font config wizard

romkatv 2019-07-27 18:30:20 +02:00
parent 6a1ea41b2a
commit 10fd41d187
1 changed files with 184 additions and 114 deletions

View File

@ -1,125 +1,195 @@
function _p9k_clear() {
if (( $+commands[clear] )); then
if [[ -n $AWESOME_GLYPHS_LOADED ]]; then clear
echo awesome-mapped-fontconfig elif zmodload zsh/termcap 2>/dev/null; then
echotc cl
else else
echo $'\uE0B2\uE0B0' print -n "\e[H\e[J"
echo "Does this look like a diamond (square rotated 45 degrees)?" fi
$'\uE0B2\uE0B0' }
if N; then function _p9k_make_link() {
echo nothing echo $'%{\e]8;;'${1//\%/%%}$'\a%}'${1//\%/%%}$'%{\e]8;;\a%}'
function _p9k_ask_diamond() {
while true; do
print -P "This is %B%4FPowerlevel10k configuration wizard%f%b. You are seeing it because"
print -P "you haven't defined any Powerlevel10k configuration options. It will"
print -P "ask you a few questions and configure your prompt."
print -P ""
print -P " %BDoes this look like a %2Fdiamond%f (square rotated 45 degrees)?%b"
print -P " reference: $(_p9k_make_link"
print -P ""
print -P " ---> %B\uE0B2\uE0B0%b <---"
print -P ""
print -P "(%By%b) Yes."
print -P ""
print -P "(%Bn%b) No."
print -P ""
print -P "%248F(q) Quit and do nothing.%f"
print -P ""
local key=
read -k key"?Choice [ynq]: " || return 1
case $key in
q) _p9k_configure_quit; return 1;;
y) typeset -gi _p9k_caps_diamond=1; break;;
n) typeset -gi _p9k_caps_diamond=0; break;;
function _p9k_ask_lock() {
while true; do
print -P " %BWhich of these icons looks like a %2Flock%f?%b"
print -P " reference: $(_p9k_make_link"
print -P ""
print -P " Icon #1"
print -P ""
print -P " ---> %B%3F\uE138%f%b <---"
print -P ""
print -P " Icon #2"
print -P ""
print -P " ---> %B%4F\uF023%f%b <---"
print -P ""
print -P "(%B1%b) Only icon #1 ( %B%3F\uE138%f%b )."
print -P ""
print -P "(%B2%b) Only icon #2 ( %B%4F\uF023%f%b )."
print -P ""
print -P "(%Bn%b) Neither."
print -P ""
print -P "(%Bb%b) Both."
print -P ""
print -P "%248F(r) Restart from the beginning.%f"
print -P ""
print -P "%248F(q) Quit and do nothing.%f"
print -P ""
local key=
read -k key"?Choice [12nbrq]: " || return 1
case $key in
q) _p9k_configure_quit; return 1;;
r) return 2;;
1|2) typeset -g _p9k_caps_lock=$key; break;;
b) typeset -g _p9k_caps_lock=12; break;;
n) typeset -g _p9k_caps_lock=; break;;
function _p9k_ask_python() {
while true; do
print -P " %BDoes this look like a %2FPython logo%f?%b"
print -P " reference: $(_p9k_make_link"
print -P ""
print -P " ---> %B\uE63C%b <---"
print -P ""
print -P "(%By%b) Yes."
print -P ""
print -P "(%Bn%b) No."
print -P ""
print -P "%248F(r) Restart from the beginning.%f"
print -P ""
print -P "%248F(q) Quit and do nothing.%f"
print -P ""
local key=
read -k key"?Choice [ynrq]: " || return 1
case $key in
q) _p9k_configure_quit; return 1;;
r) return 2;;
y) typeset -gi _p9k_caps_python=1; break;;
n) typeset -gi _p9k_caps_python=0; break;;
function _p9k_ask_icon_width() {
if [[ $1 == (powerline|compatible) ]]; then
typeset -gi _p9k_caps_narrow_icons=0
return return
fi fi
echo 1 $'\UE138' local text=$(
echo 2 $'\UF023' POWERLEVEL9K_MODE=$1
echo "Which of these looks like a lock?" _p9k_init_icons
if neither; then echo -n "X%1F${icons[VCS_GIT_ICON]// }%fX"
echo powerline echo -n "%2F${icons[VCS_GIT_GITHUB_ICON]// }%fX"
return echo -n "%3F${icons[DATE_ICON]// }%fX"
echo -n "%4F${icons[TIME_ICON]// }%fX"
echo -n "%5F${icons[RUBY_ICON]// }%fX"
echo -n "%6F${icons[AWS_EB_ICON]// }%fX"
while true; do
print -P " %BDo all these icons %2Ffit between the crosses%f?"
print -P ""
print -P " ---> %B$text%b <---"
print -P ""
print -P "(%By%b) Yes. Icons are very close to the crosses but there is %B%2Fno overlap%f%b."
print -P ""
print -P "(%Bn%b) No. Some icons %B%2Foverlap%f%b neighbouring crosses."
print -P ""
print -P "%248F(r) Restart from the beginning.%f"
print -P ""
print -P "%248F(q) Quit and do nothing.%f"
print -P ""
local key=
read -k key"?Choice [ynrq]: " || return 1
case $key in
q) _p9k_configure_quit; return 1;;
r) return 2;;
y) typeset -gi _p9k_caps_narrow_icons=1; break;;
n) typeset -gi _p9k_caps_narrow_icons=2; break;;
function _p9k_configure_quit() {
print -P "Powerlevel10k configuration wizard will run again next time unless"
print -P "you define at least one Powerlevel10k configuration option. To define"
print -P "an option that does nothing except for disabling Powerlevel10k"
print -P "configuration wizard, type the following command:"
print -P ""
print -P " %2Fecho%f %3F'POWERLEVEL9K_MODE='%f %15F>>! ${ZDOTDIR:-~}/.zshrc%f"
print -P ""
function _p9k_configure() {
emulate -L zsh && setopt no_hist_expand extended_glob
local zd=${ZDOTDIR:-$HOME}
[[ -w $zd ]] || return 1
[[ -t 0 && -t 1 ]] || return 1
(( LINES > 20 && COLUMNS > 70 )) || return 1
while true; do
_p9k_ask_diamond || { (( $? == 2 )) && continue || return }
local mode
if [[ -n $AWESOME_GLYPHS_LOADED ]]; then
_p9k_ask_lock || { (( $? == 2 )) && continue || return }
if [[ $_p9k_caps_lock == 1 ]]; then
(( _p9k_caps_diamond )) && mode=awesome-patched || mode=flat
elif [[ -z $_p9k_caps_lock ]]; then
(( _p9k_caps_diamond )) && mode=powerline || mode=compatible
_p9k_ask_python || { (( $? == 2 )) && continue || return }
(( _p9k_caps_python )) && mode=awesome-fontconfig || mode=nerdfont-complete
fi fi
if 1; then
echo awesome-patched
echo $'\ue63c'
echo "Does it look like a Python logo?"
if yes; then
echo awesome-fontconfig
echo nerfont-complete
fi fi
_p9k_ask_icon_width $mode || { (( $? == 2 )) && continue || return }
awesome-mapped-fontconfig) typeset -p mode _p9k_caps_diamond _p9k_caps_narrow_icons
'flat'|'awesome-patched') _p9k_configure
awesome-fontconfig \uF201
nerfont \uE614
flat|awesome-patched \uE801
1. Nerd Fonts
Lock: $'\UF023'
2. Awesome Fontconfig (fallback strategy)
Lock: $'\UF023'
Lightning: $'\uF201'
3. Awesome Fontconfig (patch strategy)
Lock: $'\UE138'
Lightning: $'\uE801'
This is the Z Shell configuration function for new users,
You are seeing this message because you have no zsh startup files
(the files .zshenv, .zprofile, .zshrc, .zlogin in the directory
~). This function can help you with a few settings that should
make your use of the shell easier.
You can:
(q) Quit and do nothing. The function will be run again next time.
(0) Exit, creating the file ~/.zshrc containing just a comment.
That will prevent this function being run again.
(1) Continue to the main menu.
(2) Populate your ~/.zshrc with the configuration recommended
by the system administrator and exit (you will need to edit
the file by hand, if so desired).
--- Type one of the keys in parentheses ---
Please pick one of the following options:
(1) Configure settings for history, i.e. command lines remembered
and saved by the shell. (Recommended.)
(2) Configure the new completion system. (Recommended.)
(3) Configure how keys behave when editing command lines. (Recommended.)
(4) Pick some of the more common shell options. These are simple "on"
or "off" switches controlling the shell's features.
(0) Exit, creating a blank ~/.zshrc file.
(a) Abort all settings and start from scratch. Note this will overwrite
any settings from zsh-newuser-install already in the startup file.
It will not alter any of your other settings, however.
(q) Quit and do nothing else. The function will be run again next time.
--- Type one of the keys in parentheses ---
History configuration
# (1) Number of lines of history kept within the shell.
HISTSIZE=1000 (not yet saved)
# (2) File where history is saved.
HISTFILE=~/.histfile (not yet saved)
# (3) Number of lines of history to save to $HISTFILE.
SAVEHIST=1000 (not yet saved)
# (0) Remember edits and return to main menu (does not save file yet)
# (q) Abandon edits and return to main menu
--- Type one of the keys in parentheses ---