%):-[%1FERROR%f]: When using instant prompt, Powerlevel10k must be loaded before the first prompt.}" >&2 echo -E - ""
>&2 echo -E - "" >&2 echo -E - "${(%):-[%1FERROR%f]: When using instant prompt, Powerlevel10k must be loaded before the first prompt.}"
>&2 echo -E - "${(%):-You can:}" >&2 echo -E - ""
>&2 echo -E - "" >&2 echo -E - "${(%):-You can:}"
>&2 echo -E - "${(%):- - %BRecommended%b: Change the way Powerlevel10k is loaded from %B$__p9k_zshrc_u%b.}" >&2 echo -E - ""
if (( _p9k_term_has_href )); then >&2 echo -E - "${(%):- - %BRecommended%b: Change the way Powerlevel10k is loaded from %B$__p9k_zshrc_u%b.}"
>&2 echo - "${(%):- See \e]8;;\a\e]8;;\a.}" if (( _p9k_term_has_href )); then
else >&2 echo - "${(%):- See \e]8;;\a\e]8;;\a.}"
>&2 echo - "${(%):- See}" else
fi >&2 echo - "${(%):- See}"
if (( $+functins[zplugin] )); then fi
>&2 echo -E - "${(%):- NOTE: If using %2Fzplugin%f to load %3F'romkatv/powerlevel10k'%f, %Bdo not apply%b %1Fice wait%f.}" if (( $+zsh_defer_options )); then
fi >&2 echo -E - ""
>&2 echo -E - "" >&2 echo -E - "${(%):- NOTE: Do not use %1Fzsh-defer%f to load %Upowerlevel10k.zsh-theme%u.}"
>&2 echo -E - "${(%):- * You %Bwill not%b see this error message again.}" elif (( $+functins[zinit] )); then
>&2 echo -E - "${(%):- * Zsh will start %Bquickly%b.}" >&2 echo -E - ""
>&2 echo -E - "" >&2 echo -E - "${(%):- NOTE: If using %2Fzinit%f to load %3F'romkatv/powerlevel10k'%f, %Bdo not apply%b %1Fice wait%f.}"
>&2 echo -E - "${(%):- - Disable instant prompt either by running %Bp10k configure%b or by manually}" elif (( $+functins[zplugin] )); then
>&2 echo -E - "${(%):- defining the following parameter:}" >&2 echo -E - ""
>&2 echo -E - "" >&2 echo -E - "${(%):- NOTE: If using %2Fzplugin%f to load %3F'romkatv/powerlevel10k'%f, %Bdo not apply%b %1Fice wait%f.}"
>&2 echo -E - "${(%):- %3Ftypeset%f -g POWERLEVEL9K_INSTANT_PROMPT=off}" fi
>&2 echo -E - "" >&2 echo -E - ""
>&2 echo -E - "${(%):- * You %Bwill not%b see this error message again.}" >&2 echo -E - "${(%):- * You %Bwill not%b see this error message again.}"
>&2 echo -E - "${(%):- * Zsh will start %Bslowly%b.}" >&2 echo -E - "${(%):- * Zsh will start %Bquickly%b.}"
>&2 echo -E - "" >&2 echo -E - ""
>&2 echo -E - "${(%):- - Do nothing.}" >&2 echo -E - "${(%):- - Disable instant prompt either by running %Bp10k configure%b or by manually}"
>&2 echo -E - "" >&2 echo -E - "${(%):- defining the following parameter:}"
>&2 echo -E - "${(%):- * You %Bwill%b see this error message every time you start zsh.}" >&2 echo -E - ""
>&2 echo -E - "${(%):- * Zsh will start %Bslowly%b.}" >&2 echo -E - "${(%):- %3Ftypeset%f -g POWERLEVEL9K_INSTANT_PROMPT=off}"
>&2 echo -E - "" >&2 echo -E - ""
>&2 echo -E - "${(%):- * You %Bwill not%b see this error message again.}"
>&2 echo -E - "${(%):- * Zsh will start %Bslowly%b.}"
>&2 echo -E - ""
>&2 echo -E - "${(%):- - Do nothing.}"
>&2 echo -E - ""
>&2 echo -E - "${(%):- * You %Bwill%b see this error message every time you start zsh.}"
>&2 echo -E - "${(%):- * Zsh will start %Bslowly%b.}"
>&2 echo -E - ""
} 2>>$TTY
fi fi
} }