2018-07-19 04:25:06 +08:00
#!/usr/bin/env zsh
#vim:ft=zsh ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 et fenc=utf-8
# Required for shunit2 to run correctly
setopt shwordsplit
function setUp() {
export TERM="xterm-256color"
### Test specific
# Create default folder and git init it.
mkdir -p "${FOLDER}"
function tearDown() {
# Go back to powerlevel9k folder
cd "${P9K_HOME}"
# Remove eventually created test-specific folder
rm -fr "${FOLDER}"
# At least remove test folder completely
rm -fr /tmp/powerlevel9k-test
function testRamSegmentWorksOnOsx() {
alias vm_stat="echo 'Mach Virtual Memory Statistics: (page size of 4096 bytes)
Pages free: 299687.
Pages active: 1623792.
Pages inactive: 1313411.
2018-07-25 13:52:06 +08:00
# Load Powerlevel9k
source ${P9K_HOME}/powerlevel9k.zsh-theme
local OS="OSX" # Fake OSX
2018-08-18 00:53:26 +08:00
assertEquals "%K{003} %F{000}RAM %f%F{000}6.15G " "$(prompt_ram left 1 false ${FOLDER})"
2018-07-19 04:25:06 +08:00
unalias vm_stat
function testRamSegmentWorksOnBsd() {
mkdir -p var/run
echo "avail memory 5678B 299687 4444G 299" > var/run/dmesg.boot
2018-07-25 13:52:06 +08:00
# Load Powerlevel9k
source ${P9K_HOME}/powerlevel9k.zsh-theme
local OS="BSD" # Fake BSD
2018-08-18 00:53:26 +08:00
assertEquals "%K{003} %F{000}RAM %f%F{000}0.29M " "$(prompt_ram left 1 false ${FOLDER})"
2018-07-19 04:25:06 +08:00
function testRamSegmentWorksOnLinux() {
mkdir proc
echo "MemAvailable: 299687" > proc/meminfo
2018-07-25 13:52:06 +08:00
# Load Powerlevel9k
source ${P9K_HOME}/powerlevel9k.zsh-theme
local OS="Linux" # Fake Linux
2018-08-18 00:53:26 +08:00
assertEquals "%K{003} %F{000}RAM %f%F{000}0.29G " "$(prompt_ram left 1 false ${FOLDER})"
2018-07-19 04:25:06 +08:00
2018-08-04 23:34:52 +08:00
source shunit2/shunit2