2015-06-07 09:10:27 +08:00
# vim:ft=zsh ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 et fenc=utf-8
2015-04-03 01:45:53 +08:00
2019-03-22 17:00:27 +08:00
# Powerlevel10k Theme
2019-03-02 04:18:05 +08:00
# https://github.com/romkatv/powerlevel10k
2019-03-22 17:01:16 +08:00
# Forked from Powerlevel9k Theme
2015-02-02 07:33:21 +08:00
# https://github.com/bhilburn/powerlevel9k
2014-12-06 02:15:35 +08:00
2019-03-22 17:01:16 +08:00
# Which in turn was forked from Agnoster Theme
2019-03-22 17:00:27 +08:00
# https://github.com/robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh/blob/74177c5320b2a1b2f8c4c695c05984b57fd7c6ea/themes/agnoster.zsh-theme
2015-04-03 01:45:53 +08:00
2014-12-05 09:26:21 +08:00
2015-04-03 01:45:53 +08:00
2019-03-02 04:18:05 +08:00
# For basic documentation, please refer to the README.md in the
# top-level directory.
2015-04-03 01:45:53 +08:00
2014-12-05 09:26:21 +08:00
2015-09-04 03:33:18 +08:00
## Turn on for Debugging
2018-01-05 15:04:04 +08:00
#PS4='%s%f%b%k%F{blue}%{λ%}%L %F{240}%N:%i%(?.. %F{red}%?) %1(_.%F{yellow}%-1_ .)%s%f%b%k '
2015-06-07 01:38:20 +08:00
#zstyle ':vcs_info:*+*:*' debug true
#set -o xtrace
2014-12-06 02:15:35 +08:00
2019-06-02 00:06:58 +08:00
'builtin' 'typeset' "_p9k_aliases=$(
2019-06-01 23:54:53 +08:00
'builtin' 'alias' '-rL'
'builtin' 'alias' '-gL'
2019-06-02 00:06:58 +08:00
'builtin' 'alias' '-sL')"
2019-04-29 17:27:41 +08:00
2019-06-01 23:54:53 +08:00
'builtin' 'unalias' '-m' '*'
2019-03-14 05:00:15 +08:00
2019-06-01 23:54:53 +08:00
2019-03-14 00:04:27 +08:00
2019-06-01 23:54:53 +08:00
2015-11-07 23:32:48 +08:00
2019-06-01 23:54:53 +08:00
if [[ ${(%):-%N} == '(eval)' ]]; then
if [[ $0 == '-antigen-load' && -r powerlevel9k.zsh-theme ]]; then
2017-07-08 13:07:40 +08:00
# Antigen uses eval to load things so it can change the plugin (!!)
# https://github.com/zsh-users/antigen/issues/581
2019-06-01 23:54:53 +08:00
2017-07-08 13:07:40 +08:00
2019-06-01 23:54:53 +08:00
>&2 print -P '%F{red}[ERROR]%f Powerlevel10k cannot figure out its installation directory.'
>&2 print -P 'Please set %F{green}POWERLEVEL9K_INSTALLATION_DIR.%f'
2017-07-08 13:07:40 +08:00
2019-06-01 23:54:53 +08:00
2017-07-08 13:07:40 +08:00
2015-11-04 07:40:11 +08:00
2019-06-01 23:54:53 +08:00
[[ -n $_p9k_installation_dir ]] && source $_p9k_installation_dir/internal/p10k.zsh
2019-03-14 03:21:43 +08:00
2019-06-01 23:54:53 +08:00
eval "$_p9k_aliases"